Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Trump flip-flops Immigration, What about China!!!

Immigration is so totally trifling compared to the World Threatening Issues of Trump's Foreign Policy intentions towards China. Between "you are fired" and "you are nuked" is a nightmarish Apocalyptic Realty!

The latest Trump antic is dancing to the Hokey Cokey or Boogie Boogie tune on Immigration. The key phrases in the lyrics are "in out, in out", "shake it all about" and "turn yourselves around". These taunting and vacillating messages are screwing the minds of 11 million undocumented Hispanics living in America and exacting a heavy toll on their mental health.

If the optics of deporting 11million people looked ugly or inhumane, the decision can be reversed.

But, not if there is an intractable falling out with China over trade, currencies adjustments or territorial disputes. The brewing South China Seas Islands Spat is a potential flash point with ready surrogates to lend the US with a platform for hostilities.

A trigger happy President Trump can escalate the falling out into a Thermonuclear or Biological Warfare fallout harming unthinkably billions and their future generations. This is irreversible!

So, what more can be said in Trump's so called major speech on immigration on Wednesday, 31st August 2016? It is time to immediately engage Trump on his positions on China, Iran and North Korea. Hillary Clinton can then tear them to shreds for all to see and bait him for more reckless talks to expose the dangers Trump inherently poses.

Modern China prides itself with an impeccable record for staging Magnificent Events. The spectacular Beijing Olympics in 2008 had hosts that came after it apologising in advance for falling short i.e. London in 2012 and recently Rio 2016.

Currently, China is sprucing up the city of Hangzhou to exquisite beauty to host the G 20 Summit 2016 starting 4th September.

Sadly, unfortunately and tragically (to borrow from Loretta Lynch's recent speech on a Leonardo DiCaprio connected impropriety), China needs to feverishly prepare for an ugly contingency plan to be executed in the event of Trump coming into power, however remote the possibility.


Sunday, 14 August 2016

Megyn Kelly Replacement?

In ye olde Country, England or Europe, when a young King ascends the Throne he very soon gets an admonishing from the Head of the Church.

As a young stud growing up with princely privileges, the new King was fed on a rich diet of aphrodisiacs in his customary meals, carried out daily athletic conquests and constantly exposed to a bevy of adoring beauties and floozies. With his new found unfettered powers, what do you expect this red-blooded lad to do?

Suppress his raging hormones in obedience to this flaccid, withering old fuddy duddy of a Priest! There will be no Kingdom or Empire to speak of if there were such a King. Any King worth his salt would conjure a mysterious disease or accident for the Priest to succumb to...

Guess who would replace the recently deceased High Priest? A pious, prayerful and holy book chanting old fart with long service in the Order of the Church? You must be one of those anti-Trump troopers in modern days!

The King will call upon his best buddy and the interview will go something like this: "Thomas, my dear fellow, are you familiar with the Lord's prayer? Or at least some lines of it? I need you to fill a key position in my Church."

This new Head of the Church was the bro on regular drinking and whoring binge with the King. Plus a nefarious range of other "up to no good" stuff.

But, after a while, the Ecclesiastical Halls that Thomas had taken residence in began to radiate spiritual tugs at his heartstrings of Sins. Modesty and Righteousness Thomas never knew he had began to spin in his head. Enough to galvanize the courage to proselytize to the King on his ever increasing rambunctious activities. The King then regretfully and gleefully chops off his head.

At the Royal Court of Fox News there is no Church equivalent of such complication as mentioned festering. But, a King is nevertheless a King!

When the King's buddy is forced out the door, he does not take kindly to any of his subjects unnecessarily shooting arrows at the back of Roger Ailes as he leaves.

The Anchors need to spend their obscenely huge compensation packages on long Summer Vacations.

So, Bret Baier stood in for O'Reilly. Sweet, agreeable Bret will never upstage any time soon the thunderous Bill who would steamroller over anyone not agreeing with him. It's very clear Bret is merely holding the fort.

Holding the fort for Hannity is Eric Bolling. "He Man" Eric is not turning into a bitch any time soon.

Kelly File. OMG! Sweetheart Trish Regan, a Megyn look alike with Cerebrals to match is sitting on Megyn's chair and see-through glass table. Why not Greta Van Susteren?

What is going on here? Does Megyn need to come back from her Vacation?

