Monday, 8 August 2016

Quantum Trump? Part 2

As pointed out, to really grasp Quantum Effects and a Quantum Trump we need to go outside of Politics as the Quantum Phenomenon affects the entire Universe whether we like it or not. We are just being very slow and obfuscated to see it in Politics.

As I was frantically laboring for a pedagogic "out of Politics" example for the layperson to chew on in the last few days, the Heavens faithfully opened up. There can be no clearer illustrations than the latest Capers of Justin Bieber and Orlando Bloom on holidays.

In these Exhibitionists Fest Times, I too have an exposure of myself to flaunt.

I am possibly amongst the last vestige of Male Conservatism and an ardent defender of Male Rights pushing back against a tsunami of aggressive female activism. Hence, my sensitivities to the plight of Roger Ailes.

In this vein of male sensitivities, there are certain bounds of decency I would not even dream to trespass beyond. I will never use the "P" word on Justin/Orlando's flagrant exposures and would only coyly refer to them as their "cocks". Though they looked nothing like cocks but oversized worms for cocks' cuisine. I am just following Conservative traditions in blindly regurgitating "cock". Not very Quantum, I am afraid. But, you see the Quantum picture sharper when you are told about non Quantum situations. 

And the glamor of using a couple of Dicks to drive home a point on Quantum Trump. Trump doesn't mind I am sure. We are sensitive conservative Bros.

Now, don't blame these lads for their uncovered danglers. Its Adam eating the Apple all over again. They didn't start it. Remember "wardrobe malfunction" and those sly pussycats who self-planted hidden cameras that launched their "Boutique Porn Stardom" .Think of the men who had been used and discarded in these nefarious ambitions. I am super envious of a US$ super multi-billionaire countryman of mine who is presently having a whale of a time with one of these stars with a world renowned hotel brand name.

Now also, don't disrespectfully forget the Royal Standards of the Duchess of York and the Duchess of Cambridge. They too are inherently bestowed with the unfettered proclivities of the lads and self-made stars. Very Quantum, indeed! Jolly Good Show, Your Highnesses!

All these enchanted disrobings and frolickings are promising trends confirming we are returning to the days of Adam and Eve. Being unabashed in parading their natural endowments, they resided in Paradise. Quantum Effects are proven to move back in time.

Hallelujah! we are heading back to Paradise.

Sorry, Doomsday End Times and Apocalyptic Nay Sayers, we are not headed in your proclaimed direction. Start learning about the Quantum Phenomenon and reset your bearings!

More Quantum Unpacking peppered with Chinese Spices in Part 3 !!! 

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