Sunday, 29 May 2016

Obama Hiroshima Give-Aways

The condescending trip to Hiroshima on Memorial Weekend is akin to slapping both America's left and right cheeks with one blow. Only Obama knows the trick in doing that. So deep is it in his psyche.

For a narcissist with low self-esteem, it was the perfect trip and timing that could not be resisted. The narcissist part was fulfilled by historic glory and the "low self-esteem" portion by the groveling to a Barbaric Power that pulverised Pearl Harbor at no provocation whatsoever.

The Japanese is an Arrogant Race. They rank themselves as equals to the West and feel mightily superior over the rest of Asia. But, their humanism up to the point of the dropping of the A-Bomb was totally lacking. They were even very cruel to their own kind. They descended from a tradition where the Shogun can whip out his sword in a moment and slice off a peasant's head if the salutation bow was thought to be effected not low enough.

Their invasions of Asia were marked by unspeakable atrocities in the battle fields and on the civilian populations. Mental barbarity extended to their enforced colonies of comfort women to feed the recurring and audacious lusts of their militia men for as long as their occupation of conquered lands.

They are Shinto Buddhists. A far cry from the Hari Krishna strand of the John Lennon era whose delights on the streets of London were banging drums, dancing and chanting. Maybe some weeds.

The Shinto roots in Japanese Buddhism indulge in worshipping a variety of gods of war. This engendered the elite Japanese to be on a war mongering mastery. The Emperor is the Head of the Religion and fittingly the Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Military Forces,

Emperor Hirohito during WW2 had a special War Room inside his Imperial Palace where he tracked, directed and managed the day to day progress of the War. He was inevitably complicit to the inhumane ongoings in the War.

The Japanese are no meek lambs. Had they won the War, imagine the unimaginable dread Asia would have been in..

To be continued in Part 2. Watch out for my 93 year old mother's personal eye witness account of tortured and horribly starved Australian POWs released from Singapore's Changi Prison when the Japanese surrendered in 1945.

Friday, 27 May 2016

Obama CV

The CV, short for Curriculum Vitae, of Obama can be summed up as CV. Cheap and Vain.

Cheap and vain. Narcissist with low self-esteem. Conceited and self-consuming. Sneaky and sly. Let's call this almost complete portrait of Obama -  CV++.

Any person who seeks and holds the office of POTUS must be faithfully steeped in the sense of US Defining History and the Deeper Patriotic Connotations. Even an arch enemy of the US would think and feel this way. That's why the world is befuddled by Obama's deeds but too polite to say so.

Healings and repairs to past wrongs are noble deeds but must be considered in the dignified climate and timing of the Nation's Standing. The route to be taken must be thoughtfully negotiated. Perhaps certain acts of contrition are best deferred to the purview of future Presidents for the sake of more healing time and the Nation's Stately Distinctiveness.

But, not to CV++ Obama who is impatient in his vain glory seeking priorities to plant his historic imprints into Iran, Cuba, Vietnam, Hiroshima, etc, etc. So, Obama is dashing around in the final days of his Presidency to grab every historical act plausible to bolster his legacy irregardless of the larger consequences to the US.

In Merry Olde England, David has no such luck as lucky globe-trotting Obama. He has to check with the Queen first. The Queen will enquire "Why, David?" If David gave a good reason, the Queen would respond, "Jolly good, Dave, I shall go there myself". PM David Cameron can't fancifully visit wherever he likes unless it is a pressing Matter of State.

CV++ Obama has free rein to go where he likes, whenever he likes.

Without anchorings and bearings in Proud History and Honorable Patriotism, Obama's Presidency is like a tiny particle in the Large Hadron Collider. After each collision. a zoo of particles are scattered all over for the respective US Agencies to chase after and deal with them. Obama gets the thrills of the "Bang".

Obama should be a lesson to all American voters. Thank Goodness, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are out of the race. With their lack of "Dragon Breath" as posited in my earlier posts, they would be like little Obamas waiting to happen.

Trump is the Man of the Moment to save America!

(Obama's visit to Hiroshima is highly inappropriate and I need a 4 parts post in the future to explain)

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Obama Salutes Trump

Obama by mentioning "Trump rattled World Leaders" is saluting Trump with the highest Praise and Honor.

US being the greatest nation on Earth must inspire awe and only Leaders who are ill-intend towards the US would be rattled.

When Obama was the front-runner for POTUS back in Mid-2008, World Leaders also had a feeling about him but did not raise it with the sitting President then. It was not a polite feeling.

There was no point to point out what they thought is a Naive Dope that America was so bizarrely enamoured with.

