Saturday, 17 September 2016

Liar, Liar Trump

Lawrence O'Donnell's blow by blow account of Trump's lies left no room for doubt the true depth of Trump's Sickness - a full-blown Pathological Liar.

Lawrence has adroitly illustrated the egregious lies Trump had used "to steal grief" in 9/11 cases and compound the birther lies to more sickening lies. There is no bottom for Trump.

Trump is precisely like the conniving attorney Fletcher Reede in the movie "Liar, Liar" so magnificently and aptly portrayed by Jim Carey. Lying is just a way of life and making a living. His lies became so obnoxious that his son's Birthday Wish was that his dad couldn't lie anymore.

Don't we all wish this Magic Wish upon Trump that he can't tell lies anymore?

It will open up a Whole New World of Entertainment watching Trump "Tell the Truth" each time and every time! It will smash all time rating-records beyond whatever "The Apprentice" can ever dream of.

Folks! This Magic Wish can easily be a Reality. Have a Show where Trump downs a Bottle of Scotch and watch the fun when a panel of political and business savvy journalists grill him. Eager to serve on this Panel, I am sure, would be O'Donnell, Maddow, Matthews, Joe and Mika, Lemon, Cooper, etc, etc. 

From Fox News, I will only allow Megyn Kelly and Chris Wallace on the Panel. Hannity is so devious and sycophantic he can still make a drunk Donald Trump lie, will be kept out.

I am totally convinced that Trump doesn't drink not because of any virtue (he used the Fred story) but for fear of loosing his inhibitions and blurts out the truths on his deceitful schemes, frauds, cheating and lies

I mocked Trump on his teetotalling in my "Staircase" series Part 3. I just couldn't stand his boastings lately of high powered elections strategies meetings over drinks. What BS drinks!

Paul Ryan shouldn't ask for Trump's tax returns. More mileage can be gained if Paul can get Trump to drink in public!

In Chinese and Japanese top business circles, they are very suspicious when a member doesn't drink. Unless, of course, you have a solid track record of the veracity like Warren Buffett, a debilitating liver illness like Steve Jobs or are a devout religious figure.

Corporate Bosses drink with their staff regularly to learn of the truthful going ons at every level of the Organization. Non-drinkers go home early to their wives and are shamed by their neighbors.

Trump has no track record of veracity, claims perfect health and not known to be pious. So, no excuses not to drink in Asian Eyes.

In Chinese, Japanese or even Korean Societies, no serious concerns will do business with him. Trump's career can't go much further than that of a Road Sweeper (just as he proclaimed Rubio can't even be elected Dog Catcher in Florida).

OMG, in the US, he may be the next President!

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Trump's 9/11; Chilling Facts

Trump's 9/11 is 9 November not September 11. The day and month switched but still can be represented by 9/11. 

On 9 November 1923 a History Shattering Event happened in Germany. It started on the 8 November (8 November 2016, US presidential Elections). A chilling coincident?

It was the Beer Hall Putsch led by Hitler. Though the Putsch failed, it signalled the rise of Hitler's popularity and he gained widespread sympathies from his Treason Imprisonment in Landsberg prison. The public treated him with kid gloves and he was released one year into his 5 years sentence.

Trump who openly stands for War Crimes and abominable Racist Practices and Beliefs, is similarly treated with kid gloves by a large part of the US public. In spite of his declared Human Transgressions he is gaining traction at the polls.

Hitler admired Mussolini. Trump adores Putin.

Hitler at the start of his campaign enlisted General Erich Ludendorff, Trump recruited General Michael Flynn.

Hitler through Dietrich Eckart courted the Thule Society an occultist group in racial purity, Trump a closeted fan of David Duke.

Hitler wrote "Mein Kampf" a serious opus of his struggle. Trump sponsored a ghostwritten book "Art of the Deal" about his hobby in screwing his business associates. From here the similarities begin to deviate.

Hitler had a miserable childhood and little formal education. In WW1, the British mustard gassed him. He nearly lost his life. He suffered a horrendous recuperation period inflicted by the mustard gas.

