Thursday, 30 June 2016

Nicola Sturgeon: It Can't Be Caviar Everyday

It's a Disparate World we live in. Agreements and solutions can be quietly and sturdily found with near and dear ones. Okay, "dear" is an option.

When things don't go your way, don't puerily rush around as if the Midnight Gongs have struck and Cinderella holding her glass slippers in hand, fleeing from the Pumpkin that moments ago was a diamond-laced, magnificent golden Carriage (as far as my fable reading days memories can serve me). 

The Russian Politburo and Chinese Communist Party can make iron-clad decisions. You cannot expect to have these powers, you are behaving you have.

You have to, instead, give the Democratic Process the UK subscribe to Dignity by showing Spine, Respect for Scotland and Respect for Yourself.

Say if EU accepted you and insisted that Scotland switch from Sterling to Euro and a host of other Directives you don't like. What, then? Rush out from EU to AU or OAU?

How can you be so certain that UK won't succeed outside of EU? Rush back into the UK, again, if it does?

Spine Up, Nicola !!!

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Brexit Shock (BS)

Yeah! What BS (s##t)? Where is the Bulldogged British Spirit? Instead, regrets and requesting re-referendum. And Sniffling Scotland. Why didn't you Get Out in your own referendum? Now, blaming the UK like a Cry Baby. You just can't only pick the sparkling nuggets in life, Nicola Love...

E Unionism is Macro Trade Unionism. When Trade Unionism was struck down, the entire World Boomed and Prospered!

Trade Blocs are the Pernicious Gremlins that diabolically wreck a truly Free, Equal and Just World. EU's foundation is a Supremacist Construct with ignoble and hidden agendas. It is meant to soothe the post-colonial Power Vacuum and a Bulwark against Russia and China which led to a dangerous Cold War period. Strike it down.

UK is the anointed Wrecking Ball. The Heavens always call upon its most Faithful Son, the Chinese believes, and probably felt sore at not being the chosen one. History can clearly tell why...

UK has two options in its Sacred Duty. Work to break up the rest of EU. Then all the pre-Brexit Cooperations and Arrangements will remain intact less the EU's tussles and costs. The current false and artificial membrane that EU is surrounding itself with is the Stumbling Block to UK's adjustments and re-alignments to EU and the World.

Or, the UK reinvents itself. The British are Blessed with Heavenly Gifts of prolific inventions and innovations. Reinventing itself is simply plain and smooth sailing. Chin Up and draw on your special place with the US + BRICS + Commonwealth (some BRICS in here) + Japan + Taiwan + S Korea + ASEAN.

EU will regret not agreeing to the earlier option of breaking up and will still disintegrate eventually through intra EU bickerings and envying UK's Success outside of EU.

Thank you to my growing German and French friends since I touched on Brexit. I love Europe and am not anti-EU .As a Chinese I tend to write in the hyperbole. Please excuse this indulgent cultural habit.

I am for a Better, Smarter and Just World, Bros.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Fox News STOP IT!

My Head, Heart and Hopes are with Donald Trump. He is the Elixir of Restoration for America and the World in these Chaotic Times.

Hillary Clinton is Barack Obama. In it for the Grand Trappings of Office and Self Love. No burning ambitions or spunk to fix the broken parts of America and the World.

Fox News do a fairly good job reflecting these sentiments. Worth my while to tune in. But, there is a cabal of MUMs that Fox should keep mum!

MUMs for mad, ugly, monsters. I have been troubled and tolerating their repugnant antics in silence.

The last straw is when they have stooped so low as to dig dirt from a former Secret Service officer of the Clintons and airing sordidly the sacred private moments of a husband and wife.

Sacred Duty, Honour and Decent Humanity blew up in one fell swoop. Are there no floor limits?


(I should be mulling to expose the MUMs in full details)

Monday, 27 June 2016

Brexit: One Referendum Too Many

I don't want to mock Democracy. I really hope to make some sense of the current mess in the wake of Brexit.

Democracy had a Noble Beginning when the Champions were Honorable, Honest, and Intelligent. 

Today, Democracy is a form of Vanity. Flaunting by affluent societies that they have one more Abstract Superiority over the poor nations. Or pretending by a backward nation to be something it is not.

