Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Trump's Monkey Year

The Fire Monkey will see Trump sailing smoothly through this election season as prophesied in "Monkey US President". The dovetailing of the overwhelmingly favourable Geomancy evidence for Trump to succeed is well elucidated in this post.

The Iowa Caucus was held on 1 February 2016 at the tail end of of the Chinese Ram Year. The "Feng Shui" favours for Trump obviously had not taken hold yet as the Monkey Year was then still around the corner (the Chinese Lunar Year begins later in the Gregorian Calendar).

The Fire Monkey Year 2016 was ushered in on the 8 February and the very next day was already convincingly auspicious for Trump who won handsomely in New Hampshire. This marks the beginning of the spate of primary victories that will clinch the Nomination for Trump and followed by the winning of the Presidency. 

From now on, no matter what they do, the other GOP candidates will end up serving the interests of Trump.

Chris Christie delivered an unkind cut on Rubio and self-destruct in the process. The pressure from this unkind cut forced Rubio to squeal 5 times in that ABC Debate in a robotic fashion on the latent truth about Obama. Not many understood the real message in the squealings, otherwise Rubio's polling in NH would not have fared so badly.

Rubio was trying to make the point that Obama is a brilliant and effective fresh first term Senator turned President. The precise same track that he, Rubio, himself too is on.

Obama, per Rubio, has a dark agenda for the US and has successfully planted the bitter fruits of that agenda. Because the fruits were bitter, Americans generally thought Obama was a lousy President but is really brilliant in instilling what he intended.

Rubio is therefore saying, by the same token, as a fresh first term Senator. he too is similarly as brilliant as Obama except that his (Rubio's) agenda is to "Make America Great" and this agenda will be successfully implemented by him, as Obama did on his.

By doing this, Rubio is instead focusing the bright spotlights on Trump. Trump's agenda is the Mother of All "Make America Great" Agenda and Trump has stronger Muscles and Experience than Rubio to realise this agenda.

Just as I have said in "Obama, US Catharsis", Nixon/Kissinger compelled a Jimmy Carter, Bush/Cheney mandated a Barrack Obama. The "Obama, US Catharsis" era will farrow an era of "Trump, US Revitalisation and Renaissance".

Rubio will make a fitting VP to Trump. At the very least, he has had been a Sacrificial Lamb for Trump (prophetically, Lamb in the Ram Year had just passed, a good year for Rubio as shown in the Iowa Caucus of his rising star, but cut short abruptly when the Ram Year ended on 7 February, just 2 days before the NH primary).

So much for a Chinese's Premonitions in this election so far.


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