Hitler also suffered the stinging humiliation of the Treaty of Versaille which after the WW1 defeat provided for German reparations to the Allies. During the period of Germany's weakness in the aftermath, Hitler felt further humiliated by the French and Belgian incursions into Ruhr, the Industrial Pride zone of Germany. One can see where his Bitterness, Hate and Fear came from.

Trump grew up in profligate opulence. Attended Wharton Business School. He is currently living a plush lifestyle with plenty of opportunities for further avarice. Why does he fan the Flames of Hate and Fear??? It is very ominous of EVIL!

Given all his Blessings, Trump doggedly pursue a pernicious path of Destruction. In this tragic process, he is abusing the Innocence of his Beautiful Children who speak up for him. He is betraying the Trust of his unwitting friends and supporters.

Pence, lately, is fumbling all over the place because in his gut he is sensing that he serves an Evil Master. General Flynn, fyi, General Ludendorff eventually had a bitter fall out with Hitler.

Brave Men and Women of America can and must stop Trump!

Saturday, 10 September 2016

Obama "Staircase" to Hell (Part 3)

The play with this "Alternate Universe" callisthenics in a culmination of immediate past posts and this "Staircase" series is to demonstrate the demands on the sensitivities needed in handling the perspectives in another culture.

Therefore, more importantly, has Trump the imagination and flexibility to simulate such "Alternate Universes" outside of American culture, so vital a Presidential prerequisite? Or is he rigidly locked onto his staid and dangerous Universe?

Let's for a moment peek superficially (anything more serious is a complete waste of time) into Trump's Universe:

Of late, I have been reading numerous reports about Trump holding meetings over drinks with important and high-powered advisors. What immediately crosses my mind each time is, "WTFs is this sissy guy drinking in these meetings..coke..?" How can he be on the same wavelengths as the scintillating advisors who are enjoying their bourbons or the likes (WTFs else then would you go to a meeting over drinks for, other than if you are Trump?)

Most probably Trump would come away from these meetings with the wrong or half-cocked ideas. Pile these fuzzy ideas onto his "tit-for-tat", thin skinned and racist nature and you have a certain recipe for Nuclear Disasters.

Being a racist, Trump will consider all countries not occupied by blondes and whites as fair game to be nuked. Trump has great affinity for Putin because he is blonde and white. Pure and simple, and frighteningly shallow. Russia will definitely be spared.

There are two distinct categories of Suicide Bombers as we currently know of.

Category 1: person deeply consumed by shaky theology and obsession for martyrdom as part of bomber's inherent disposition.

Category 2: shallow person manipulated into being a bomber by devious and evil minders. Bomber thinks he is in control as he holds detonator in his hands. Does not realise the minders have additional remote detonators that can override his.

In such metaphors we can relate to in our understandings worldwide, on this September 11th, I, Alan Chee, decree Donald Trump to be a CATEGORY 2 SUICIDE BOMBER who will blow up the World if he is elected President. Details as summarised:

Osama bin Laden: Robert Mercer who supplied the money and resources.

Suicide Bomber: Donald Trump (unwittingly manipulated)

Suicide Vest for wrapping bombs around body: Fox News

Bomb Makers: Steve Bannon, David Bossie and their gangs

Fuse and Detonators: Kellyanne Conway and Katrina Pierson

Remote Detonator: Ann Coulter

Victims: The Whole World (Russia will get the fallout from China)

We pray very hard for Trump to lose the elections or he wakes up to the fact he can be easily manipulated and used as a Suicide Bomber.


Friday, 9 September 2016

Obama "Staircase" to Hell (Part 2)

This 'Staircase" incident is a Divinely Inspired pivot prompting me to cash-in on my WASP/Chinese thought experiments. Time is fast running out and this must be shared as widely and as quickly as possible before the US Presidential Elections this November!

This pivot enabled me to conjure an "Alternate Universe" in Part 1, pandering to the "reality" of WASP's worst fears especially of those leaning towards the rightist spectrum of American politics.

In the post prior to this series, Obama "No Face" by China, I had left strong clues resisting the notion of this "Alternate Universe" with the key words "anathema", against every drop of blood" and "DNA". In the Actual Universe that played out in Hangzhou, of course, there was neither provocation nor snub intended. It is never a Chinese thing to do to a Guest!

