Friday, 26 February 2016

Trump and Yelping Puppies

The CNN Houston Debate on 25 February 2016 looked to me like two new born puppies just brought home from the dog pound. Feeling lost and scared, they were yelping (can't even bark yet) around Trump's trousers legs and occasionally paused to hump Trump's legs. You must have seen these comical scenes when you have new puppies in the house.

At mid-forties both Cruz and Rubio are already hard core Conservatives romping around a 70 year old successful Liberal turning Conservative and trying to teach him new tricks, instead of the other way round.

If young Creationists who refuse to evolve, in our ever evolving world, like these two yelping puppies and one of them take over the White House, America is in grave danger of entering another unknown form of Presidency just as jolting and testing as Obama's Yin Presidency was in 2008 to the present.

America is tired of Presidential Experiments and paying the unbearably heavy price for them.

America at the moment wants a Trump's Revitalization and Renaissance to Make America Great Again, in the Capitalist and Entrepreneurial ways that America is so totally at home with.

Trump is already the Winner in this sense.

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Obama, Stick to Your Guns

Obama should not hesitate to fill the SCOTUS vacancy left opened by the demise of Scalia.

All the resistance to the Nomination stem from parties with vested interests who concocted all kinds of weird to idiotic excuses. As with many other issues in the Elections, no one cares about the interests of the US and its ordinary people until Trump came along.

The most important and simple reason that the vacancy should be filled ASAP is not even touched upon by anyone.

Given the strong prevailing risks: remaining SCOTUS members being very old; severe debilitating weather conditions affecting health; highly accident prone situations lately, etc - God forbid, if a further one or two or more SCOTUS Justices may suddenly drop dead or become incapacitated to perform their duties. What then?

Do the rationales of the resistors still hold and wait for the next President to take office.

One thing is certain. Obama will be blamed for not filling the vacancy according to the existing rules.

Vacancies need to be filled as they fall due to take care of contingencies, like Black Swans.

It's the Math, Stupid!

Monday, 22 February 2016

Ted Cruz/Rick Tyler

After Rick was asked to resign by Ted, some journalists rallied to Rick's defence talking about his professionalism and that he used to serve Newt Gingrich, as if that is some sort of a a quality bar.

I first saw Rick when he was interviewed by Martha MacCallum to clarify on the photoshopped picture of Rubio.

He looked mean and dishonorable to me in trying to defend the indefensible. He justified,"Every picture in a political campaign is photo-shopped".

Ya, photoshopped to make the supported candidate look good, not the opponent ugly and bad! 

But, the picture was actually SUPERIMPOSED with photos of the faces of Rubio and Obama on those of other individuals who were total STRANGERS.

SUPERIMPOSING faces on unrelated photos in this way to create fake impressions is absolutely deceitful and disgraceful. Much more devious and devastating in impact than photoshopping on an original and genuine picture.

Rick got away with a weak retort, "Oh come on. That's the answer?".

Professionalism, Really?

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Sly Ted Cruz

The American Peace Corps/Australian Volunteer Corps taught me and my countrymen the sciences (physics, chemistry, biology) and mathematics around the time Ted was borned. There was a dearth of such teachers then in my underdeveloped country as it was labelled.

Thanks to these dedicated volunteers, Malaysia today has world class doctors, engineers, businessmen, etc, who put together a vibrant and modern country and society.

Being devout Christians, these volunteers also shared their ethical and moral persuasions with us in their teachings. They taught and encouraged us to boldly call out liars and crooks.

Armed with such good impressions, watching Ted Cruz on Fox News that is predisposed to give the GOP a more than fair shake, I am horrified to learn of the disturbing chicaneries of Ted.

He twists Trump's words deliberately out of context. Even though English is not my mother-tongue, I could detect the falsehoods and half-truths easily.

He deliberately jettisoned Ben Carson's chances by pronouncing falsely that Ben dropped out so that he could benefit from Ben's votes in Iowa. A quick and easy check would have confirmed Ben did not drop out. He then hypocritically apologised after the caucuses closed.

He put Rubio in bad light through a photoshopped picture of a "compromised" handshake with Obama.