The World Leaders instead secretly rubbed their hands and gleefully rooted for an Obama win to milk this Naive Dope which they did for the last 8 years.

Essentially, Obama is a Narcissist with Low Self-Esteem. Throw in Sneaky and Sly and you have the whole picture.

I know because I grew up in a neighbouring country to that where Obama had his formative years, Indonesia. And I am an acutely observant and nosey fella about my neighbours.

Obama is discrediting Trump to the world purely for his own narcissistic sake. Most sincere people erroneously think it's for Hillary or the DNP. Obama knows in the manner Trump is going to run the Presidency will unfold and accentuate unspeakably the shame and humiliation upon Obama's legacy which he is so conceited and self-consumed about. 

Top of the tops would be the absurd Iranian Nuclear Deal. And Trump certainly would not be harping from the perspective that it also topped the Biblical Charts in demonstrating in an unsurpassable way on how to "Love Thy Enemies". 

Saturday, 14 May 2016


The undeniable proof of Universal Consciousness is firmly ascertained. We draw our thoughts and behaviours from a common Cosmic Pool.

How else do you explain the idiosyncratic and iconoclastic characteristics of Donald Trump precipitously found in full matching suit in Duterte who has just been elected the President of Philippines? 

It was not as if one followed the example of the other. It kinda occurred all at once lending credence to the Political Quantum Entanglement Theory as detailed in my Quantum Donald Trump series of earlier postings. Read them to support and enlarge your understandings here.

This sudden appearance of "Trumpism" is everywhere.

In Malaysia, we are renowned for our simple, economical and delicious hawker fare.

Suddenly, apparently out of nowhere, a Trump-like hawker sprang out in my neighbourhood. Everything he did flew in the face of the expectations and convenience of the broad-based customers. Like Trump insulting his electorate. Yet, customers flock in droves to this hawker, forming long queues daily.

This hawker's unconventional ways would normally inconvenience and put off the generally very demanding Malaysians. 

You had to pay first and wait maybe quite a while. Other hawkers almost instantaneously bring the food to the table and then get paid. You are therefore in the position to dictate changes if you didn't see what you like in the serving.

The price is almost double for a similar genre of food.

The serving portion is fixed at one size and the ingredients and form of the food non-negotiable. Malaysian fusspots are used to barking all sorts of variations. Softer, hotter, spicier, more of this, less of that, etc,etc. Those from other countries reading this must be envious of Malaysians. Visit Malaysia and experience for yourselves! Other than this hawker, of course.

When you pay, you are given a queue number tag and sternly told if you do not display the tag prominently on the table, your serving will be disregarded. 

Until this Trump of a hawker came along, Malaysians at the hawker food centres are truly like Kings beckoning their every whim and fancy at the condescending and compliant hawkers.

This outbreak of "Trumpism" even down to the lowest levels is a new world order and is here to stay.

Get used to it! Even you Americans!

Friday, 13 May 2016

Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump (Part 2)

The HORRORS of recent American Wars are brushed aside (away?) as detailed in part 1.

So quickly were the hideous consequences dismissed of limbless young men and severely mentally destroyed individuals still paying the trickling price of suicides daily.

Jon Michael Turner opened up and took the risks of being branded a traitor. But, his inner demons from the war are pacified for the time being and he may be spared the act of committing suicide.

Many tried to uphold their dignity and suffered in silence. By doing this, they allowed their inner demons to pugnaciously fester and succumbed to taking their own lives when they could not take it anymore.

Meanwhile, the current crop of politicians are not deterred in anyway and continue to talk loosely and boastfully of more American might in Global Interventions. This spells sending more young Americans to certain death or to be maimed in the gruesome and horrific manner no one wants to talk about and pretends not to know.

In this regard, do past, present and future US politicians have a sense of guilt?

Do they see the importance of opening the issues in Winter Soldier in the 2016 elections to get a full perspective of the severe and ghastly consequences of American Global Adventures?

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump

Trump would be the presumptive president in the captioned line-up.

All of them have gamed the American Way by skirting, bending and/or breaking the rules. Their distinctive and savvy instinct was to have dodged the draft. They, thereby, avoided active combat duties and are alive and physically well to be superbly "parachute dropped" onto the seat of the Commander-in-Chief.

Obama was fortuitous enough to be in the age range that when he was an able-bodied young American male, there was no active American War ongoing. Judging from his narcissistic maneuverings, his dodge tactics would have outflanked the rest and probably put them to shame as well, in comparison. Sometimes, the world is deprived of a spectacular phenomenon through the throw of a dice.