Obama has a little more than 100 days left in Office. He is returning to a simple and humble life. Unlike the Bushes who have a large and lavish Ranch to retire to.

In Obama's pragmatic ways, he would want to emotionally position himself to be accustomed to the smaller scale of things in life. In all likelihood, he himself opted to skip down the internal ramp of Air Force One rather than using the grand Red Carpeted Staircase.

In the "Alternate Universe" mode, Morning Joe was patriotic enough to rally to "his President" and lashed out at the perceived slight. Hannity and O'Reilly said nothing. Privately, they probably relished at the thought of another Obama humiliation.

That's why I have formatted Fox News' Agenda into the form of a restaurant menu as follows:-

Appetizers:     Fox Women now turning into a Nightmare with sexual harassment allegations.

Main Course: Attack Dogs. Hannity, O'Reilly and gang

Dessert:           News

Hannity's MO is to ask a guest (mostly rightist bigots) a question that everybody already knows the answer to. He, then, loads his readied additives onto the guest to goad him/her to further extremes on an already made ugly topic usually against Obama or Mrs Clinton and/or their interests.

O'Reilly is a more subtle form of Hannity. Eric Bolling merely a crass and bungling version. The rest of the gang all over the Hannity Vitriolic Map.

Except for Mr Chris Wallace who has the highly deserved honors of moderating the prestigious third and final Presidential Debate. Congratulations Mr Wallace!!!

These aspects of Fox News are crucial to leveraging the next Part of my Posts on the "Hell" Part of this series of my Posts.

All Hell is about to Break Loose ! We Gotta Stop It !

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Obama "Staircase" to Hell

The Guardian and Telegraph of UK and others called it a Snub. With the Chinese Mind in mind, I call it a Calculated Provocative Shot.

A snub is when all the other Heads received Red Carpets and Obama just a normal staircase.

But, in this case, Obama didn't get a staircase AT ALL! It is basic courtesy that even an ordinary plane without a single VIP on it will get a staircase after landing. The President of the Greatest Nation on Earth had to sneak out in an undignified manner from an internal ramp of Air Force One. After this incident, Air Force One cannot be called Air Force One anymore...couldn't even command a staircase upon landing!

The Provocation was 100% successful. Obama spoke in small whispers, fishing clumsily for moronic excuses. He struggled in a sheepish way to explain appearing like telling fables to 4 year olds. The President of the US cowering in this way after he was sucker-punched! It should have been Fists and Muscles flexing which is more than justifiable in this instance.

Imagine if the Chinese did this to Modi or Putin. The repercussions would have been "nuclear" metaphorically. And literally in a President Trump scenario.

The Chinese read Obama so accurately and calculated the provocation so profitably !!!

Obama appeared subdued from the very outset of the Summit and did not even whimper in the slightest on the South China Sea disputes. So much oxygen was sucked out of his revered patience that he lost his cool in a flash with Duterte of the Philippines and Putin.

Obama was so touchy that he cancelled his meeting with Duterte for Duterte just being himself, a foul mouthed adolescent. He engaged in a High Testosterone stare-down with Putin over Syria. Yes, downwards as Putin is 4 inches shorter. Ain't these signs of an Obama totally flustered? What happened to the usual Swagger?

So, Obama disorientatedly directed and dissipated his angst at Russia and the Philippines instead of at China for the mind teasing (or torturing) stunt pulled on him.

Well Done, China, so Savvy Man !

I hope Mr Trump is watching and following this Saga closely. The Chinese is not so easy meat as he is bragging about in the way he will fix China in his Campaign Trail and definitely at the upcoming Debates.

Step up your Mind Games, Donald, if you want to take on China. Steve Bannon and David Bossie can't do it for you. Smart not dirty tricks do the trick here. Don't just roll around on the wrestling floors. Thank me when you have got this right.

Want to know what Modi or Putin would have done under similar circumstances....ask the Guardian or Telegraph.....

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Obama "No Face" by China

Giving Face is a Paramount Chinese trait. It is an ultimate reverence to a guest. Even a simple and ordinary one.