These sickening deceits mentioned and many more of others publicly exposed point to the apparent existence of an organised "dirty tricks" department in the Cruz team, The wicked incidents that occurred were not accidents or mistakes. Yet 500 pastors in SC endorsed Ted. Yet crowds still clap and cheer at his hollow and false words.

I feel disappointed with my views inspired from my former teachers. This is the first time I could follow the elections so closely due to the marked improvements in the multi-media and free time I have as I had retired.

From my spiritual exposure and experience both Eastern and Western, I conclude that because of his dishonourable deeds, his ForeFathers cursed him (see Cruz, Rubio Dysfunctions), Karma is against him, and in a Monkey Year the Mizaru Monkeys' wrath is upon him. Now, I can only wait for God to weigh in on him.

We Chinese believe Justice on Earth not resolved on Earth will be dispensed by Heaven.

Friday, 19 February 2016

Trump trumps Pope

The Vatican is highly revered the world over even by many non-Christians in Asia.

By entering the US Elections fray, this Pope risked dragging the sacred image and the prestige of the Vatican down into political sleaze gutters.

His words were strong and direct. Such statements need not be made because you will be forced to stand by them after having said them! What makes the scenario ugly is when his aides come up with back spins, top spins and side spins to attempt to blunt the message because it is taking a beating after breaking out. It unnecessarily allowed Trump to triumph momentarily and made cheap political mileage out of it.

These spins looked and sounded like the kind of antics Ted Cruz's team would get up to. But that seemed palatable. They are in politics, dirty as that may be.

It's unpleasant to talk about the Pope in this "light" and I will stop here. You can do your own projections and inferences from this one poignant scene from the media. It's like the movie "The Passion of the Christ" as directed by Mel Gibson. From the one seemingly unending gory scene, you fill out the rest of the background yourself, if you have read the Bible.

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Karl Rove

Karl appeared on Fox News (mid Februarish 2016) and had the gumption to rule only one candidate, Jeb Bush (pretty obvious), is fit to be the next President. He then listed out why the others are unfit and graded them. Like school kids.

I have no Fox appearance, but, I don't see I have any less gumption to do a similar decreeing.

Initially sceptical, but now fully convinced as argued in my posts, the next President must be Donald Trump.

I will now in the Karl Rovenisque way rule out the rest.

Jeb - anyone who has to drag out his 92 year old mother to the hustings is not fit to be President. They are not called "hustings" for nothing.

Cruz and Rubio - clearly ruled as unfit in my post "Cruz, Rubio Dysfunctions".

Ben Carson - slicing politics is far harder than slicing brains. He can't cut it.

Kasich - no clue and no mention how he will deal with the Chinese. Good VP to Trump.

Vote Wisely. 

Trump, More Chinese..

Trump is more Chinese than the Chinese.

Fox News panelists on good days will drool and gasp over the great Mysteries and Masteries of Trump. His latest Kung Fu magic of how an intended knock out blow from Obama (on 17/18 February 2016) turned around to be a blow back at Obama and an accolade for Trump.

Yes, it can only be explained by Kung Fu. Trump is a Maverick Chinese. I have been saying this throughout my posts and they are worth revisits to check out the specifics, now that the evidence is abundantly clear.

A US President well versed in Chinese and can act like a Chinese is a great strength. Like it or not, the world is now polarised into two major cultural poles, WASP and Chinese.

I did not pluck my observations of Trump out of thin air. I had served under two Chinese US$ Billionaires for a total of 21 years. Trump's similarities to them are amazingly uncanny. As a start, fundamentally, the way Trump treats his family and their responses to him are fascinatingly identical to those of my ex-bosses. And the list of such parallels is endless.

In addition to his big hearted American nature, Trump has core traits that are innately Chinese as they align to what I have assembled in my life's experience as Chinese PITH. Those aspects that are not natural as Chinese in him, he has ingenious ways of molding and configuring them into his psyche. Like bionic prosthetics for missing limbs.

The Book of Ecclesiastes in infinite wisdom had promulgated that there is a season for everything.

Obama became President at a time America needed healing, being tired and worn down by regime change wars. But, Obama's Catharsis was too heavy hearted to the extent it scrapped injuriously at the Foundations of America.

Now is the season for Trump's Revitalisation and Renaissance to "Make America Great Again". He hit the nail on the head by having the foresight to adopt this phrase as his core mantra.

