Sunday, 31 January 2016

JFK/Khrushchev Replay

Many are not clear on how a President Marco Rubio is a danger to himself and the US as posited in my last post.

Let me refresh and remind.

After the death of Joseph Stalin in 1953, Khrushchev manoeuvred a series of adroit power plays to rid the evil and murderous lieutenants that used to surround Stalin. By March 1958, Khrushchev finally consolidated his power base and became the Premier of the Soviet Union.

He was a mercurial character of only 5 ft 3 in tall and needed to resort to attention grabbing antics to assert himself. His most famous act in this regard was when he removed one shoe and banged the rostrum in the UN to make his point.

When Khrushchev visited the US after being the Premier, he was respectful of President Eisenhower and wary of VP Nixon having held a "kitchen" debate with Nixon.

Khrushchev was delighted when JFK won in 1960 instead of Nixon. This was when all the Evolutionary Psychological stuff I mentioned kicked in.

Having bitterly struggled and putting up with all sorts of abuses all his life to be where he was, he saw this Young Buck, JFK, from a privileged background talking like he was already on Top of the World. The "Jin Kart" (Chinese for something meaning close to beastial instincts, but no precise English equivalent) character in Khrushchev was aroused and the thought tickled him if he could throw some monkey wrenches into the works for JFK to get a taste of the real world.

Knowing that his "Sait Hei" (Chinese for inner strength and more) was stronger than JFK, he secretly had the Berlin Wall built and in a surprise move, suddenly enforced the partition of East and West Berlin on 13 August 1961, seven months after the inauguration of JFK.

Then, to push his fun games further, Khrushchev loaded up Cuba with medium ranged nuclear missiles to toy with the resolve of JFK that triggered the Cuban Missile Crisis. Khrushchev managed to stir enough internal dissent within the US over this Crisis that eventually JFK was checked mated into making his own fatal errors.

All I am saying in "Marco Rubio; Mismatched America" is that Putin and Xi Jinpeng are rooting for Rubio (and next up the line Cruz) to win in 2016.


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