Just like the Pope who is pharisaical in prescribing instructions on sexual activities and other pleasures, these Commander-in-Chiefs prescribe young, spirited and values-filled Americans to the War Theatres to face unspeakably diabolical situations these C-in-Cs have no idea of as they themselves had never been in active combat duties.

The horrors and unimaginable evil that these young men go through were then heavy-handedly suppressed, and as abetted by the silence of mainstream media.

These brutally squashed truths, like blood in fresh corpses, inevitably get splattered out as unconcealable statistics of 18 to 22 veterans suicides daily !

Watch the Winter Soldier testimony of Iraq Veteran Jon Michael Turner. The veterans in the audience cried. I went to my room out of my family's sight and cried. Not for America or Iraq, but for the whole of Humanity.

These crucial issues were not even touched upon in this 2016 elections. Except, maybe for the suicide statistics to justify better Veterans Care.

Students the world over of 101 American Politics should begin with the lessons here.

I pray China will never emulate or seek American Militaristic Ambitions. It will result in condemning its young and best hopes to such atrocious HORRORS and EVIL. Just be a Super Economic Power doing Good in the World, Mr Xi.

It's Friday, the 13th. Timely to reopen the can of American Horror Stories and pour the contents onto the 2016 Election Pulpits. No other issue can beat this one.

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Quantum Donald Trump (Part 4)

As an outsider looking into the US, it is easier for me to detect the Quantum Political features and other Aberrations in the 2016 Elections.

America is at the brink of its nationhood where it is ready to move a notch up to invite in the wisdoms of civilizations that had spanned more than a few millennia.

Those who have faithfully followed my blog would have found that I have seemed to be so ungracious to Obama, Cruz and Rubio. But I really do admire them. They are highly intelligent and have excellent political skill sets.

The thing that overwhelmingly consumes me is the intolerable pique in me at their audacity to seek the Office of the President of the US when the most paramount ingredient that should be in them for the pursuit of this Office is totally missing.

Because of this missing quintessential attribute, Obama inevitably plunged the US into an abominable state of weakness that will free fall into permanent debility should a similarly lacking Cruz or Rubio take over. 

The best contextual translation from Chinese for this missing ingredient is "Dragon Breath", to preserve the gravity of the impact.

The Imperial Power and Grandeur of a Chinese Emperor was distinguished by the Might of his "Dragon Breath".

Obama's awesome eloquence, superb intelligence and impeccable technical skills combined could not in anyway make up for this missing "Dragon Breath".

The collective subconscious of the discerning American Electorate, to its credit, after more than 7 years of Obama seemed to have sensed the pitfalls of this deprivation of "Dragon Breath" in its Commander-in-Chief and, thus, rejected Cruz and Rubio.

The US will soon be treated to the "Dragon Breath" of Donald Trump.


Trump: Hitler/Lee Kuan Yew (part 2)

Now that Trump is the GOP presumptive nominee, his every move will be intensely scrutinized.

From his robust rhetorics, many in the West fear he may slip down the slippery slopes of a nefarious Hitler. His Germanic roots do not help to dispel this nagging disquiet.

In Asia, we had a Lee Kuan Yew in Singapore who sounded and acted far tougher than Trump. Singapore turned out to be a Roaring Success Story.

So impressed was Margaret Thatcher that she bestowed Lee with the accolade of:"He was never wrong". Quite the diametrical opposite to what Mitt Romney said about Trump multiplied by a gazillion times.

First, look at the solemnity of the words in the compliment itself. It is a very powerful Carte Blanche Statement that ran very high risks of the conferrer being wrong. Skeletons may unexpectedly spring out of the cupboard. 

Secondly, look at the stern Lady who made this Statement, Margaret Thatcher.

She was an Oxford graduate with Second-Class Honours Chemistry Bachelor of Science specialising in X-ray crystallography. This undisputedly assured she had a highly trained and disciplined eye for minute details and precision. She also studied Law and qualified as a barrister which endowed her with immaculate judgment of facts and human nature. Not to mention her chops as the longest serving British Prime Minister in the Twentieth Century!

Moreover, Lee Kuan Yew being a man had a much higher bar to overcome to earn her acclaim.

Thatcher once said: "if you want something said, ask a man, if you want something done, ask a woman". Thus, Lee was singled out to be more than just talk!

So, what odds made a strong headed, fastidious Iron Lady like Thatcher pay such a Towering Tribute to Lee ?

Lee had the steely courage and integrity to drive Singapore with highly unpopular measures that flew in the face of Western Values, Ideals and Political Correctness, when he felt these measures were vital to Singapore's interests.

