Sunday, 26 June 2016

Brexit: Too Much Fear Planted !

Topping the Fear Charts is the Idiotic Threat clumsily conjured up by President Obama. It was fun to watch David Cameron's face as he looked on incredulously at Obama while Obama spun the Scaremongering Tale of leaving. Cameron could not even act the role and pretended Obama spoke the Truth. Too boring to repeat the insipid details.

Immediately upon the result of Brexit, Obama strenuously back-peddled his Fairy Tale.

Meanwhile, a word of kind advice to David now that he is resigning as PM. Do not under any circumstance consider an Acting Career as your next move.

If the idea of "remaining" is so compelling, it would have been a self-selling proposition. No need for politician after politician to outdo each other in concocting spooky tales. The politicians single-minded obsession should be seen as a highly suspicious Red Flag.

After all, the British are not stupid people but have the sharpest instincts for thriving in whatever field of endeavours they are in. The substance of its people is what made the UK such a successful Democracy.

Listen to Nicola Sturgeon's tone when she did not get her way in Brexit. She spoke like the Head of a Communist Party in Russia or China. Brexit had jolted her brain into instant amnesia about the UK Democratic System.

UK should, instead, take heart from its Prodigy, Singapore. When Singapore was booted out of Malaysia in 1965, PM Lee Kuan Yew (LKY) wept till both his eyes were swollen as evident on TV. Immediately he resigned amid strong support to remain just as in Cameron's case.

LKY was later reinstated as PM. His mind trained as a British Barrister was inundated with excellent British Memes (thought DNAs as coined by the Brilliant British Biologist, Richard Dawkins) and together with Disciplinarian Chinese Philosophies, he catapulted the Tiny Island of Singapore to a World Class Economy to be amongst the Highest Living Standards in the World.

I am confident of the British Spirit which is ahead of their European counterparts' to drive their bright future after this courageous Break Out Move. With its already bountiful resources, the UK can perhaps adopt some Chinese Disciplinarian Philosophies and become that Big Island Success Story in no time.

Good Luck, Brits.

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