Wednesday, 13 January 2016

When Good Men Do Nothing

The complete quote goes something like this - The only thing necessary for the Triumph of Evil is for Good Men to do nothing. Attributable to Edmund Burke.

In the context of today's society, the Good Men who can do something are those in the entrepreneurial class who had triumphed and become Super Rich.

Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Ma, Larry Ellison, Robert Kuok, Koch Brothers, Walton Family, to name a few.

Using their wealth in tame philanthropic causes that produce glitterati fanfare on their "noble" activities and making them "feel good" inside will not save the world or make a pip of a difference.

The world is riddled with manifest miseries, sufferings and deprivations. Money poured in will only yield minutiae pockets of relief momentarily for those fortunate enough to be noticed or selected because of their potential to generate great publicity blitzs. 

Meanwhile, the source of Evil is fast and far overpowering these phoney and feeble reliefs that are being provided.

The frightening depths of this Evil is its dexterity to use a Beautiful and Gracious Nation like the US to camouflage and protect its tiny nest of vipers breeding the horrendous and despicable Evil.

Donald Trump seems for the moment to be the significant personality to have come out of his sybaritic comforts and out of his way to fight this Evil.

His is a highly risky mission fraught with heart wrenching episodes as he gains in the primary polls ...

There is no lesser price to pay to thump Evil in the Eye. We must all pray for his safe keeping even if not his success. And why not his success if Evil can be contained ??? 

Please spread this important message to as many people as possible to rise against Evil.

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