The US cannot be a Democracy with its Super Delegates, Super PACs, Lobbyists, Huge Political Fundings by the Large Military Industrial Complexes and Powerful Pharmaceutical Lords. They prey on the unintelligent and less resourced larger populace by tricking them of their votes.

India qualified for its Democracy Label by a majority of its people knowing how to stuff papers into a box. The whole process is surrounded by all manner of manipulations by a tiny minority before the papers are stuffed and after the boxes are emptied.

If China pursued Democracy, where would be its Efficacious Super Highways, Impressive Bullet Train Networks, Sparkling Airports and Shining New Super Jets, and Efficient High-Tech Cities???

When it suited her, Nicola Sturgeon spoke as if wielding Russian Apparatchik Powers while operating in a Democracy.

The Scots should have won their Independence Referendum and left UK in 2014. This would have caused an Implosion within the UK and all further thoughts about Referendums jettisoned. Brexit would have been avoided which is now causing a Worldwide Explosion. Brexit was One Referendum Too Many.

Given the Modern Day Farce about Democracy, Referendums to me are like Dances of the Teasing Virgins.

In Brexit case: The Teasing Virgins Got Nailed!

So, my European Bros, Stop Fooling Around with Democracy and Referendums.

"ZE VARGINS VEER NIZE, YA". Pardon my weak European accent (mix of German and French)....

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Brexit: Too Much Fear Planted !

Topping the Fear Charts is the Idiotic Threat clumsily conjured up by President Obama. It was fun to watch David Cameron's face as he looked on incredulously at Obama while Obama spun the Scaremongering Tale of leaving. Cameron could not even act the role and pretended Obama spoke the Truth. Too boring to repeat the insipid details.

Immediately upon the result of Brexit, Obama strenuously back-peddled his Fairy Tale.

Meanwhile, a word of kind advice to David now that he is resigning as PM. Do not under any circumstance consider an Acting Career as your next move.

If the idea of "remaining" is so compelling, it would have been a self-selling proposition. No need for politician after politician to outdo each other in concocting spooky tales. The politicians single-minded obsession should be seen as a highly suspicious Red Flag.

After all, the British are not stupid people but have the sharpest instincts for thriving in whatever field of endeavours they are in. The substance of its people is what made the UK such a successful Democracy.

Listen to Nicola Sturgeon's tone when she did not get her way in Brexit. She spoke like the Head of a Communist Party in Russia or China. Brexit had jolted her brain into instant amnesia about the UK Democratic System.

UK should, instead, take heart from its Prodigy, Singapore. When Singapore was booted out of Malaysia in 1965, PM Lee Kuan Yew (LKY) wept till both his eyes were swollen as evident on TV. Immediately he resigned amid strong support to remain just as in Cameron's case.

LKY was later reinstated as PM. His mind trained as a British Barrister was inundated with excellent British Memes (thought DNAs as coined by the Brilliant British Biologist, Richard Dawkins) and together with Disciplinarian Chinese Philosophies, he catapulted the Tiny Island of Singapore to a World Class Economy to be amongst the Highest Living Standards in the World.

I am confident of the British Spirit which is ahead of their European counterparts' to drive their bright future after this courageous Break Out Move. With its already bountiful resources, the UK can perhaps adopt some Chinese Disciplinarian Philosophies and become that Big Island Success Story in no time.

Good Luck, Brits.

Brexit: Think Out-Of-The-Box

It was early Friday morning after the UK's EU Referendum and the vote counting became conclusive of the result. De Gaulle momentarily rose from his grave and jiggled a haute Frenchman Dance that gestured, "I told you so". He was absolutely right about the UK.

De Gaulle had always contended the Brits were spoilers who could not be trusted to have their hearts in a united Europe and vetoed twice the British applications to join Europe in 1963 and 1967.

After WW2 ended, the colonies of Western Europe began to break free. The former Colonial Masters felt the emptiness creeping in as a result of the Wealth and Power Vacuum. Each country began to suffer from its own strain of itching depending on its post war fate. France had to save face, Germany and Italy to regain their dignity and the UK, well, felt it should not be left out.

They craved to gratify their combined itchiness by huddling together in a new Superstructure to Lord over the World and disguised it as a Trade Cooperation. The Russians and Chinese, of course, were not fooled and a Cold War was precipitated.

