Monday, 13 November 2017

Sean Hannity: A Modern Day Eunuch

Sean Hannity is the kind of sleaze bag that makes Bill O'Reilly looks very dignified.

My previous blogs on Sean never displayed any fondness for him. So, I am consistent in what I am about to say of him.

President Trump has just intensified the spotlights on Asia in his recent Asian Tour. He made very impressive research into the history of Asia and expounded them with his personal touches brilliantly at the APEC meeting. What I am about to unfold is an exotic part of the history of Imperial China that Trump's minders may have missed.

In the long ago days of the Imperial Courts of the East, Eunuchs were employed to supervise the Emperor's Harem. They undertook an elaborate ritual to prepare young maidens for the Emperor's pleasures.

In modern America, you have the lecherous rogues who abuse young maidens and someone, in a kind of Eunuch's role in reverse, cleans up the mess to make it look palatable.

If you are famous and important enough to the Right, Sean Hannity is your guy. The reversed engineered Eunuch who dresses up your salacious deeds to blur the lines of guilt of the heinous sex crimes committed. Roy Moore is his latest piece of Work of Filth.

The Eunuchs of Imperial China had bad encounters with destiny and were castrated and forced into their Harem duties. Their severed organs were preserved to be buried with them when they died. It was believed that this ensured that they came back in their next life with their manhood fully intact.

Sean Hannity out of his own freewill is performing these modern day perverse Eunuch-like rituals that are a great disservice to women. Why, Sean?

What depraved motivations drive you to do them?

What kind of a low-life object will you come back as in your next life?

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

President Donald Trump's HHQ

When I first started schooling, aged in the single digit, I was bedazzled by the need to have high IQ (HIQ) scores. A display of intelligence!

Then, in my mid-working career and this revelation came to me late in my late 30s, EQ was far more important than IQ to get ahead in life. High EQ (HEQ) scores indicate we are emotionally savvy to build profitable relationships and networking.

Trump exposes us all to HHQ, high hypocritical quotient. It's an ingenious way to use hypocrisy to blow up larger hypocrisies prevailing in the operating environment (evangelicals' thinking and other unrealistic high idealism that dominate the US as an example among many). Trump is no doubt the Masterful Guru in this technique and showing the world its benefits contrary to what his detractors think, who are trapped in the old ways and continue to promote their entrenched hypocrisies.

This HHQ technique is not new at all. It had been efficaciously applied by lesser known leaders of small nations to clear unwarranted blockages to achieve great success.

Trump using it will gain further global attention and recognition when it is fully understood and the substantive results pan out.

Lee Kuan Yew (LKY) of Singapore went to great lengths to decapitate the hypocritical Western Media influences on a newly developing Singapore. LKY took the ruthlessly required steps to accelerate the development and growth of Singapore by cutting off the Western Media's unrealistic idealism for Singapore at that tender phase of its nationhood.

Lee need not resort to the antics Trump is using as Singapore then had a docile population (sorry Singaporeans but it was true) to push through his relevant tough reforms that yielded such spectacular results that can be seen in Singapore today.

Trump is currently in Lee Kuan Yew's shoes ( This Lee being the father of current PM Lee Hsien Loong whom Trump recently hosted in Washington).

In Trump's case, he has to kick and punch vigorously through such a pugnacious and rapacious society like the US as the overpowering and megalomaniac Media has usurped the true authority of the state. The Media does not have to face the consequences of its reporting. Tomorrow when unforeseeable circumstances change, the Media just changes its tack. Politicians have to live up to what they have said on record. .  

Should Trump succeed, great (he knows his promises) and phenomenal outcomes await the USA. These will be in the league of Singapore's accomplishments and compounded much more by the already advanced progressive base of the US.

More vignettes to back up this belief are in the pipeline.

Friday, 18 August 2017

Sean Hannity Must Be Very Proud

Sean, you bent over backwards to breed and polish this Evil Man's Political Prospects with Fox News' abundant "image building" resources to make him the 45th POTUS.

Now, you must be very proud of yourself.

