Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Obama "Staircase" to Hell

The Guardian and Telegraph of UK and others called it a Snub. With the Chinese Mind in mind, I call it a Calculated Provocative Shot.

A snub is when all the other Heads received Red Carpets and Obama just a normal staircase.

But, in this case, Obama didn't get a staircase AT ALL! It is basic courtesy that even an ordinary plane without a single VIP on it will get a staircase after landing. The President of the Greatest Nation on Earth had to sneak out in an undignified manner from an internal ramp of Air Force One. After this incident, Air Force One cannot be called Air Force One anymore...couldn't even command a staircase upon landing!

The Provocation was 100% successful. Obama spoke in small whispers, fishing clumsily for moronic excuses. He struggled in a sheepish way to explain appearing like telling fables to 4 year olds. The President of the US cowering in this way after he was sucker-punched! It should have been Fists and Muscles flexing which is more than justifiable in this instance.

Imagine if the Chinese did this to Modi or Putin. The repercussions would have been "nuclear" metaphorically. And literally in a President Trump scenario.

The Chinese read Obama so accurately and calculated the provocation so profitably !!!

Obama appeared subdued from the very outset of the Summit and did not even whimper in the slightest on the South China Sea disputes. So much oxygen was sucked out of his revered patience that he lost his cool in a flash with Duterte of the Philippines and Putin.

Obama was so touchy that he cancelled his meeting with Duterte for Duterte just being himself, a foul mouthed adolescent. He engaged in a High Testosterone stare-down with Putin over Syria. Yes, downwards as Putin is 4 inches shorter. Ain't these signs of an Obama totally flustered? What happened to the usual Swagger?

So, Obama disorientatedly directed and dissipated his angst at Russia and the Philippines instead of at China for the mind teasing (or torturing) stunt pulled on him.

Well Done, China, so Savvy Man !

I hope Mr Trump is watching and following this Saga closely. The Chinese is not so easy meat as he is bragging about in the way he will fix China in his Campaign Trail and definitely at the upcoming Debates.

Step up your Mind Games, Donald, if you want to take on China. Steve Bannon and David Bossie can't do it for you. Smart not dirty tricks do the trick here. Don't just roll around on the wrestling floors. Thank me when you have got this right.

Want to know what Modi or Putin would have done under similar circumstances....ask the Guardian or Telegraph.....

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