The treatment accorded to Obama on his arrival in Hangzhou on 3rd Sept 2016 for the G20 Summit was therefore ANATHEMA to a Chinese anywhere in the World. It runs against every drop of blood in his body !

Not only was Obama denied a Red Carpet welcome but completely ignored and had to sneak out from a back ramp in Air Force One. And a Chinese male official, behaving like the attack dogs equivalent of Hannity and O' Reilly of Fox, railed at a US female official at the tarmac. Under normal circumstances, not only would he lose his job but sentenced to 20 years hard labor.

All other guests received the Red Carpet treatment, even non-G20 members like PM Lee Hsien Loong of frugal Singapore arriving in a tiny jet plane.

SO, WHAT HAPPENED ???????.......

To understand, you need to fully digest the background given in my earlier posts to make sense of what I am about to further reveal. The posts: Obama Fires (17 July 2016) and Obama Unfitness (21 June 2016). Many friends and associates contacted me to ask why I am so harsh towards Obama in those posts?

I am not being harsh but honest. Hoping my honesty will toughen Obama in the face of the inevitabilities of this Hangzhou Type of Incident (HTI). It has happened quicker than I anticipated. In fact, I realised my entire Blog is nuanced to such an incident occurring and it is relevant as my mission is to observe and comment on WASP/China issues to preserve World Peace. It is now patently clear I have a case.

HTI is just the beginning of Terrible Things to happen to the World and it is sad to see Obama pathetically down-playing it and consoling himself with totally wrongly attributed causes. He tried to pin HTI on to the travelling WH juggernaut that had flabbergasted the Chinese.

No, Obama, it's not about the planes, helicopters and cars. The Chinese are cut out to relish on extravagant Pomp and Fanfare when and where and to whom they are deserving. Through millennia of Imperial Civilization, they have cultivated in-built radars in their DNA to sense Weak Leaders and their Horrendous Consequences.

Just to share a feel from history of plausible Chinese extremities in this regard, look to the fate of the last Ming Dynasty Emperor Chongzhen in the 17 century CE. He was so weak and bumbling that his despaired Imperial Court opened the gates of the Forbidden City Palace to the Manchurian invaders when they arrived at Beijing. They wanted the string of disasters to end quickly and decisively.

Obama, with your string of disasters from the Middle-East to Europe to your own Homeland, the Chinese had already deemed you to be a Man of No Consequence. Your Legacy is crumbling right before your very eyes even before you leave Office.

In the process, Obama, you have given rise to the Biggest and Tightest Slap in the Face of a sitting US President in the Diplomatic History of the World! Just as I have anticipated in my Blog, but with the timing accelerated.

A few parts to follow to unpack this Saga.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Trump Phoenix in Phoenix

The mythical bird, Phoenix, is symbolic of Trump's rise from the ashes though not quite the ashes yet but close enough being somewhere low in the polls.

This "rising from the ashes" was very much enabled ironically by the leader of a people Trump is sententiously trodding on. That's why I have always maintained in previous posts that the Heavens is for Trump to be President.

What was President Enrique Pena Nieto thinking? I think he thought he was rubbing his hands gleefully in exploitation of two vulnerable and vicious Gringos in the heat of smashing each other to smithereens.

Penis, aptly and short for Enrique Pena Nieto (what a mouthful?) thought if he invited them over, they will grab the opportunity to savagely try to outdo each other under his Aegis to pander to the Hispanic votes back in the US.

Penis would then look fabulously Noble presiding over the Gringos' slugfest in Mexico City and boost his own polls in Mexico which is by now definitely nothing more than an ash heap.

Clinton was sharp enough not to bite the bait and Trump, in his usual attention seeking style, fearlessly obliged. Penis was caught disorientated by the one legged show up and had to submit to a butt screw from Trump, the lest diplomatic thing Penis could offer under the circumstance.

Trump returned a well rewarded Hero to Phoenix, the city, to strut his Cock of the Walk stuff to announce even more strident immigration controls emboldened by his energising butt screwing just fresh out of Mexico City.

After John Wayne and Alamo, I now have a clearer picture how the retarded Mexicans ceded California, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona (parts), etc, to the US in a Treaty of 1848.

What a Dickhead, this modern day Penis who reminded us of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Alamo and John Wayne !