Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Camelot Rubio ?

The inhabitants of Planet Earth have been in a bizarre mood lately. Could it be something to do with the recent alignment of Stars and other Heavenly Bodies? There is a widespread creepy angst and agitation to long to be thrown back in time.

The Iranians are nostalgically looking to go back 25 centuries to the glory days of the Persian Empire.

ISIL wants a push back of 15 centuries to the sanctity of the Caliphates.

Americans, always the modest ones, only want to go back a little more than half a century to the Camelot Kennedys.

You just need to sweep through the crowds of fawning women in the Iowa Caucuses to see their faces light up amorously in the midst of rapid spurts of adoring phrases at the mere mention of Rubio by the media interviewers.

Some segments of America are longing to see, once again, a handsome young President and his beautiful family in the White House. Otherwise, how do you explain the accomplished Governors, ex-CEO and brain surgeon all being dumped into the rubbish heap ?

Once inaugurated, it would be Camelot Rubios or more appropriately to his Spanish roots, Bourbon Rubios (as in the Spanish Royal House of Bourbon). Has a nice ring to it for Whisky Lovers, too.

We pray for a President Rubio who can weather safely the malevolent storms as lashed out in the fate of President Kennedy in this wicked world that will certainly await Rubio in his Presidency.

In the Yin and Yang Equilibrium of this world as understood by the Chinese, just as there are the macabre "Khrushchev" Yang types out there, you will also have the "Prophets and Seers" Yin types like yours truly, to counter-balance the loathsome influences by sounding out the ominous Oracles in the hope of averting calamities.

My dire fore-warnings are given in good faith. I sincerely have great admiration and best wishes for the successful candidate.

At the moment, Marco Rubio and his Lovely Family as the "21st Century Camelot Family" looks promising. 

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