Trump talks tough, though at times he breaks into a pleasant disposition and exudes disarming charm.
There are many "Trumps" in Trump. Just like a Chinese he is protean to the core and can flex his colors variation like an agile chameleon to suit the environment.
Going by the "lewd language spewing" Trump, the above caption appears to hold up no significance or surprise at all.
But, it does.
Eight days after the swearing-in of Trump as the 45th POTUS on the 20th January 2017, the Chinese ushers in the Lunar New Year of The Cock! Or, more politely, the Lunar Year of The Rooster.
Americans may recall the Tet Lunar Offensive in the Vietnam War on 31st January 1968. Yes, it's the same genre of Lunar Year referred to here. Vietnam is a derivative of China going by History.
In the Tet Offensive, more than 70,000 Vietcong and North Vietnamese soldiers simultaneously attacked 126 cities and towns in South Vietnam inflicting heavy casualties.
Though the US eventually crushed the Tet Offensive, the critical damage was done. Vietnam won the Psychological Victory which marked the road to defeat for the US leading to the final complete withdrawal of US from Vietnam.
With days to go to his inauguration, I sincerely hope Trump would factor in this defeat into his calculus before he plans to engage in any conflict with China. I am sure the entire world hopes too.
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