Today, the World has shrunk into a small global village through powerful technologies. These same technologies also created the unimaginable wealth that somehow fortuitously spread itself rather evenly throughout the Globe. Many new Big Markets opened up and can stand independently on their own feet. Trade Blocs are therefore completely redundant.

If anyone were to propose an Asian Trade Bloc now, he would be certainly certified a lunatic. There would be zero benefits and a mountainous bureaucratic sludge of obfuscations to the efficacious free flows and freedoms already in place.  

The UK has to its ever glowing and ingenious credit, once again, responded fittingly to the sign of the times.

This should lead to the ultimate break up of EU, symbolizing the unmistakable dying Gasp of Colonialism and Supremacist Ideology. .A genuine Free World of Equals can emerge and be truly celebrated.

Obama who has been scheming stealthily to erode the Supremacist Internal Structures of the US, confounded me when in the World outside of US, he worked his bluff to try to derail Brexit. That's why I have labeled him a Foregone Fool. Nothing personal.

Rubio and Cruz, had they been elected President this year would create the same inconsistent messes throughout the world as they too at this moment lack the maturity of Trump to see the Big World Picture.

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Brexit: Obama a Foregone Fool

Obama failed to frighten the British who frightfully indulged in their EU Referendum. Now Obama can start enacting his punishments as promised for the British who dared to defy him.

Only Briton to have reacted to Obamascare was Boris Johnson who wasted his time and attracted a small dose of the venom from Obama that Trump had to endure the full dosage of after commenting on the Orlando Shooting.

No other Briton had bothered to react. It's the stiff-upper-lip British way of saying, "we don't talk back to a Foregone Fool". The Brexit result had confirmed this Customary Wisdom.

Enough said for now to allow Obama to bask in his Disgrace of his own making....

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Obama's Approval Rating

Obama's fans gloat over his improving ratings towards the end of his term. Even Obama's hardcore detractors sheepishly acknowledge, "though his rating is rising" before they launched into their diatribes against him.

A US President at the end of his term getting better approval rating is a BAD thing. The two terms limit in the Constitution is precisely to deter a President from pandering to no end to the populace.

Near the end of a Patriotic President's term limit, he should take the opportunity to steadfastly administer the required Bitter Pills for the good health of the country that, most likely, hurts his popularity.. This is called TOUGH LOVE.

No, not to Narcissist Obama who wants to suck up every last drop of SELF LOVE before he leaves the White House. That's why his rating is still rising. And this falsely feeds into his Arrogance to make vitriolic attacks on a candidate running for President. An unprecedented breach of the Code of Behavior for a retiring President.

Compare this Scenario to the Medical Profession. A confident and competent doctor forthrightly treats his patients in their best interests and sometimes may upset them to the extent they bring about a lawsuit for malpractice. Usually due to hurt feelings, studies have shown.

But, an incompetent doctor who tends to pander to the disoriented moods of their patients through practising good "bedside manners" is never sued. The patients are happy but never receive the best medical options.

Obama's case as in this Scenario is obvious and he practises endless Desirable Presidential "Bedside Manners" or as Trump calls them Political Correctness.

Trump is already dispensing TOUGH LOVE even before being elected and is not perturbed by the flak he is attracting. This says a lot about his Authenticity in Saving and Making America Great.'

A Great America will make a Great World.

Somehow, it seems Dinesh D'Souza and I get it about Obama's Slickness. Should we write a book to rationalize the situation?

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Obama's Unfitness

Obama has the good "Feng Shui" of everyone treating him with kid's gloves so far. I have taken mine off and, hence, the caption.

As my blog record shows, I first gently explained away Obama's weaknesses as some sort of "Yin" effects. Events unfolding thereafter prompted me to move to a tougher position in describing him as lacking in "Dragon Breath".

I now realize it's far much more serious than that as my caption hints.

With the deepening dissonance in Obama's rhetorics in the face of each tragedy/massacre, he is stubbornly painting himself into an ugly and untenable corner.

Trump who had called out the shortcomings of GOP rivals in the Primaries, being true to his "Shortcomings Detecting" Sensors Self called out the stance of Obama sharply after the Orlando Shooting.

Trump must have hit the right chords as can be seen from the intensity of the rage in Obama's eyes and facial expressions when he responded to counter Trump's charges. If only that degree of anger had been reserved for ISIL .....

