Monday, 13 November 2017

Sean Hannity: A Modern Day Eunuch

Sean Hannity is the kind of sleaze bag that makes Bill O'Reilly looks very dignified.

My previous blogs on Sean never displayed any fondness for him. So, I am consistent in what I am about to say of him.

President Trump has just intensified the spotlights on Asia in his recent Asian Tour. He made very impressive research into the history of Asia and expounded them with his personal touches brilliantly at the APEC meeting. What I am about to unfold is an exotic part of the history of Imperial China that Trump's minders may have missed.

In the long ago days of the Imperial Courts of the East, Eunuchs were employed to supervise the Emperor's Harem. They undertook an elaborate ritual to prepare young maidens for the Emperor's pleasures.

In modern America, you have the lecherous rogues who abuse young maidens and someone, in a kind of Eunuch's role in reverse, cleans up the mess to make it look palatable.

If you are famous and important enough to the Right, Sean Hannity is your guy. The reversed engineered Eunuch who dresses up your salacious deeds to blur the lines of guilt of the heinous sex crimes committed. Roy Moore is his latest piece of Work of Filth.

The Eunuchs of Imperial China had bad encounters with destiny and were castrated and forced into their Harem duties. Their severed organs were preserved to be buried with them when they died. It was believed that this ensured that they came back in their next life with their manhood fully intact.

Sean Hannity out of his own freewill is performing these modern day perverse Eunuch-like rituals that are a great disservice to women. Why, Sean?

What depraved motivations drive you to do them?

What kind of a low-life object will you come back as in your next life?

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