A Great Nation like America must act Great. Be all that She can be. This is the Universal Law of Momentum as we Chinese understand it. 

Obama's Agenda to position America as Mediocre will implode in the long run. The Excess Energies have nowhere else to go but, in a garbled state, to blow themselves up where they are! They need a Trump to channel them to fecund areas efficaciously, once again.

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Cruz, Rubio Dysfunctions

The dysfunctionalities of Cruz and Rubio will be fodder for fuel flaming the propulsion of Trump to The Presidency.

When they first became successful politicians winning their respective Senate seats, they followed their natural caring instincts and acted in ways that looked out for immigrants as they themselves a mere generation ago were immigrants of Hispanic descent.

Suddenly, when they entered the Presidential Race and Trump upped the ante on Immigration, both scrambled to disown their past kindness towards immigration and, instead, started to strive to out do each other in their newly increased toughness on immigration.

Chinese Beliefs and "Feng Shui" attribute our current Blessings enjoyed to our pleasing of our ForeFathers who from the "other" world bestow the Blessings upon us.

Chinese migrants who do well in a host country find ways and means to aid and support extended family members to come over to the new homeland. This is the facilitating pattern that had seen droves of Chinese from China migrating to Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia, prospering the host country in the process.

So effective was this pattern that when the Chinese mass-migrated to the US, the Chinese Exclusion Act 1882 was enacted.

But these two self-serving Hispanic Americans Presidential contenders want to out do each other to slam shut the very doors that their parents passed through.

According to Chinese Beliefs, both the Ancestors of Cruz and Rubio in the "other" world would be angry and striving to out do each other to vehemently curse their respective progenies for what they are standing for. Shutting the gates after they had passed the post. Future generations of Hispanics all over the world of these Ancestors who wish  to migrate to the US will be locked out.

Chinese believe that the Curses of Ancestors are very effective and devastating. Both Cruz and Rubio will lose in the Race, followed by financial disasters from commitments entered into to take part in this Race.

Their nasty competition with each other to turn around against their own people is a disgrace to their ForeFathers. Both are too raw and too selfishly traitorous and treacherous to run for President.

Once again, according to Chinese "Feng Shui", another feather on Trump's Cap to win The Presidency due to his Hispanic American opponents' transgressions against their ForeFathers in sacrificing filial piety for personal ambitions.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Emperor Trump

All Prophets and Seers are recognised for their Gifts only as and when events unfold lend credence to their prophecies.

Emperor Trump will be an Eye-opener to the American Public of Heavenly Phenomena that had been undisputedly discerned in matured civilisations.

As a Chinese I can confidently speak from the experience of the Chinese Civilisation.

Most importantly, from my core culture, I recognise the pronouncedly Chinese Traits present in Trump. That's why he is such a mystery to the pundits in America who can't figure him out. LOL, look  into Chinese attributes and you will find the answers.

The world has shrunk so substantially and is so sensitive to the present day Technological Masteries that the pragmatic characteristics in a proven culture no longer permeate into another culture at a glacially pace. They slam in with the vehemently galactical force of a 21st Century Maverick in the form of Donald Trump!

All Chinese Emperors knew they were in a position to rule under The Mandate of Heaven.

This Mandate of Heaven has emphatically anointed a President Donald Trump, by the manifest evidence ubiquitously present in the unfolding of inexplicable events to ordinary Americans, but are crystal clear to a final bastion of fading pedigree of Chinese like me.

My touch of this prescience is totally lost to the new generations of Chinese culturally linked personas like Kevin Shea, Bobby Lee, PK, Jimmy OuYang, KT Tatara Lucas Seely etc, who are completely swallowed and digested by American culture. They probably haven't a clue to my predictions, or have they? Maybe they do have but lodged in some unexpressed DNA or Memes somewhere deep in their subconscious. Speak up, Dudes if you do!

I know Americans will think of me as someone from Cuckoo Land until 9th November 2016 when the proof is at hand.

Meanwhile, Mr Trump you take care. Many quarters out there want to take you down !!!

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Trump's Monkey Year

The Fire Monkey will see Trump sailing smoothly through this election season as prophesied in "Monkey US President". The dovetailing of the overwhelmingly favourable Geomancy evidence for Trump to succeed is well elucidated in this post.

