Sunday, 6 December 2015

Why US lost Viet War ?

This is a perspective taken from the Chinese Philosophical Attributes.

Based on Western conventional wisdom, the overwhelmingly superior US warfare tactics, weaponry and technology would have made North Vietnam in the 1960s, a backward third world country, an easy prey just for the taking.

This must have been the encouraging rationale for President Johnson and his team of National Security Advisors to escalate the war and get it over with swiftly, so they thought.

At the height of the war, US had more than 500,000 boots on the ground; carpet bombed (see post: Clinton Viet Visit) regularly; sprayed highly toxic herbicide Agent Orange to defoliate the lush vegetation and other forms of destruction.

Under such cruel and brutal conditions of enduring incessant heavy poundings by B-52 bombers; mercilessly burned by napalm that sticks to the flesh in the burning process; and coping with the drenching of poisons with the potency that can impact the vegetation and human genes for generations, the Vietnamese could still persevere and fought the war to victory.

All the Expert Western postmortems and assessments on the war could not turn up a convincing account for the US defeat. After decades of inconsequential debates, it was resigned to some vague notions of lack of political will...blah, blah, blah.

But, surely the Way of the Universe cannot be so simple. A military and technological power disparity of this gargantuan magnitude and yet the underdog won the day cannot be unexplainable. There must be a fundamental reason for the Vietnamese perseverance and confidence in winning the conflict and gone on to achieving the amazing progress it has done that can be seen today !

There is this reason but the knowledge of it is, for the moment, outside the ambit of Western awareness.

Curiously my last post: Troubles of a Yin Obama, discussed the hedonistic lifestyle of most mainstream Americans who could be aware of virtues and desirable skills but not prepared to invest the efforts in acquiring them.

Rather, quite happily, to turn them into a form of entertainment through the multi-media and enjoy the "feel good" effects of watching the virtues and skills acted out. Examples of the cases of Jesus Christ and Kung Fu, again, compliments from my last post.

In this surrogate-styled entertainment ingenuity, you have in this one instance ran ahead of yourselves and tweaked a Chinese Philosophical Didacticism, studded with gems of knowledge that hold the keys to unlocking the fundamental reason why US lost the Vietnam War, into a gambling game popular in Casinos.

The Sacred Cosmological Derivatives of millennia of Chinese Legacies and Wisdoms are vapidly, in a casual cliche-ridden fashion, explained away in the rules of the game as mere tiles. 

Sounds quite like the way Trump looks at the Chinese and China.

This game in the Casino is called Pai Gow (Chinese dominoes version, not playing cards). As a start, please familiarise yourselves with the basics of this game through Google. In my future posts I will restore the elements of this game to its rightful position of Honour and Prestige. I can then perhaps reveal the magnificent link to the fundamental reason sought after about the paradox of the Vietnam War,  that explained why the US lost. 

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