Your Boss, James Murdoch, just made a rightful and strong stand against this Evilness.

May your nefarious and amateurish career in Fox continue to prosper. What does an Emoji for Extreme Sarcasm look like? To be appropriately inserted here.

Bill O'Reilly is luckier than you, Sean. His vociferous sexual appetite has jettisoned him out of the way before the True Color of 45th shone so openly.

Perhaps Sean, it's about time you picked up the vices of Bill. 

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Donald Trump Better Chinese Than Gordon Chang

Every time Fox News want to bash China, they invite Gordon Chang to speak on their shows. This "running dog" as China refers to all traitors, has facial features of a Chinese and a Chinese sounding surname, "Chang". 

Beyond that, there is nothing Chinese about Gordon. Laced with these shallow Chinese outward signs which afford him to project the optics of an expert on China and Asia, he plays his fear-mongering cards to the anti-Chinese Media segment in the US. It's a lucrative business as fear always has a strong following. Driving their fears to a delusional high, he pacifies them (making more money for himself) by authoring a book titled, "The Collapse of China" which indicates how delusional he himself is about the Affairs of China.

All that Gordon sees about China is through the lens of right wing America. The hateful and bullying Bill O'Reilly type. Gordon spews out the wicked fodder for the consumption of the Steve Bannon types to turn them into venom against China. Gordon is the perfect fit in the loop of self-feeding hatred and misrepresentations on China in the US.

President Trump, on the other hand, is much more of a Chinese than Gordon. Trump's Chinese characteristics had been widely assessed in this Blog.

Trump initially held a hard line against China. Probably through the influence of Bannon. Trump's certain inherent Chinese nature, however, gave him the intuitive edge to connect flexibly with Xi Jinping to bring out the best in each other. There is now a hitherto unheard of web of cooperation between the US and China to deal with the menace of N Korea. 

Had Gordon Chang or Steve Bannon been able to hold the upper hand in influencing the Trump-Xi relationship, a belligerent head-on would have arisen and the world might have already headed into a Nuclear Disaster.

Shame on you, Gordon and Steve, for playing your selfish and egoistic games!

Monday, 1 May 2017

Donald Trump: The Greatest Salesman For China

American Exceptionalism is well recognized and mostly baffling to the rest of the world. China has its unique form of Exceptionalism, little known to the outside world owing to the muddy detritus of the Cold War.

Heavy nefarious Western Propaganda demonized China and Russia after WW2 and pounded out their voices. With these 2 countries kept at bay, so-called Democracy was shaft down the throats of many weaker nations. The very same Democracy that today is on full display in the US, not for uplifting the interests of the common people, but powered by money for the moneyed.

On its own, China will have to struggle vehemently against an exceedingly steep uphill battle to gasp for breath to air the efficacy and beauty of China Exceptionalism. The Exceptionalism that propelled China to being the world's 2nd largest economy and its impressive progress in the living conditions of its citizens. More than 600 million people and increasingly so see substantive tangible improvements in their lifestyles within their memorable lifetime!

Hostile Western Propaganda has erected a High and Thick Wall of Prejudice and Ignorance boxing in China.

In a couple of days spent at Mar-a-Lago, Xi Jinping had mystically charmed Donald Trump into being an ardent advocate for China. With a few simple strokes of his hallmark rhetoric and gesturing, Trump has torn down these belligerent Walls surrounding China.

Trump has drawn attention to the Fake News about China that will set the trend in the entire Western World to dismantle the silly Ideological Wall ring-fencing China.

In a curious twist of irony, Trump has run ahead to smashing the Tall and Thick Ideological Wall around China and yet to to lay a stone to build the much vaunted Mexican Wall.

My months of silence after Trump's ascent to the Presidency was to await the inspiration for the true significance of The Mandate from Heaven given to Donald Trump. The Mandate I had talked of frequently in this Blog!

It has finally arrived. As were in the instances with past Emperors of China, The Mandate of Heaven has always been for the Salvation of China. It is no different this time around!