Apart from the Bravery of Trump who had borne the brunt of batterings from many quarters including being shunned by GOP leaders, no one else dares to take on the intransigent stand of Obama for the sake of Political Correctness.

Certainly not for a small fry like me. It is extremely risky even to comment on this Trump/Obama Spat. Have to patiently wait for my breakout opportunities. Then, I gleaned an article titled, "Be afraid. Donald Trump. We're about to see the best of Barack Obama" by Richard Wolffe of the Guardian, UK.

Wow! I thought. Finally, someone who "gets it" about Obama reading superficially from the caption as I do have a certain degree of respect for the Guardian. But, after going through Richard's arguments, I reserve judgment. They run quite contrary to a fellow Britisher's views, Maajid Nawaz, who had warned of Obama's Dabbling in the Politics of Evil and this is more in line with reality than Wolffe's take.

Well, after the excitement of Brexit, fanfare can be once again trumpeted up with a Debate between Maajid and Richard to unpack the Mysteries that enshroud Obama's mind.

The Debate would be best moderated by Greg Gutfeld over Sean Hannity or Bill O'Reilly for obvious reasons I will get to in future posts.

This Debate should clear the troubling obstacles for me to write a book on this Aspect of Obama, perhaps with the support of sponsors. I have an added dimension of insights as I grew up next door to the country Obama had his childhood formative years in. Top neuroscientists declare that up to the age of 8 our brains are hardwired. In an underdeveloped country where Obama grew up, likely to be up to 10. Obama is reacting to World Issues through this Hardwired Part of his Brain.

I believe I hold the Missing Pieces in the enigmatic Obama Jigsaw Puzzle.

Monday, 20 June 2016

Trump's Family-Styled Presidency

John F Kennedy had Robert and Teddy in tow who were his siblings.

Trump had his children coalescing around him in a major decision made to fire Corey Lewandowski. Certainly a harbinger of the fashion of decisions making in a Trump Presidency!

Top Chinese Tycoons around the World have multiple wives and bring their young children into the centrestage policy and decision making process in their Business Empires in spite of the existence of many senior and long serving lieutenants.

I took exceedingly serious notice of Trump's bid for the POTUS when he appeared to be obsessed with China not in a good way, by constantly attacking China viciously. I felt I owed a duty to World Peace by trying to educate Trump on the errors of his conclusions through my posts from mid November 2015 onwards in this blog. 

Meanwhile, I continued to follow and study Trump closely in the media and internet. By January 2016, it dawned on me that, in many fundamental aspects, Trump is more Chinese than the Chinese. My posts from then on shifted their tone to highlight the similarities in search of common grounds for Trump and the Chinese to build on.

Posts emerged titled: Chinaman Trump Thump Megyn Kelly (highlighted how Chinese Tycoons treat their women); Trump, Saul to the Chinese (parallel of Saul persecuting Christians and eventually became the greatest Christian Apostle Paul, Trump will become the greatest promoter of the Chinese); Emperor Trump; Trump's Monkey Year (honoring Trump's success in this Chinese Lunar Monkey Year and not insulting him as some readers perceived); etc.

The Lewandowski Firing News that broke out and showed that Trump's children had a significant role in it fully locked up my conviction that Trump has a Chinese-orientated decision making style.

Trump's family should be a positive influence on him to balance his erratic political highs that pop up from time to time. But, not so sure if Americans have this kind of Trust. In media interviews, Trump's children have demonstrated their individual political maturity and savvy to handle this task well.

To be continued in Part 2. How this Family Model in the White House will affect Trump's VP and his Cabinet Colleagues based on my experience working for Chinese Tycoons with young children at the helm of the Business Empire.

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Brexit Aftermath

The British in their Infinite Wisdom will vote "leave".

EU, EEC or whatever, a Continental Creation has always been an uncomfortable and suspicious institution for the lay British to be in as they dread anything Continental. British breakfast is always superior to the sparse Continental breakfast.

The Brits remember EU as the brain-child of De Gaulle given birth to thump the Brits up their noses to save him from succumbing to the humiliation of saying "thank you" after WW2.

Now that the EU has outlived its purpose and usefulness, the Brits can smell a Rotting Dinosaur Stinking to Heavens High. Thus, having the Karmic Forces table turned around, the Brits can repay the ungrateful Frog with an unmistakable Bale Out.

