Thursday, 5 May 2016

Quantum Donald Trump (Part 3)

The Universe hates imbalances.

Political Correctness (PC) has destabilized US Societies and charged them to high degrees of disequilibrium. The Universe addresses this by drawing from its vast array of cosmic resources and delivered a timely Quantum Donald Trump.

Obama is a Product and Protagonist of PC. The first part accounts for his being President and the second his Conveniences.

From my past posts I have thought of Obama's gentleness as a dependable Yin Character. But, lately in the twilight of his Presidency, his bizarre spineless posture in facing critical issues exposes the flaws of PC he has benefitted from and has defiled the noble qualities of the Yin Nature. 

Cruz and Rubio following classical patterns, gleefully thought their turn is due. After a young African-American, the next in line must be a young Latino. But, No. This is play school hierarchical entitlement beliefs. A mild form of PC.

Well, it's all classical history now. The Quantum Trump Forces had rudely expelled them from the Race.

To pick from the crowd of baffled pundits, Charles Krauthammer would fit the bill (pun intended O'Reilly) nicely as he is the epitome of a commentator in this bewilderment. 

Charlie, steeped in the classical political theories, blandly applies them to depict and judge Trump in poor light, which served to irritate Trump to no end.

Do familiarize yourself, Charlie, with Quantum Mechanics before you utter another word about Trump. He may yet throw you a bone. Check out Hillary's hilarious barking performance to come up with your own display of barking of contrition and gratitude then. Makes for good TV entertainment.

Don't mean to appear harsh but only to motivate fast learning and truth telling which has no room for PC.


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