Now that some of the dust have settled in the Russia-Turkey spat, a silhouette of the treacherous scheming motives of Turkey, in particular President Erdogan's, begin to take shape.
To understand the issues clearer, let's bring this International Incident down to a simple story.
Two life-long neighbours, Eddy and Putty, living next door to each other in a village. Their children go to the same school and are good friends. Their wives go to the local food markets and shop together. Putty has invested in Eddy's village ventures and community projects and are bearing good results.
They both know there are stray and diseased dogs roaming outside their houses and are a threat and nuisance to the neighbourhood.
One night, Putty took a stick and went outside his house to whack the stray and possibly rabid dogs to be rid of them. Eddy, at the same time ran out of his house and stabbed Putty on his back.
Eddy justified his actions by claiming that he felt threatened by Putty wielding a stick and had momentarily veered across his front gate in chasing the dogs.
What kind of person do you think Eddy is ???
Back up to the International Scene. The actions of Erdogan can be seen as parallel to that of Eddy's. He was spoiling for a fight that would under Article 5 suck NATO in for a battle, he hopes, of an ARMAGEDDON proportion in the Middle East. It would then drain NATO's resources and punish the Russian presence which play cosily into his plans in the aftermath.
In all this, Erdogan is prepared to gamble with and sacrifice the lives and properties of the people of Turkey in the event Russia opted for a brutal retaliation.
To Putin's credit, his level-headed handling of the trap set probably disappointed Erdogan immensely.
The Russians seem to be smartened by the ploys of pre-manufactured evidence to implicated them in incidences.
In the Malaysian MH 17 case, a recorded conversation appeared to pin blame on the Russian side of the circumstances for shooting down the Malaysian Airliner. It is plausible in this instance the recording could be authentic.
But, the Turkish recording of warnings issued is dicey. Turkey claimed to have issued 10 warnings in 5 minutes and admitted its airspace was violated for only 17 seconds. Jets manoeuvre at such high speeds, how could Turkey tell in the time frames given that the Russian jet would enter its airspace. If for 5 minutes the jet was in its airspace and all that warning given, then the case can be made for Turkey's position.
Moreover, fighter pilots in those roles are well selected, trained and disciplined not to be trigger-happy.
The news and analyses of the motives for Erdogan in this incident are now flooding the internet and you can check it out.
Dear Alan,
ReplyDeleteYour writing is based on one level of perception only. You do not consider what actually happen in Syria that anger most Muslim on other country including Malaysia.You have to under stand the issue of Shiah muslim and Sunie Muslim to understand whay Turkey reavted that way, Turkey is Sunie, just like Malaysia, while Syria govermen is mostly Shiah Muslim, including the President. They are killing the Sunie whith the help of Iran government who is also the Shiah. Russia are helping Syria government to kill all the Sunie. So the whole issue is more than what you seem to understand. I am more concern that you writing is miss leading others who do not understand in depth the issue of the Muslim world.
Dear Alan,
ReplyDeleteYour writing is based on one level of perception only. You do not consider what actually happen in Syria that anger most Muslim on other country including Malaysia.You have to under stand the issue of Shiah muslim and Sunie Muslim to understand whay Turkey reavted that way, Turkey is Sunie, just like Malaysia, while Syria govermen is mostly Shiah Muslim, including the President. They are killing the Sunie whith the help of Iran government who is also the Shiah. Russia are helping Syria government to kill all the Sunie. So the whole issue is more than what you seem to understand. I am more concern that you writing is miss leading others who do not understand in depth the issue of the Muslim world.
Dear Zaman, thank you for your views and sharing on the terrible tragedy in Syria. My post is confined to the jet shooting and to illustrate the subsequent power of GC in action. Readers had been recommended to follow the breaking news and talk shows for more information surrounding this incident. No single person can be an expert on this sad and dangerous situation with so many accusations and counter-accusations. Another incident is in the brewing. This time a Russian battleship forced a Turkish ship to change its course. This area has become a flashpoint for a possible major war.