The second tier countries in EU like Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Austria and the Netherlands will begin to wonder "wat ze fooks ah vee doing inside this smelly Dinosaur now that the foxy Brits had abandoned ship". They too will rush for the door.

The bankrupt countries and those on diplomatic handouts qualified as former Soviet satellite states will pretend nothing has happened. If anything, they will gleefully harbour hopes for more charity from Germany to rain (like the current flooding ones) on them to entice and compensate them to remain in the Dinosaur Carcass,

The Financial Community of London is organizing a Brexit Market Fest from the 23th June culminating in super hectic trading festivities on the 24th taking the brunt of consequences the following day of the vote. I dare venture to predict that paradoxically a "leave" result will boost the Markets and "remain" crash them.

British Bookies favour the odds of remaining. I have pawned my Family Jewels to stake everything against them. I shall throw a big Satay Party on the beautiful Kuala Lumpur evening of 24th June 2016. Flowing Black Labels accompany the delicious Satays. Anyone joining me?

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Brexit No Brainer; LEAVE !

It's not that I am laying any blame on Europeans as I unfold this story. After all, the Good Book says our human condition is flawed. We, Asians, have not touched the Levers of Modern Global Power yet. There is no telling what we can get up to. Japan came close and turned out to be a Barbaric Nightmare.

The French as exemplified by Charles De Gaulle always held notions of Grandeur but lack the substance to back them up and won't admit to it. They never seemed grateful to be liberated from German Occupation by the British and Americans. They would rather forget these events ever happened. The Occupation and The Liberation.

That's why France became the driving force behind EU. An attempt to redeem their leadership over Europe after their humiliating defeat at the hands of the Germans. France wasted no time in the switch of fortunes with Germany as the Germans became the subdued ones. De Gaulle acted tough as if to obliterate France's bruised pride and kept Britain out of EU (EEC then). As long as De Gaulle was alive the membership of Britain would not be entertained. Only after De Gaulle's death on 9th November 1970 did Britain began serious negotiations to join.

Britain was desperate to join as it shared the concerns of the other European Colonial masters that they are losing the perks and privileges of their former colonies as independences were granted and the colonies became nation states and were able to stand on their own feet.

One of the major motivations for EU is to collectively make up for the Wealth Vacuum from the loss of colonies. In their twisted fears in the 60s and 70s, they believed Russia and China would swallow their former colonies all up.

Today, many of the European fears did not materialize. Instead, many former colonies and unexpected countries prospered in ways never imagined.

So much so that the Leaders of Germany, France, Britain, etc, are each outdoing the others to frequently troop in and out of Beijing, Tokyo, New Delhi, Seoul, etc, to cement trade deals.

So the EU is now useless except as a Dinosaur to taunt Putin by binding the former Soviet Union satellite states. That's why politicians are screaming to remain as can be seen from the campaigns of Major, Blair and Cameron.

If and when Ukraine and Crimea are gouged out of Russian control, it would be too sensitive to bring them into NATO but is diplomatically palatable to park them in EU first.

In this instance, Obama perhaps deserves his Nobel Peace Award for showing no interests whatsoever in this gouging effort as pressured by the West's Right Wing Extremists.

Once Britain leaves, the rest of EU will break apart. Trading Blocs are things of the past.

Monday, 13 June 2016

Brexit - Exit and Excel

The People of the Land of King James Bible, Shakespeare, BBC (slipped in for good measure or a laugh), a host of Scientific Breakthroughs for our comfort and convenience, and other impressive World Transformations were treated like little kids by Boogeyman Obama.

Believing that the British have the bird brain of a crow, Obama performed his childish Scarecrow Stunt exactly like an immobile and hay-stuffed Scarecrow to frighten the British audience.

Obama admonished: If you leave EU you will be at the "back of the queue" in any trade deal with the US and something like it will take 10 years. I can't even be bothered to find out verbatim what he said as the theme of this threat is so moronic.

Come on, Barrack! You think the US will ever allow the Economy or Security of the UK to falter?

So with this OBAMASCARE (as much doomed as OBAMACARE) the British are supposed to quiver with fear, pee in their pants and vote "remain"?

I cannot even know where to begin to speak of the talents and uniqueness of the British. Britain is entitled to the term "uniqueness" while America has to remain at "exceptionalism".