And he was never wrong. Instead, many Western Leaders who expected Singapore to plunge into a massive chaotic abyss under Lee were wrong.

Something so poignantly unpredictable caught Thatcher's sharp eyes and so magnificently impressed her that she could not restrain her impeccable and stoic self to bravely proclaim her wanton praise: "He was never wrong".

Most certainly, Trump can draw great inspiration from here. Angela Merkel is still around to match Margaret Thatcher's honours awarding at the right hour.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Quantum Donald Trump (Part 3)

The Universe hates imbalances.

Political Correctness (PC) has destabilized US Societies and charged them to high degrees of disequilibrium. The Universe addresses this by drawing from its vast array of cosmic resources and delivered a timely Quantum Donald Trump.

Obama is a Product and Protagonist of PC. The first part accounts for his being President and the second his Conveniences.

From my past posts I have thought of Obama's gentleness as a dependable Yin Character. But, lately in the twilight of his Presidency, his bizarre spineless posture in facing critical issues exposes the flaws of PC he has benefitted from and has defiled the noble qualities of the Yin Nature. 

Cruz and Rubio following classical patterns, gleefully thought their turn is due. After a young African-American, the next in line must be a young Latino. But, No. This is play school hierarchical entitlement beliefs. A mild form of PC.

Well, it's all classical history now. The Quantum Trump Forces had rudely expelled them from the Race.

To pick from the crowd of baffled pundits, Charles Krauthammer would fit the bill (pun intended O'Reilly) nicely as he is the epitome of a commentator in this bewilderment. 

Charlie, steeped in the classical political theories, blandly applies them to depict and judge Trump in poor light, which served to irritate Trump to no end.

Do familiarize yourself, Charlie, with Quantum Mechanics before you utter another word about Trump. He may yet throw you a bone. Check out Hillary's hilarious barking performance to come up with your own display of barking of contrition and gratitude then. Makes for good TV entertainment.

Don't mean to appear harsh but only to motivate fast learning and truth telling which has no room for PC.


Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Quantum Donald Trump (Part 2)

The Blue Prints for human endeavors and conditions can be found in nature.

The intricate Chemical Engineering Processes in our mammoth Industrial Complexes can be found in the Blue Prints of Chemical Engineering Marvels within our tiny cells.

The Blue Prints for 2016 US Presidential Politics are found in Quantum Mechanics (QM) as manifest in Donald Trump.

QM baffled the top scientists at the time of its discovery just as top political pundits and media experts are being mystified and mortified by the Quantum Politics that Trump is presently showing a dexterous flair for.

Trump's Foreign Policy Speech is an excellent starting point to illustrate the phenomenon of Quantum Donald Trump.

Political Quantum Entanglement unveiled a Trump capable of resonance with Foreign Powers Thinking outside of the platitudes of US Diplomatic Norms.

Political Quantum Tunneling enabled Trump to look beyond the American Exceptionalism barriers and import strategies that are proven in other countries.

So many predictions of dire consequences by the pundits and media for Trump's bold actions did not materialise because of Trump's Quantum Decoherence shield.

Journalists complain of Trump having one position in the morning, another by lunch time and yet a different one in the evening on the same issue. Well, it's the effects of Trump's Quantum Superposition that allows him to get away with it.

I recommend that the confused pundits and media to learn and master QM. You will begin to have a neat understanding of Quantum Donald Trump and all that has got him to where he is today in the Presidential Elections.


Monday, 2 May 2016

Quantum Donald Trump

Quantum Mechanics when it first broke into the corridors of Science spooked many prominent scientists at the beginning of the Twentieth Century including and especially Albert Einstein. 

Now, a century later, Donald Trump is radiating Quantum Politics throughout the entire American landscape. It is magnetising the political field and spooking the media and pundits.

Trump's Foreign Policy Speech drew responses from the US politicians and media in a similar way that Quantum Mechanics did from the then eminent Physicists' Community when the Quantum Theory was first revealed.

Trump's thinking will bring American Politics and Government into a more synchronised alignment with the rest of the World's that has morphed considerably and are exerting all kinds of significant pressures and awkwardness upon the US.

Trump must be appreciated for his instincts of the principles of Political Quantum Entanglement with and Political Quantum Tunneling through to the outside World. This will strengthen America's standing amongst the new ways and order in the rest of the World. 

The heavy and vicious attacks on Trump's Foreign Policy Speech are a testimony to Trump's Prophetic Genius that an important and large segment of America has yet to be awaken to.

In this context, Newt Gingrich is the Albert Einstein of Trump's Quantum Politics.