Sunday, 14 August 2016

Megyn Kelly Replacement?

In ye olde Country, England or Europe, when a young King ascends the Throne he very soon gets an admonishing from the Head of the Church.

As a young stud growing up with princely privileges, the new King was fed on a rich diet of aphrodisiacs in his customary meals, carried out daily athletic conquests and constantly exposed to a bevy of adoring beauties and floozies. With his new found unfettered powers, what do you expect this red-blooded lad to do?

Suppress his raging hormones in obedience to this flaccid, withering old fuddy duddy of a Priest! There will be no Kingdom or Empire to speak of if there were such a King. Any King worth his salt would conjure a mysterious disease or accident for the Priest to succumb to...

Guess who would replace the recently deceased High Priest? A pious, prayerful and holy book chanting old fart with long service in the Order of the Church? You must be one of those anti-Trump troopers in modern days!

The King will call upon his best buddy and the interview will go something like this: "Thomas, my dear fellow, are you familiar with the Lord's prayer? Or at least some lines of it? I need you to fill a key position in my Church."

This new Head of the Church was the bro on regular drinking and whoring binge with the King. Plus a nefarious range of other "up to no good" stuff.

But, after a while, the Ecclesiastical Halls that Thomas had taken residence in began to radiate spiritual tugs at his heartstrings of Sins. Modesty and Righteousness Thomas never knew he had began to spin in his head. Enough to galvanize the courage to proselytize to the King on his ever increasing rambunctious activities. The King then regretfully and gleefully chops off his head.

At the Royal Court of Fox News there is no Church equivalent of such complication as mentioned festering. But, a King is nevertheless a King!

When the King's buddy is forced out the door, he does not take kindly to any of his subjects unnecessarily shooting arrows at the back of Roger Ailes as he leaves.

The Anchors need to spend their obscenely huge compensation packages on long Summer Vacations.

So, Bret Baier stood in for O'Reilly. Sweet, agreeable Bret will never upstage any time soon the thunderous Bill who would steamroller over anyone not agreeing with him. It's very clear Bret is merely holding the fort.

Holding the fort for Hannity is Eric Bolling. "He Man" Eric is not turning into a bitch any time soon.

Kelly File. OMG! Sweetheart Trish Regan, a Megyn look alike with Cerebrals to match is sitting on Megyn's chair and see-through glass table. Why not Greta Van Susteren?

What is going on here? Does Megyn need to come back from her Vacation?

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