I don't have the space and time here but I can drop a few names to indicate the span of the British Creative Culture I know enough to admire. This forms only a tiny proportion of the vast entire spectrum.

Here goes: Isaac Newton, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Mehdi Hasan, Bertrand Russell, Adele, Beatles, Take That, Sam Smith, Michael Parkinson, David Frost, The Queen, Joseph Needham, Annie Lennox, Alan Chee, Kate Bush, Elton John, Maajid Nawaz, Margaret Thatcher, King Henry VIII, David Bowie, Shirley Bassey, Charles Darwin, David Pawson, John Lennox, Rupert Sheldrake, etc, etc.

From the incredible impact of these personalities, you can get an idea of the fecund mind nurturing climate in Britain.

One of the most significant fulfilment of this rich nurturing process was to have accentuated the Voice of Muhammad Ali. Through a series of "brutally" candid interviews in the 70s with Michael Parkinson on BBC, Ali was able to unleash a tsunami of scintillating performances that manifested every dimension of his genius, wit and struggles in an affable fashion that won many hearts. 

America at that time did not have such an open forum hamstrung by its heavy racial undertones. A palatable version was adeptly facilitated by Billy Crystal which was funny but did not directly portrayed Ali as in the way the BBC shows did.

Forget about the massaged numbers and fear mongering spun by politicians to remain. There is only one simple and reliable litmus test to support exiting. The materializing of a full blown BRICS today that could not even be imagined back in 1973.

Australia, NZ and India had fragile dependencies on Britain prior to its entry into EU. Edward Heath tried to secure concessions from George Pompidou for these countries but was snubbed by the French who did not want these annoying commonwealth encumbrances.

Today Australia, NZ and India are strong economies in their own right So can Britain be with its Glorious Traditions to bring out the best in people. The staid and burdensome EU will hold you back and dilute your rich essence.

Exit and Excel even more! God Save The Queen!

Friday, 10 June 2016

Obama Hiroshima Give-Aways (Part 2)

Two A-Bombs were dropped. One on Hiroshima 6th August 1945 and the other Nagasaki 3 days later. Japan surrendered on 15th August 1945.

Britain had loose-ends to tie up in Europe after Germany's surrender on 7th May 1945 and could only afford to ship Lord Louis Mountbatten out to Singapore to formally accept the Japanese Surrender on 12th September 1945. A limbo state of no government in Singapore existed for about a month.

During WW2 my mother worked in a food trading company in Segamat, a buzzling town 180 km north of Singapore. Segamat is a centralised location for the hinterland food produce in the state of Johore in Malaya.

When the war ended, my mother joined an euphoria of friends to travel down to Singapore. She and her gang of friends became first-hand eyewitnesses to the Allied Landing in Singapore. They also witnessed the release of Australian POWs from Changi Prison Camps.

Even though supplies had been airdropped to them, these POWs were still in a horrible state from their brutal imprisonment and looked like the tortured and severely starved victims of the Holocaust, my mother recalled. My mother at 93 today is still very lucid, living on a British pension. I welcome any journalist who may wish to interview her.

As the POWs poured out into the streets of Singapore after the arrival of the Indian Regiment, the cheering locals feted them. Most were wobbling around and could hardly walk. A few were gorging themselves on bananas and literally dropped dead on the street. With the long period of starvation, one cannot suddenly over eat. 

Here is where good Data Harvest (my previous post) practices come in. There are websites that ridiculously play down the Barbarity of the Japanese War Crimes. One of them claimed that the Australian POWs in Changi Singapore were "relatively comfortable". It argued and justified that the POWs were starved because Japanese soldiers too were starving with rations cut at that time.

My mother was incensed when she first heard about this. She asserted that she and her team at the Food Trading Company in Segamat processed many wagon loads of food daily which were transported by the effective railway system the British had built, to the Japanese Military Junta in Singapore up to the very moment of the Surrender.

These type of websites are part of the larger machinery orchestrated at Ministerial level of the Japanese Government to erase the Brutality of their War Crimes in Asia. It had even sunk as low as to edit out their Atrocities in their school history textbooks, which was protested by many Asian Governments and Victims Activists.