The Iowa Caucus was held on 1 February 2016 at the tail end of of the Chinese Ram Year. The "Feng Shui" favours for Trump obviously had not taken hold yet as the Monkey Year was then still around the corner (the Chinese Lunar Year begins later in the Gregorian Calendar).

The Fire Monkey Year 2016 was ushered in on the 8 February and the very next day was already convincingly auspicious for Trump who won handsomely in New Hampshire. This marks the beginning of the spate of primary victories that will clinch the Nomination for Trump and followed by the winning of the Presidency. 

From now on, no matter what they do, the other GOP candidates will end up serving the interests of Trump.

Chris Christie delivered an unkind cut on Rubio and self-destruct in the process. The pressure from this unkind cut forced Rubio to squeal 5 times in that ABC Debate in a robotic fashion on the latent truth about Obama. Not many understood the real message in the squealings, otherwise Rubio's polling in NH would not have fared so badly.

Rubio was trying to make the point that Obama is a brilliant and effective fresh first term Senator turned President. The precise same track that he, Rubio, himself too is on.

Obama, per Rubio, has a dark agenda for the US and has successfully planted the bitter fruits of that agenda. Because the fruits were bitter, Americans generally thought Obama was a lousy President but is really brilliant in instilling what he intended.

Rubio is therefore saying, by the same token, as a fresh first term Senator. he too is similarly as brilliant as Obama except that his (Rubio's) agenda is to "Make America Great" and this agenda will be successfully implemented by him, as Obama did on his.

By doing this, Rubio is instead focusing the bright spotlights on Trump. Trump's agenda is the Mother of All "Make America Great" Agenda and Trump has stronger Muscles and Experience than Rubio to realise this agenda.

Just as I have said in "Obama, US Catharsis", Nixon/Kissinger compelled a Jimmy Carter, Bush/Cheney mandated a Barrack Obama. The "Obama, US Catharsis" era will farrow an era of "Trump, US Revitalisation and Renaissance".

Rubio will make a fitting VP to Trump. At the very least, he has had been a Sacrificial Lamb for Trump (prophetically, Lamb in the Ram Year had just passed, a good year for Rubio as shown in the Iowa Caucus of his rising star, but cut short abruptly when the Ram Year ended on 7 February, just 2 days before the NH primary).

So much for a Chinese's Premonitions in this election so far.


Sunday, 7 February 2016

Obama, US Catharsis

The War Mongering excesses of Bush/Cheney mandated a cogent opening for a Barrack Obama as US President, just as Nixon/Kissinger compelled a Jimmy Carter.

An irrefutable validation of the Yin and Yang Equilibrium Principle.

Obama's destiny with the Highest Office of the Greatest Nation on Earth would be better understood and appreciated coming to the end of the first term of the next President, whichever party he might be from. Contrasts and comparisons will be available and accentuate his legacy.

Obama's subtle achievements and unfaltering resistance to act in pandering to certain interests that are Healing Strengths, were spoken of in such insipid terms at the ABC News Debate last night (6 February 2016)

Bush erred on the side of War. Obama if erred as attacked last night, was on the side of Peace. What a damning difference in the consequences in lost lives, lost limbs, mental illnesses, etc.

From the tones of the Debate last night, if the next US President is from the GOP, he will again hastily err on the side of War.

I pointed out Obama is different in arguing my case in "Rubio; Mismatched America".

A naive fresh Senator Obama is definitely not the same as a naive fresh Senator Rubio. Rubio is predisposed to be goaded to War or serious Conflicts of some kind while in Office.

Friday, 5 February 2016

Martin Shkreli

Martin's reverse Grandstanding, if you can call it that, in the House Hearing on 4 February 2016 is a by-product of a Confounded America.

The issues and behaviours confounding America are being lashed about in circles day and night in the current Presidential Campaigns.

Martin Shkreli heralds the first wave of an impending Tsunami of such a persona in New Generation America.

Martin Shkreli is a Victim not a Monster. Why should he invoke Hate from fellow Americans?

He should invoke Horror and Urgency to honestly fix the problems shrieked loudly by politicians daily in America, but no one wants to or is being allowed to fix them !!!