Monday, 8 August 2016

Quantum Trump? Part 2

As pointed out, to really grasp Quantum Effects and a Quantum Trump we need to go outside of Politics as the Quantum Phenomenon affects the entire Universe whether we like it or not. We are just being very slow and obfuscated to see it in Politics.

As I was frantically laboring for a pedagogic "out of Politics" example for the layperson to chew on in the last few days, the Heavens faithfully opened up. There can be no clearer illustrations than the latest Capers of Justin Bieber and Orlando Bloom on holidays.

In these Exhibitionists Fest Times, I too have an exposure of myself to flaunt.

I am possibly amongst the last vestige of Male Conservatism and an ardent defender of Male Rights pushing back against a tsunami of aggressive female activism. Hence, my sensitivities to the plight of Roger Ailes.

In this vein of male sensitivities, there are certain bounds of decency I would not even dream to trespass beyond. I will never use the "P" word on Justin/Orlando's flagrant exposures and would only coyly refer to them as their "cocks". Though they looked nothing like cocks but oversized worms for cocks' cuisine. I am just following Conservative traditions in blindly regurgitating "cock". Not very Quantum, I am afraid. But, you see the Quantum picture sharper when you are told about non Quantum situations. 

And the glamor of using a couple of Dicks to drive home a point on Quantum Trump. Trump doesn't mind I am sure. We are sensitive conservative Bros.

Now, don't blame these lads for their uncovered danglers. Its Adam eating the Apple all over again. They didn't start it. Remember "wardrobe malfunction" and those sly pussycats who self-planted hidden cameras that launched their "Boutique Porn Stardom" .Think of the men who had been used and discarded in these nefarious ambitions. I am super envious of a US$ super multi-billionaire countryman of mine who is presently having a whale of a time with one of these stars with a world renowned hotel brand name.

Now also, don't disrespectfully forget the Royal Standards of the Duchess of York and the Duchess of Cambridge. They too are inherently bestowed with the unfettered proclivities of the lads and self-made stars. Very Quantum, indeed! Jolly Good Show, Your Highnesses!

All these enchanted disrobings and frolickings are promising trends confirming we are returning to the days of Adam and Eve. Being unabashed in parading their natural endowments, they resided in Paradise. Quantum Effects are proven to move back in time.

Hallelujah! we are heading back to Paradise.

Sorry, Doomsday End Times and Apocalyptic Nay Sayers, we are not headed in your proclaimed direction. Start learning about the Quantum Phenomenon and reset your bearings!

More Quantum Unpacking peppered with Chinese Spices in Part 3 !!! 

Sunday, 7 August 2016

What is a Quantum Trump?

To explain a highly complex concept, it is sometimes necessary to start from the opposites. Politically Quantum Trump is an almost impossible topic in any way to define and explain for the moment.

So, we need to start with what is not Quantum and that is Newtonian Mechanics.

All new concept when discovered needs to transit in a connected way from its former prevailing concept it is about to replace in popularity. When Quantum Effects were first noticed, it was called Quantum Mechanics a recognizable transition from the more friendly Newtonian Mechanics then.

As more and more is known about Quantum Effects, the term Quantum Mechanics became an oxymoron as there is almost nothing mechanical about them that bogged down their efficacy. If anything, Quantum Effects exhibited instantaneous and transcendent properties and, hence, Quantum Leap is today a familiar term.

Quantum Trump merely Leaps and Short-circuits to Little Marco, Lying Ted, Low Energy Jeb and they were vanquished. The others were knocked out with even lesser dosage of Quantum Stings. So, the field of 17 GOP contenders were Quantumised into 1.

True to inherent Superior Quantum Prowess and Complexities, the Quantum Effects used by Trump at the Primaries could not work in the Elections. They could not reverberate at the upper end frequencies to overpower whatever Quantum Signalings that a seasoned Hillary Clinton naturally emits. Hillary who is basically Mechanistic is not aware of her counter-balancing effects in this way and was pleasantly surprised at how she is benefitting with no idea how to deliberately drive them Quantumly.

Meanwhile, Hillary is thriving on her accustomed Mechanistic modes and she may still sail victoriously through the Elections.

Trump has opened up Quantum Politics but may not be able to master the full measure of it in time to win the Presidency. He has blazed a new trail in American Politics that future politicians can build upon with time and clearer precedents set to master and flex the Sophistications, Beauty and Grace of Quantum Politics to win elections elegantly!