Australia sought to prosecute the horrible Japanese War Crimes committed on their POWs in Singapore, Burma and Thailand, but, were hindered in their pursuit when Truman ceased all War Crimes proceedings against Japan from 1949 onwards to re-build Japan.

Obama has once again as a US President denied the Australian POWs and their families Justice and Dignity by visiting the Memorial in Hiroshima when the Japanese had not repented but instead indignantly continue to actively promote their cover-up of their Atrocities and Barbarities.

To be continued in Part 3. Truman's contrite role in pardoning Emperor Hirohito and re-building Japan.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Data Harvest

"Data Mining" is more widely known and is a much larger scale version of Data Harvest.

Data Mining is crude and bulky. Secondary computer programs are then employed to massage and refine the data to comply with predetermined parameters and criteria. In the Commercial World information derived this way is called Business Intelligence.

Data Harvest is akin to a boutique enterprise. Care and finesse are the order of the day. Like the meticulously hand-sewn leather components inside an Aston Martin. So exquisite is the workmanship that the name of the craftsman, who beavered away on a particular car, is handsomely inscribed on the prominent leather covering of the engine of that car to assure him of the full credit.

In today's digital age, we are inexorably vulnerable to the wonders of technological tamperings. These mischievous manipulations are the insatiable delights to a world overcrowded with lunatics, megalomaniacs, egomaniacs, greedy corporations and big governments' agendas.

To harvest data with pragmatic accuracy and impeccable intellectual integrity, the harvester has to be solidly schooled and exposed to the World's Social, Political and Commercial Platforms. To recognize the intricate constructs of Language and Philosophical Thoughts (multi-cultural) that can sit well on these Platforms as supported by the convoluted and swaying criss-crossing beams of evolving World Affairs. 

We need dependable empirical models to solve complex problems quickly. Voluminous data and their complicated derivatives only serve to confuse, paralyse and drown us to oblivion.

Take Brexit. Britain needs to get out as can be demonstrated by looking at the right empirical models. Silly statistics are manipulated by both sides to show they are each right which is a pure waste of time and money.

As a young bank manager I was impressed by my clever businessmen clients who could not arrive at an answer to a situation but could reach a solution that made them tons of money out of that situation.

Today, the ingenuity of mankind has risen many more notches.

We have a situation we don't know the answer, can't find a solution, but we have named the solution. Utterly amazing, isn't it? I am talking about dark energy and dark matter in the Universe.

Instead of "dark" we should refer to them as "miraculous". Miraculous in the full expression and honor of the Divinity. In taking a short cut in the sense of an empirical model I had just argued for, this can be the beginning of discoveries to account for the Universe as Alive and is filled with Love, Consciousness, Intelligence, Information, etc.

Love in the Universe will surely prevent harm as speculated in the orbiting of rogue planets discussed in my last post. We Shall All Live!

My Data Harvests Yield The Sweetest Fruits!

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Breaking News: Obama/Floods

On 6th May, Obama signed an Executive Order (EO) titled, Facilitation of a Presidential Transition. In the past, usually they were signed in September/October of the Election year

So why May then, this year? Something Big happening before September?

In this EO, Obama has expropriated super powers for the Presidency. Political Pundits naturally begin to accuse him of going to use Martial Law to secure a Third Term. But, the stringent checks and balances in the US System would not allow this.

So, what does Obama want the powers for? It must be for some urgent contingencies to cope with impending emergencies. If he authored a specific EO for these emergencies, alarm and panic may be raised. So he slipped in the embellished powers he needed into what the general public would consider to be a routine EO and issued it earlier.

Study the powers conferred carefully and they appear to be needed to deal with severe flooding of Noah's proportion and the aftermath.

Is this the flood as prophesied by the Hopi Indians?

Is this the flood as appeared in the third apparition of Sister Lucia of Fatima that the Vatican has decreed a secret because of its devastating consequences?

Astronomers are reporting evidence of sightings that point to a huge planet hurtling towards our solar system. Geologists are reporting strange phenomena occurring on the Earth's surface and beneath.

From today onwards, we need to pay close attention to what developments daily that the Astronomers and Geologists can tell us. It probably is going to confirm it will be too wet and inconvenient to hold an election in November. 

Viva La Obama, you got your Third Term to salvage the world from the mammoth carnage of a ravaging flood that hits the Earth once every 3,600 years!