Donald Trump is the Messenger bearing The Mandate of Heaven and, hence, the Greatest Salesman for China in these perplexing times.

Monday, 20 February 2017

Yuval Noah Harari's Tomorrow is Already Here

Yuval (Homo Deus) appears to me to be an aspiring Prophet of Doom telling the World he is ushering in a new Apocalyptic Experience that can rival that of the Bible's.

Being Jewish, he holds all the credentials naturally to take on this task. But, instead of relying on the Prophesies of past Sages, he is approaching end-times through tech-driven future possibilities in his arguments.

Didn't Heisenberg, Bohr and their 1927 gang already explored these ideas and came out with The Matrix as a system that governs our lives?

Is Yuval usurping these Quantum Physicists with a "trick use" of Language or is he even bolder by attempting to cheat God?

We are already living in the Singularity that Yuval speaks of and being supervised by an All Knowing, Omnipotent data processing system called the Matrix (as fully illustrated by the movie of same name), or awesomely and respectfully revered as God.

"Dataism" as expounded by Yuval is Deity as we know it.

Our full understanding of this subject is hindered by our inability to even begin to comprehend Consciousness, Love and Intelligence in the roles they play in a Universal Sense. How could Yuval proceed to his position without clearing these fundamental obstacles? Is he talking about the brain that can be easily be put into the equivalency of Tech Hardware and OS, but not the mind?

Yuval used the principles he adopted in "Sapiens", infused some latest High Tech and through clever play of words tried to aggrandize his Apocalyptic version. But, really, is old wine in a new wine-skin.

Not all is lost though. Bill O'Reilly can pick up some nuggets here on the sophistication of Human Nature and Nature's governing systems so that he makes less of a Prick of himself in his harsh opinions which hold sway over his friend, Trump. Including on Abortion that is riling up the entire nation presently.

Saturday, 18 February 2017

Trump Able to See the Lies about Russia

Whoopi Goldberg just concluded President Trump is a Taliban. Well, Whoopi Darling, all I can say is that it takes a Taliban to catch Talibans (derivative of thief to catch thieves).

Similarly, it takes a person skilled in lying to catch Great Lies (Trump's dexterity in this regard can be rationalized in Tao Philosophy which I will go into at a later Blog Post).

The Western Civilization has been vociferously breeding and nurturing Big Lies about Russia (and China) ever since Churchill and Roosevelt took a dislike to Stalin (and Mao).

The ingenious British now mesmerizing the Americans in all spheres eg Nigel Farage in Politics; Piers Morgan and John Oliver in Media; James Corden and Adele at the latest Grammy's, etc concocted the iconic James Bond 007 fiction that entertained the American (and most of the world's) mindsets in the novelty of Russia Evil that has eventually solidly ossified into perceived Reality. 

President Trump steeped in the attributes of the Art of Lying and Reality Shows is now coming to the rescue of this iniquity by undoing the Horrid Lies as empowered by his experience and inherently obdurate nature.

The Cold War is long over. Berlin Wall had fallen. Soviet Union broken up. Ex-Soviet Satellite States cunningly lured into EU, and some, more threateningly to Russia, into NATO. Putin patiently and magnanimously putting up with the continuing lies and unfair sanctions that halved the value of the ruble.

What more does the West wants? For Russia to be irretrievably cracked up? That's why Putin, a true Russian Patriot, is pushing back so hard. And he is branded the aggressor!

And the so-called brilliant Obama, did he not know about all these scenarios? Yet, he mischievously placed all the unnecessary obstacles on Russia in his last 20 days in office to trip up President Trump when he took office. With current unfolding events, it appears Obama did a mighty fine job.

President Trump will undoubtedly diffuse this unwarranted high tension situation with Russia for the sake of World Peace. He has gathered like-minded Elite Americans like Tillerson and previously Manafort and Flynn to help him. His task is so tough that two of his selected help had been knocked out by a very prejudiced Washington and the Media.

It is about time the hawks in all realms in Washington update themselves on the truths about Russia and China to give the world a chance at Peace and Harmony.

