Monday, 20 June 2016

Trump's Family-Styled Presidency

John F Kennedy had Robert and Teddy in tow who were his siblings.

Trump had his children coalescing around him in a major decision made to fire Corey Lewandowski. Certainly a harbinger of the fashion of decisions making in a Trump Presidency!

Top Chinese Tycoons around the World have multiple wives and bring their young children into the centrestage policy and decision making process in their Business Empires in spite of the existence of many senior and long serving lieutenants.

I took exceedingly serious notice of Trump's bid for the POTUS when he appeared to be obsessed with China not in a good way, by constantly attacking China viciously. I felt I owed a duty to World Peace by trying to educate Trump on the errors of his conclusions through my posts from mid November 2015 onwards in this blog. 

Meanwhile, I continued to follow and study Trump closely in the media and internet. By January 2016, it dawned on me that, in many fundamental aspects, Trump is more Chinese than the Chinese. My posts from then on shifted their tone to highlight the similarities in search of common grounds for Trump and the Chinese to build on.

Posts emerged titled: Chinaman Trump Thump Megyn Kelly (highlighted how Chinese Tycoons treat their women); Trump, Saul to the Chinese (parallel of Saul persecuting Christians and eventually became the greatest Christian Apostle Paul, Trump will become the greatest promoter of the Chinese); Emperor Trump; Trump's Monkey Year (honoring Trump's success in this Chinese Lunar Monkey Year and not insulting him as some readers perceived); etc.

The Lewandowski Firing News that broke out and showed that Trump's children had a significant role in it fully locked up my conviction that Trump has a Chinese-orientated decision making style.

Trump's family should be a positive influence on him to balance his erratic political highs that pop up from time to time. But, not so sure if Americans have this kind of Trust. In media interviews, Trump's children have demonstrated their individual political maturity and savvy to handle this task well.

To be continued in Part 2. How this Family Model in the White House will affect Trump's VP and his Cabinet Colleagues based on my experience working for Chinese Tycoons with young children at the helm of the Business Empire.

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