Monday, 30 January 2017

Trump Turns "The Trinity"

Trump has given a new spin to the concept of "The Trinity", yes, the Godhead. I am no expert in Christian Theology except for the vague exposure to the ambiguous idea of "The Trinity" as spread by notoriously ambitious missionaries roaming around my country.

Trump turns "The Trinity" into shall we say "The Quadrity".

The angry and critical chattering against Trump by a largely distressed American Media sparked this idea of "The Quadrity" in me. The noises dawned on me that there is a "Trump" in all of us, at least in all the guys.

It's whether a big "Trump" or a little "Trump". But, the ostentatious examples set by a President Trump are growing the "Trump" inside of us, whatever its original size was. It's becoming fashionable to think like and behave like Trump. No longer need to restrain or disguise the Trumpian base impulses simmering in our visceral. Just let them expand and explode anytime you fancy.

As a Chinese confounded by many Western Teachings, I may be transgressing and violating Christian sacred beliefs. Please feel free to guide a confused and straying China-man.

I always thought the notion of "Satan" is overblown. Trump has helped to purify the muddied waters of The Godhead by illustrating that "Satan" is just the fourth component turning "The Trinity" into "The Quadrity". The Father, The Son, The Holy Ghost and newly discovered The Unholy Ghost (Trump and Satan's replacement) reside in the Temple of our body.

Many vain and self-deceiving Male Media Anchors brag that they are much better than Trump in treating and talking about women. Don't be so cock sure of yourselves guys. You don't have Trump Money or his good looks (restrain your puke) when he was in his 30s and 40s.

In case you have allowed the "Trump" in you to be hibernating, don't forget many women are not Angels, not when they are around moneyed men!

Lasciviously rambunctious Trump has tamed many a Fast Woman in his time and now has earned The Mandate of Heaven to mete out outlandish "shock" treatments  to tame an unruly World.

Am I sexiest? Is there such a thing anymore in a Trump Universe where all PC barriers are torn down?

Reince Priebus can take heart that I have legitimized Trump and enshrined him in the Godhead as the fourth member of "The Quadrity" of being The Unholy Ghost.

Finally, Pope Francis may be finally flustered by my notion which carries weight as events are unfolding.

Friday, 20 January 2017

Trump Restores US Dragon Breath

The US Dragon breathes Majestic Flames once again. Trump has instantaneously restored Dragon Breath to the American Presidency. Dragon is the Chinese Equivalency of an Imperial Ruler.

The Leader of the Greatest Nation on Earth must comport himself with commensurate meritorious Strength and Dignity which is precisely what President Trump has done.

Given half the chance, should Russia or China occupies the Top Slot in the world, either one of them would have no hesitation in flaunting its Might, Power and Glory.

Camelot and Distinguished British Royal touches are adorning the White House. A fine balance has been tuned by Trump in his brand of Pomp and Resplendent Disposition. You may not agree with every aspect of his politics but no one can take this away from him.

In anticipation of an interesting and testing four years, I have dedicated a new Blog to Donald Trump entitled "Lonlerlum" which obviously is how Chinese throughout the World not well-versed in English would pronounce his name.

May God Bless Trump's Presidency with Peace, Progress and Prosperity ....

Friday, 13 January 2017

Obama's Bananas

An over-ripened banana can be a slippery weapon. Quite unbeknownst to Hillary Clinton when she consented to be Obama's Secretary of State, she had been slipping on Obama's festering rotten bananas until her banana skids came back to haunt her in her elections bid for the Presidency.

Her strong and noble theme on Foreign Policy of "Great Nations Need Organizing Principles" was defiled by Obama's cowardly mantra of "Don't Do Stupid Shit".

Obama was so proud of his mantra on Foreign Policy that he made the Press Corp on board Air Force One whilst on a flight to Malaysia (my home country) repeat it after him like mindless school boys and girls: "Don't Do Stupid Shit".

They sheepishly complied for fear of not being invited on the next Air Force One trip. Talk about abuse of Presidential Powers.

In Obama's last days in the WH he has been having a hell of a lot of fun littering a litany of rotting bananas for incoming President Trump to slip and skid on.

There was an unusually high number of Executive Orders and fresh initiatives hastily put into action by a lamed duck Obama. I will mention the significant ones.

After two years of inaction in Mosul, Iraq which allowed ISIL to infest and entrench themselves deeply, Obama suddenly ordered a full scale attack on Mosul. Just in time for Trump to bear the brunt of retaliatory attacks in attempts to retake Mosul by ISIL.

After cowardly doing nothing in the seas around Iran in the face of Iranian sailors' provocations, Obama slyly provoked the Chinese in the South China Seas with naval and air intrusions to anger the Chinese. Festering rotten bananas in store for Trump to skid into high tensions with the Chinese. Especially more so now with the threats of Rex Tillerson.

Souring ties with Israel by refusing to veto scathing UN Resolution against Israel. A first term President Obama donned a Jewish skull cap and visited the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. What a hypocrite!

Then, Obama expelled the Russian diplomats precipitating a diplomatic minefield for Trump to untangle.

These are the festering and rotting bananas that Obama intends Trump to slip and skid on when he takes over the Oval Office.

Still think Obama is a Nice Fella? I shall be exposing more of his devious mischiefs in this Blog.

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Trump Deals with The Cock

Trump talks tough, though at times he breaks into a pleasant disposition and exudes disarming charm. 

There are many "Trumps" in Trump. Just like a Chinese he is protean to the core and can flex his colors variation like an agile chameleon to suit the environment.

Going by the "lewd language spewing" Trump, the above caption appears to hold up no significance or surprise at all.

But, it does.

Eight days after the swearing-in of Trump as the 45th POTUS on the 20th January 2017, the Chinese ushers in the Lunar New Year of The Cock! Or, more politely, the Lunar Year of The Rooster.

Americans may recall the Tet Lunar Offensive in the Vietnam War on 31st January 1968. Yes, it's the same genre of Lunar Year referred to here. Vietnam is a derivative of China going by History.

In the Tet Offensive, more than 70,000 Vietcong and North Vietnamese soldiers simultaneously attacked 126 cities and towns in South Vietnam inflicting heavy casualties.

Though the US eventually crushed the Tet Offensive, the critical damage was done. Vietnam won the Psychological Victory which marked the road to defeat for the US leading to the final complete withdrawal of US from Vietnam.

With days to go to his inauguration, I sincerely hope Trump would factor in this defeat into his calculus before he plans to engage in any conflict with China. I am sure the entire world hopes too.