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Michael Flynn Destroyed By Obama's Banana Skin

Before he left office, the shrewd Obama scattered a strategic field of banana skins for the in-coming Trump Administration to skid and trip over (details in earlier post "Obama's Bananas").

These Obama banana skins had claimed the first major casualty in Trump's Administration, ironically, a military man in the form of General Michael Flynn.

With barely a month left in his Presidency, Obama invoked strong sanctions against Russia and ejected numerous diplomats based merely on suspicions and allegations of hacking. Why the necessity of such drastic actions and haste of execution, if not to set a bait for Trump to fall into a trap?

It was essential and reasonable for President-Elect Trump who wanted improved relations with Russia when he is President to send some sort of a feeler ahead to reassure Russia and ensure that irreparable damage in relations was not wreck by an Obama bent on souring up things before he left.

Had Obama not created this 11th hour sly mischief of the sanctions and ejections, there would not have been any advance issue with Russia for Flynn to pursue and he would have been firmly ensconced in the WH as National Security Adviser to Trump.

Flynn had been tripped by Obama's banana skin when he engineered the cover up for which no crime had been committed. This bungled cover up undermined VP Pence and cost Flynn his job.

Obama 1 Trump 0

I can still see some more Obama rotting bananas sticking out there with very slippery skins where another Trump Administration member may step on and skid or slip very badly.

It was not a smooth transition, just hypocritical optics and the proof had just happened.

Monday, 30 January 2017

Trump Turns "The Trinity"

Trump has given a new spin to the concept of "The Trinity", yes, the Godhead. I am no expert in Christian Theology except for the vague exposure to the ambiguous idea of "The Trinity" as spread by notoriously ambitious missionaries roaming around my country.

Trump turns "The Trinity" into shall we say "The Quadrity".

The angry and critical chattering against Trump by a largely distressed American Media sparked this idea of "The Quadrity" in me. The noises dawned on me that there is a "Trump" in all of us, at least in all the guys.

It's whether a big "Trump" or a little "Trump". But, the ostentatious examples set by a President Trump are growing the "Trump" inside of us, whatever its original size was. It's becoming fashionable to think like and behave like Trump. No longer need to restrain or disguise the Trumpian base impulses simmering in our visceral. Just let them expand and explode anytime you fancy.

As a Chinese confounded by many Western Teachings, I may be transgressing and violating Christian sacred beliefs. Please feel free to guide a confused and straying China-man.

I always thought the notion of "Satan" is overblown. Trump has helped to purify the muddied waters of The Godhead by illustrating that "Satan" is just the fourth component turning "The Trinity" into "The Quadrity". The Father, The Son, The Holy Ghost and newly discovered The Unholy Ghost (Trump and Satan's replacement) reside in the Temple of our body.

Many vain and self-deceiving Male Media Anchors brag that they are much better than Trump in treating and talking about women. Don't be so cock sure of yourselves guys. You don't have Trump Money or his good looks (restrain your puke) when he was in his 30s and 40s.

In case you have allowed the "Trump" in you to be hibernating, don't forget many women are not Angels, not when they are around moneyed men!

Lasciviously rambunctious Trump has tamed many a Fast Woman in his time and now has earned The Mandate of Heaven to mete out outlandish "shock" treatments  to tame an unruly World.

Am I sexiest? Is there such a thing anymore in a Trump Universe where all PC barriers are torn down?

Reince Priebus can take heart that I have legitimized Trump and enshrined him in the Godhead as the fourth member of "The Quadrity" of being The Unholy Ghost.

Finally, Pope Francis may be finally flustered by my notion which carries weight as events are unfolding.

Friday, 20 January 2017

Trump Restores US Dragon Breath

The US Dragon breathes Majestic Flames once again. Trump has instantaneously restored Dragon Breath to the American Presidency. Dragon is the Chinese Equivalency of an Imperial Ruler.

The Leader of the Greatest Nation on Earth must comport himself with commensurate meritorious Strength and Dignity which is precisely what President Trump has done.