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Ben Carson Can't Cut It

Certainly pun is intended, so befitting of such a rare opportunity to talk about the delicate cuts of a Brain Surgeon.

Freedom, Equality and Justice. Sorry, Ben, you are too trusting of these ideologies.

Still, it's a good thing in your retirement you had turned to politics and are beginning to be taught to take these with "a pinch of salt". The rest of the world has done so a long time ago. These are baby Cries in an infant Nation State that are not taken seriously in Seasoned and Enlightened Civilisations like the Middle Eastern, Indian, Russian and Chinese.

The Chinese have a strong belief. Whatever word(s) a culture is obsessed with and greets or proclaims with them, that culture is the opposites in nature of that/those word(s) used.

Ever wondered that Jews and Arabs use the word "Shalom" or a version of it, meaning "Peace" or "Peace be with You", to greet each other. Notice how ferociously and frequently they bash each other up in the most deadly of ways !

"Dirty Tricks" despicable as they are, in this case, have done an efficient and essential (we are talking about here, the Presidency of US) job in winnowing a weak and naive candidate. (Too critical to be PC here, sorry again). There are many conniving Heads of States out there who are far more meaner and trickier than Ted Cruz.

Ben was careless in his tweeting contents and timing which opened the possibilities to the deceitful manipulations.

It has shown us that cutting up brains may not be as skillful as knowing how brains work. I recommend Ben, if it's not too late, to brush up his knowledge on "The Theory of Mind" and understanding the importance of having a "High Order of Intentionality". Great advancements have been made in this field of Neuroscience (Neurosurgery is quite deadpan).

Slicing Politics is Far Much Harder than Slicing Brains.

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Tricky Teddy (Cruz)

The "Dirty Tricks" Crown must surely be handed down from Tricky Dicky (Richard Nixon) to Tricky Teddy (Cruz).

It was Nixon's campaign people who initiated the Watergate Break-in. It was just an act of Campaign Brinksmanship. Nixon was going to win hands down anyway.

But, Nixon paid the ultimate price being exposed in his attempt to cover up. Under a dark cloud of an imminent impeachment, Nixon was forced to save face and resigned.

Ted Cruz without as much as a blink an eye, offered a matter-of-factly weak apology that his campaign men did get involved with the miscommunications about Carson's pullout. It is troubling because Ted is supposed to be on the Evangelicals moral high ground.

What would Jesus Christ say....

They had much higher Principles of Justice back then.

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Camelot Rubio ?

The inhabitants of Planet Earth have been in a bizarre mood lately. Could it be something to do with the recent alignment of Stars and other Heavenly Bodies? There is a widespread creepy angst and agitation to long to be thrown back in time.

The Iranians are nostalgically looking to go back 25 centuries to the glory days of the Persian Empire.

ISIL wants a push back of 15 centuries to the sanctity of the Caliphates.

Americans, always the modest ones, only want to go back a little more than half a century to the Camelot Kennedys.

You just need to sweep through the crowds of fawning women in the Iowa Caucuses to see their faces light up amorously in the midst of rapid spurts of adoring phrases at the mere mention of Rubio by the media interviewers.

Some segments of America are longing to see, once again, a handsome young President and his beautiful family in the White House. Otherwise, how do you explain the accomplished Governors, ex-CEO and brain surgeon all being dumped into the rubbish heap ?

Once inaugurated, it would be Camelot Rubios or more appropriately to his Spanish roots, Bourbon Rubios (as in the Spanish Royal House of Bourbon). Has a nice ring to it for Whisky Lovers, too.

We pray for a President Rubio who can weather safely the malevolent storms as lashed out in the fate of President Kennedy in this wicked world that will certainly await Rubio in his Presidency.

In the Yin and Yang Equilibrium of this world as understood by the Chinese, just as there are the macabre "Khrushchev" Yang types out there, you will also have the "Prophets and Seers" Yin types like yours truly, to counter-balance the loathsome influences by sounding out the ominous Oracles in the hope of averting calamities.

My dire fore-warnings are given in good faith. I sincerely have great admiration and best wishes for the successful candidate.

At the moment, Marco Rubio and his Lovely Family as the "21st Century Camelot Family" looks promising.