Trump's 9/11 is 9 November not September 11. The day and month switched but still can be represented by 9/11.
On 9 November 1923 a History Shattering Event happened in Germany. It started on the 8 November (8 November 2016, US presidential Elections). A chilling coincident?
It was the Beer Hall Putsch led by Hitler. Though the Putsch failed, it signalled the rise of Hitler's popularity and he gained widespread sympathies from his Treason Imprisonment in Landsberg prison. The public treated him with kid gloves and he was released one year into his 5 years sentence.
Trump who openly stands for War Crimes and abominable Racist Practices and Beliefs, is similarly treated with kid gloves by a large part of the US public. In spite of his declared Human Transgressions he is gaining traction at the polls.
Hitler admired Mussolini. Trump adores Putin.
Hitler at the start of his campaign enlisted General Erich Ludendorff, Trump recruited General Michael Flynn.
Hitler through Dietrich Eckart courted the Thule Society an occultist group in racial purity, Trump a closeted fan of David Duke.
Hitler wrote "Mein Kampf" a serious opus of his struggle. Trump sponsored a ghostwritten book "Art of the Deal" about his hobby in screwing his business associates. From here the similarities begin to deviate.
Hitler had a miserable childhood and little formal education. In WW1, the British mustard gassed him. He nearly lost his life. He suffered a horrendous recuperation period inflicted by the mustard gas.
Hitler also suffered the stinging humiliation of the Treaty of Versaille which after the WW1 defeat provided for German reparations to the Allies. During the period of Germany's weakness in the aftermath, Hitler felt further humiliated by the French and Belgian incursions into Ruhr, the Industrial Pride zone of Germany. One can see where his Bitterness, Hate and Fear came from.
Trump grew up in profligate opulence. Attended Wharton Business School. He is currently living a plush lifestyle with plenty of opportunities for further avarice. Why does he fan the Flames of Hate and Fear??? It is very ominous of EVIL!
Given all his Blessings, Trump doggedly pursue a pernicious path of Destruction. In this tragic process, he is abusing the Innocence of his Beautiful Children who speak up for him. He is betraying the Trust of his unwitting friends and supporters.
Pence, lately, is fumbling all over the place because in his gut he is sensing that he serves an Evil Master. General Flynn, fyi, General Ludendorff eventually had a bitter fall out with Hitler.
Brave Men and Women of America can and must stop Trump!
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