Given half the chance, should Russia or China occupies the Top Slot in the world, either one of them would have no hesitation in flaunting its Might, Power and Glory.

Camelot and Distinguished British Royal touches are adorning the White House. A fine balance has been tuned by Trump in his brand of Pomp and Resplendent Disposition. You may not agree with every aspect of his politics but no one can take this away from him.

In anticipation of an interesting and testing four years, I have dedicated a new Blog to Donald Trump entitled "Lonlerlum" which obviously is how Chinese throughout the World not well-versed in English would pronounce his name.

May God Bless Trump's Presidency with Peace, Progress and Prosperity ....

Friday, 13 January 2017

Obama's Bananas

An over-ripened banana can be a slippery weapon. Quite unbeknownst to Hillary Clinton when she consented to be Obama's Secretary of State, she had been slipping on Obama's festering rotten bananas until her banana skids came back to haunt her in her elections bid for the Presidency.

Her strong and noble theme on Foreign Policy of "Great Nations Need Organizing Principles" was defiled by Obama's cowardly mantra of "Don't Do Stupid Shit".

Obama was so proud of his mantra on Foreign Policy that he made the Press Corp on board Air Force One whilst on a flight to Malaysia (my home country) repeat it after him like mindless school boys and girls: "Don't Do Stupid Shit".

They sheepishly complied for fear of not being invited on the next Air Force One trip. Talk about abuse of Presidential Powers.

In Obama's last days in the WH he has been having a hell of a lot of fun littering a litany of rotting bananas for incoming President Trump to slip and skid on.

There was an unusually high number of Executive Orders and fresh initiatives hastily put into action by a lamed duck Obama. I will mention the significant ones.

After two years of inaction in Mosul, Iraq which allowed ISIL to infest and entrench themselves deeply, Obama suddenly ordered a full scale attack on Mosul. Just in time for Trump to bear the brunt of retaliatory attacks in attempts to retake Mosul by ISIL.

After cowardly doing nothing in the seas around Iran in the face of Iranian sailors' provocations, Obama slyly provoked the Chinese in the South China Seas with naval and air intrusions to anger the Chinese. Festering rotten bananas in store for Trump to skid into high tensions with the Chinese. Especially more so now with the threats of Rex Tillerson.

Souring ties with Israel by refusing to veto scathing UN Resolution against Israel. A first term President Obama donned a Jewish skull cap and visited the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. What a hypocrite!

Then, Obama expelled the Russian diplomats precipitating a diplomatic minefield for Trump to untangle.

These are the festering and rotting bananas that Obama intends Trump to slip and skid on when he takes over the Oval Office.

Still think Obama is a Nice Fella? I shall be exposing more of his devious mischiefs in this Blog.

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Trump Deals with The Cock

Trump talks tough, though at times he breaks into a pleasant disposition and exudes disarming charm. 

There are many "Trumps" in Trump. Just like a Chinese he is protean to the core and can flex his colors variation like an agile chameleon to suit the environment.

Going by the "lewd language spewing" Trump, the above caption appears to hold up no significance or surprise at all.

But, it does.

Eight days after the swearing-in of Trump as the 45th POTUS on the 20th January 2017, the Chinese ushers in the Lunar New Year of The Cock! Or, more politely, the Lunar Year of The Rooster.

Americans may recall the Tet Lunar Offensive in the Vietnam War on 31st January 1968. Yes, it's the same genre of Lunar Year referred to here. Vietnam is a derivative of China going by History.

In the Tet Offensive, more than 70,000 Vietcong and North Vietnamese soldiers simultaneously attacked 126 cities and towns in South Vietnam inflicting heavy casualties.

Though the US eventually crushed the Tet Offensive, the critical damage was done. Vietnam won the Psychological Victory which marked the road to defeat for the US leading to the final complete withdrawal of US from Vietnam.

With days to go to his inauguration, I sincerely hope Trump would factor in this defeat into his calculus before he plans to engage in any conflict with China. I am sure the entire world hopes too.