Friday, 5 August 2016

Trump: Quantum Man Trapped in Newtonian World

Barely two weeks after the Conventions, Trump was squealing and squirming in painful pangs like a flailing prey ensnared in an all devouring trap. This kind of traps cannot be built, let alone set off in a World of Quantum Understanding.

Back in 2nd May to 7th May this year, I had already identified this Quantum aspect of Trump and have written in this blog 4 parts on Quantum Trump, the most number of parts on one subject so far.

I confess my arguments were at a too simplistic level for such an intricate topic that these arguments turned out to be feeble and difficult to attract attention. A much more greater deal of space and time is required to construct a comprehensive Quantum Landscape to hold up my views in clarity.

It took a Community of very sophisticated and dedicated Scientists to port a scientific world from a Newtonian Mechanical World to a Quantum World since the 1920s.

The Quest to re-educate the whole of America to to recognize the Quantum Influences in the realities of American Politics may take generations.

Meanwhile, Trump will need to engage reverse gears to translate his courageous Quantum foresights acquired over his unique life's journey into Newtonian Classical Language and Actions to win over the electorate.

In these attempts Trump will have to listen closely and respectfully to Ryan, Gingrich, Giuliani and Priebus who he should trust as they have gone out on a limb for him. When engaging reverse gears, Trump will need to take a backseat for a change to look out at the rear windscreen, while the other guys steer from the driver's seat.

Can Trump make this "SACRIFICE" to win?

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

After Church; Lee Kuan Yew

The DNC/RNC had tossed their respective nominee's exoskeletons out into the open for the Media and Public to plaster them with lurid sensationalism and nefarious subterfuge. It will be all the way boring more of the same till election day.

So, I now return to my WASP/Chinese discourse. The Chinese Church pivots the key Chinese characteristics as expounded in my earlier post. After looking into the Church to learn about the Chinese, the next best thing to do is to examine the Policies of Lee Kuan Yew for more clues on the Chinese nature.

Lee was acutely aware of the Chinese shortfalls measured against the British traditions and values. That quality of the Brits took more than 50 generations to cultivate after the Roman Conquest of the British Isles and he knew he only had 2 generations to work with to transform Singapore. Hence, the drastic steps he had to undertake were extraordinarily revealing of the veracious nature of the Chinese.

Apart from his experiences living and studying in Great Britain, Lee benefited from the stoic and forthright examples in governing neighboring Malaya set by the various British High Commissioners up to the late 1950s.

A gallant vignette out of the History of Malaya was about the chivalrous High Commissioner Sir Henry Gurney in 1951. On his way to a meeting at a Hill Resort, his convoy was ambushed by Communist Terrorists. He knew they were after him and so he staggered out of his car to offer himself as the target. The terrorists mercilessly gunned him down and hurriedly retreated without realizing his wife and private secretary were hiding inside the car.

For a stark contrast to a modern day WASP Punk, let's take Michael Moore who looks like a fitting example.

Mike's politics made him feel supercilious to Fox News and he snubbed the Channel since 2009 after an appearance in Hannity, not surprising. But, when invited by the Kelly File this year, he was unable to resist the luscious Megyn Kelly.

Right from the word "go" as the show began, Mike was pawing at Megyn's ego by telling her insistently (in a lecherous way) she was the only one to have had put Donald Trump in his place when all 16 of his fellow contenders failed.

Mike went to all lengths. Having used Trump to bait Megyn - the baitee became bait - he touched on their common roots as Irish descendants and suggested they can emote together later after the show (leaving out poor Bill O'Reilly, also an Irish descendant).

Though Mike might take snipes at Trump and Roger Ailes, he was no different from them when ladies came into the picture.

Megyn, obviously, sophisticated in handling such situations astutely parried off the lascivious advances and firmly steered Mike back to be on message on the topic proper he came to talk about - his new film, Where to Invade Next. It was also obvious his mind was not on this topic throughout the show.

Anna Giaritelli who covered this story for the Washington Examiner is either a very generous soul or has never been hit on by a salacious gnome before. She graciously commented, "Kelly accepted the compliments, but with noticeable hesitance".

Sweet Baby Anna, Kelly was fighting off Michael Moore with Broomsticks! Watch the video again!

Free advice, Michael. Cut your hair, trim your beard, throw away that stupid cap and lose 202 pounds. Perhaps then Megyn may give you a second glance.

Otherwise, scour for an easier target like Katrina Pierson. But, don't use Trump as a bait!

Cheers Mike!