Saturday, 7 May 2016

Trump: Hitler/Lee Kuan Yew (part 2)

Now that Trump is the GOP presumptive nominee, his every move will be intensely scrutinized.

From his robust rhetorics, many in the West fear he may slip down the slippery slopes of a nefarious Hitler. His Germanic roots do not help to dispel this nagging disquiet.

In Asia, we had a Lee Kuan Yew in Singapore who sounded and acted far tougher than Trump. Singapore turned out to be a Roaring Success Story.

So impressed was Margaret Thatcher that she bestowed Lee with the accolade of:"He was never wrong". Quite the diametrical opposite to what Mitt Romney said about Trump multiplied by a gazillion times.

First, look at the solemnity of the words in the compliment itself. It is a very powerful Carte Blanche Statement that ran very high risks of the conferrer being wrong. Skeletons may unexpectedly spring out of the cupboard. 

Secondly, look at the stern Lady who made this Statement, Margaret Thatcher.

She was an Oxford graduate with Second-Class Honours Chemistry Bachelor of Science specialising in X-ray crystallography. This undisputedly assured she had a highly trained and disciplined eye for minute details and precision. She also studied Law and qualified as a barrister which endowed her with immaculate judgment of facts and human nature. Not to mention her chops as the longest serving British Prime Minister in the Twentieth Century!

Moreover, Lee Kuan Yew being a man had a much higher bar to overcome to earn her acclaim.

Thatcher once said: "if you want something said, ask a man, if you want something done, ask a woman". Thus, Lee was singled out to be more than just talk!

So, what odds made a strong headed, fastidious Iron Lady like Thatcher pay such a Towering Tribute to Lee ?

Lee had the steely courage and integrity to drive Singapore with highly unpopular measures that flew in the face of Western Values, Ideals and Political Correctness, when he felt these measures were vital to Singapore's interests.

And he was never wrong. Instead, many Western Leaders who expected Singapore to plunge into a massive chaotic abyss under Lee were wrong.

Something so poignantly unpredictable caught Thatcher's sharp eyes and so magnificently impressed her that she could not restrain her impeccable and stoic self to bravely proclaim her wanton praise: "He was never wrong".

Most certainly, Trump can draw great inspiration from here. Angela Merkel is still around to match Margaret Thatcher's honours awarding at the right hour.

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