Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Trump Knows China ? How Much ? Part 1

Does Trump know China or the Chinese ?

In last night's Fox Business Republican Debate (FBRD 10 Nov 2015), Trump professed to know Putin intimately, merely after sharing a holding room with him prior to appearing separately on CBS 60 Minutes show.

This is a typical Trump indulgence of basing on a faint impression, he fervently launches into a sweeping prognosis on a matter as if he is a life-long expert.

No doubt, Trump is brilliant in subject matters he has deep knowledge of and experience in. That's why he has done very well for himself and is the GOP front runner at the moment. 

He has substance in his areas of strength and can communicate them convincingly, though in a brash but quite natural way. That's fine as it promotes his brand.

Most of the other candidates are beginning to sound more and more hollow. They acted very revealingly of being coached and had rehearsed their performances. Their awkward folksiness that suddenly toggle switch to being presidential and back again, make them look ingenuine and, at times, downright stupid !

Chinese psyche which is very down-to-earth (read post on Minor Conversation) can effortlessly see through these shenanigans, but, American audiences seem to revel in them as an art form of showmanship. Probably this difference accounts for why Chinese orientated countries are adverse to and fight shy of democracy practices.

The greatest danger Trump poses is when he is dealing with a subject he lacks knowledge and understanding in.

For the moment it is the significant topic of China and the Chinese. Mistaken perceptions in this case can lead to devastating Superpower Conflicts, maybe even Warfare....

In the place of knowledge and understanding, Trump allows raw emotions to wantonly take over. He was so obsessed and riled up on China on the FBRD show, he bursted into a tirade against China and labelled China the number one abuser of the US. He further accused China of currency manipulations that had not been properly addressed in the impending TPP Agreement.

Only to be told to his utter embarrassment by a fellow panelist Rand Paul that China is not a party to this TPP Agreement. This is a Frightening Indictment of Donald Trump's blatant over-eagerness to attack China on issues that can be on mistaken grounds. 

Have I sufficiently made the case for my campaign and your kind support to educate Trump on China and the Chinese ?

(to be continued in Part 2/.....)

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