Friday, 27 May 2016

Obama CV

The CV, short for Curriculum Vitae, of Obama can be summed up as CV. Cheap and Vain.

Cheap and vain. Narcissist with low self-esteem. Conceited and self-consuming. Sneaky and sly. Let's call this almost complete portrait of Obama -  CV++.

Any person who seeks and holds the office of POTUS must be faithfully steeped in the sense of US Defining History and the Deeper Patriotic Connotations. Even an arch enemy of the US would think and feel this way. That's why the world is befuddled by Obama's deeds but too polite to say so.

Healings and repairs to past wrongs are noble deeds but must be considered in the dignified climate and timing of the Nation's Standing. The route to be taken must be thoughtfully negotiated. Perhaps certain acts of contrition are best deferred to the purview of future Presidents for the sake of more healing time and the Nation's Stately Distinctiveness.

But, not to CV++ Obama who is impatient in his vain glory seeking priorities to plant his historic imprints into Iran, Cuba, Vietnam, Hiroshima, etc, etc. So, Obama is dashing around in the final days of his Presidency to grab every historical act plausible to bolster his legacy irregardless of the larger consequences to the US.

In Merry Olde England, David has no such luck as lucky globe-trotting Obama. He has to check with the Queen first. The Queen will enquire "Why, David?" If David gave a good reason, the Queen would respond, "Jolly good, Dave, I shall go there myself". PM David Cameron can't fancifully visit wherever he likes unless it is a pressing Matter of State.

CV++ Obama has free rein to go where he likes, whenever he likes.

Without anchorings and bearings in Proud History and Honorable Patriotism, Obama's Presidency is like a tiny particle in the Large Hadron Collider. After each collision. a zoo of particles are scattered all over for the respective US Agencies to chase after and deal with them. Obama gets the thrills of the "Bang".

Obama should be a lesson to all American voters. Thank Goodness, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are out of the race. With their lack of "Dragon Breath" as posited in my earlier posts, they would be like little Obamas waiting to happen.

Trump is the Man of the Moment to save America!

(Obama's visit to Hiroshima is highly inappropriate and I need a 4 parts post in the future to explain)

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