Fox News panelists on good days will drool and gasp over the great Mysteries and Masteries of Trump. His latest Kung Fu magic of how an intended knock out blow from Obama (on 17/18 February 2016) turned around to be a blow back at Obama and an accolade for Trump.
Yes, it can only be explained by Kung Fu. Trump is a Maverick Chinese. I have been saying this throughout my posts and they are worth revisits to check out the specifics, now that the evidence is abundantly clear.
A US President well versed in Chinese and can act like a Chinese is a great strength. Like it or not, the world is now polarised into two major cultural poles, WASP and Chinese.
I did not pluck my observations of Trump out of thin air. I had served under two Chinese US$ Billionaires for a total of 21 years. Trump's similarities to them are amazingly uncanny. As a start, fundamentally, the way Trump treats his family and their responses to him are fascinatingly identical to those of my ex-bosses. And the list of such parallels is endless.
In addition to his big hearted American nature, Trump has core traits that are innately Chinese as they align to what I have assembled in my life's experience as Chinese PITH. Those aspects that are not natural as Chinese in him, he has ingenious ways of molding and configuring them into his psyche. Like bionic prosthetics for missing limbs.
The Book of Ecclesiastes in infinite wisdom had promulgated that there is a season for everything.
Obama became President at a time America needed healing, being tired and worn down by regime change wars. But, Obama's Catharsis was too heavy hearted to the extent it scrapped injuriously at the Foundations of America.
Now is the season for Trump's Revitalisation and Renaissance to "Make America Great Again". He hit the nail on the head by having the foresight to adopt this phrase as his core mantra.
A Great Nation like America must act Great. Be all that She can be. This is the Universal Law of Momentum as we Chinese understand it.
A US President well versed in Chinese and can act like a Chinese is a great strength. Like it or not, the world is now polarised into two major cultural poles, WASP and Chinese.
I did not pluck my observations of Trump out of thin air. I had served under two Chinese US$ Billionaires for a total of 21 years. Trump's similarities to them are amazingly uncanny. As a start, fundamentally, the way Trump treats his family and their responses to him are fascinatingly identical to those of my ex-bosses. And the list of such parallels is endless.
In addition to his big hearted American nature, Trump has core traits that are innately Chinese as they align to what I have assembled in my life's experience as Chinese PITH. Those aspects that are not natural as Chinese in him, he has ingenious ways of molding and configuring them into his psyche. Like bionic prosthetics for missing limbs.
The Book of Ecclesiastes in infinite wisdom had promulgated that there is a season for everything.
Obama became President at a time America needed healing, being tired and worn down by regime change wars. But, Obama's Catharsis was too heavy hearted to the extent it scrapped injuriously at the Foundations of America.
Now is the season for Trump's Revitalisation and Renaissance to "Make America Great Again". He hit the nail on the head by having the foresight to adopt this phrase as his core mantra.
A Great Nation like America must act Great. Be all that She can be. This is the Universal Law of Momentum as we Chinese understand it.
Obama's Agenda to position America as Mediocre will implode in the long run. The Excess Energies have nowhere else to go but, in a garbled state, to blow themselves up where they are! They need a Trump to channel them to fecund areas efficaciously, once again.
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