The HORRORS of recent American Wars are brushed aside (away?) as detailed in part 1.
So quickly were the hideous consequences dismissed of limbless young men and severely mentally destroyed individuals still paying the trickling price of suicides daily.
Jon Michael Turner opened up and took the risks of being branded a traitor. But, his inner demons from the war are pacified for the time being and he may be spared the act of committing suicide.
Many tried to uphold their dignity and suffered in silence. By doing this, they allowed their inner demons to pugnaciously fester and succumbed to taking their own lives when they could not take it anymore.
Meanwhile, the current crop of politicians are not deterred in anyway and continue to talk loosely and boastfully of more American might in Global Interventions. This spells sending more young Americans to certain death or to be maimed in the gruesome and horrific manner no one wants to talk about and pretends not to know.
In this regard, do past, present and future US politicians have a sense of guilt?
Do they see the importance of opening the issues in Winter Soldier in the 2016 elections to get a full perspective of the severe and ghastly consequences of American Global Adventures?
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