Sunday, 31 July 2016


In the Euphoria of the period of Woodstock Love and Weed Fest, the West had been Bewitched in a mesmerising way of Mao's Thoughts in the Little Red Book.

To rescue Western Cerebrals from being ossified by this distant memory of one moment of Madness and Anger of the Chinese in the Mao Era and mistake it for the mainstream Chinese Psyche with 5 millennia of Culture and Civilization, I nobly started this Blog.

Awkwardly, the US 2016 Elections seduced me in a detour of my Mission and let me confess now - what really do I know about American Politics? Just like the little boy growing up who harbored burning ambitions of being an Art Masterpiece Painter - awkwardly distracted as puberty sets in - and what does he know about girls? Natural and Earthly instincts are good bets.

To kill two birds with one stone, as I plunged into American Politics, I deliberately engaged the prevalent Chinese Characteristic of Hyperbole to flavor my narratives as a showcase of Chinese attitudes. I am acting in the fashion as the DNC/RNC are Acts to confound the American people.

You may have noticed I argued in similar patterns as the Chinese Government argued over the Disputed Islands in the South China Seas. In my case, it was fun for me to provoke Western Attention and Thinking, but very serious business to the Chinese Government to have employed such tactics in Diplomatic Manoeuvring.

At this appropriate juncture of the conclusions of the Conventions, I want my readers to know I am a sane and responsible person and purposefully chose my outbursts to portray the caricature of Chinese Characteristics in a Western Ambience. The greatness of American Achievements and Leadership in the world cannot be overemphasized.

To comprehensively break down the callisthenics of the DNC/RNC performances take an entire book for which I have gathered and am refining the comparative materials to the rest of the World along the way of my current observations of Events in the US. 

My snap conclusion for the moment given the ambivalent outcome caused by the theatrics of both Conventions is that the American Electorate is subjected to another 100 days of torturing psychiatric trauma from the Media to wreck their brains on where to place their CROSS (X).


Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Putin/Trump Coziness

After the European Settlers in America had eradicated whatever local pestilence they felt they had to and kicked out the British, they calmed down to a period of Peace and Tranquility.

During this Golden Era, the Beautiful and Bountiful America as we know it began to take shape. Its inhabitants basked in a veritable cornucopia of "Milk and Honey". Hedonistic Lifestyles blossomed amidst an ambience of unimaginable avarice.

American Brats bred like flies with pleasure-filled minds that emptied out whatever rationale or balance of the realities of a Real World. An almost Idled Mind was precipitated in the collective consciousness and you know what they say about idleness, "An Idle Mind is the Devil's Workshop".

Meanwhile, in the faraway Lands of Russia and Asia the peoples entered an intensely convulsing Twentieth Century. They were struggling to survive the throes and upheavals of their tumultuous Social, Political and Economical transformations, realities very much beyond their control.

The sly and rapacious Europeans who had been preying on these Territories saw ample additional opportunities for expansion during these troubled and chaotic moments. 

A profligate and innocuous, shall we say, America with a ready Devil's Workshop was diddled by their beckoning European Ancestors to collaboratively mold and sculpture the most vile and evil perceptions of Russia and Asia to justify their further appropriations.  

Their demonising of Russia and China solidified into present day "Political Truths" for the West.

The West has wrestled States from the Soviet Union and turned them around as Attack Dogs against Russia by instantaneously installing them into NATO. To cement their grip, these States were also made members of EU.

That is why Brexit is such a Major Shock to the West! Europe never lost any love for Britain. It is their fear of losing hold over the former Soviet Satellite States that is Shocking.

As if that is not enough, the West is continuing to gouge out Ukraine and Crimea and calling out loudly Russia as the aggressor to conceal their hideous motives. Obama seemed to have a flash of Insight in this instance not to have bought into this European deception or an expensive War would have to be fought. 

The Heavens has just about had enough of this Western Chicanery and audaciously anointed Donald Trump to redress this Injustice.

Trump the Straight-Shooter had ingeniously cut through this Crap of False Western Propaganda. He does not see Putin and Russia as threats and feels comfortable as a start to request Russia to release whatever they had hacked of Hillary's Deleted Emails. It should not be illegal to hack into something illegal. isn't it?

Trump is on track to crush all the Foundations and Pillars of Evil and Lies in the West and lay the Foundations of World Peace and Justice!

Trump is about to hoist the West with its own Petard !!!

The French can give an excellent account of "Petard" in this context... Viva La Frances !

Pobeda Putin !!!

Monday, 25 July 2016

Ted Cruz - Ugly Low Life

America is far too generous to Ted. With his sleaze baggage he could still climb to the height of a Senator. Anywhere else in the World he would have been held in contempt as an Ugly Low Life (ULL). The Weight of Decency of any Society would have crushed Ted to this ULL level.

Heidi deserves sympathies but I lay the full blame on his father, Rafael. Anyone with pastoral grounding and responsibilities who had brought up such an ULL has a lot to account for.

Ted is allowed to wantonly feel entitled to anything on Earth and in Heaven, and possibly in Hell too. He seems to think he is entitled to set the bar on dirty tricks. When he pitted his bag of dirty tricks against Trump and got bombed back with dirt rocks, he complained like a cry baby.

Rafael's failures and dissonance in family order cascaded way down to his grandchildren's generation. In a rally in South Bend, Indiana, when Ted tried to reach his daughter Caroline to display affections, she ran away and he was chasing her to retrieve his embarrassment.

Children at Caroline's age are very sensitive to hypocrisies and insincerities. So, that validates what sort of person Ted really is.

The Chinese has a powerful Proverb that says: When you want to know the Character of a Man, look at his Family.

Look at Donald's remarkable family and contrast it to Ted's.

Ted's speech at the RNC caused the entire Media Players to recoil in horror at the anticipated fallouts and damage to the GOP.

I saw it differently. Paradoxically, it brought out the Strength, Substance and Beauty of the RNC to have the ability to accommodate the pernicious antics of this ULL in such a Dignified and Magnanimous manner. This boosted the outcome and standing of the RNC to Blast Off Trump on the Highway to Victory.

Ted stress-tested obnoxiously the GOP under Trump and it came out with the Flying Colors that could not yet have Bloomed had it not been for Ted at the RNC!

Friday, 22 July 2016

Roger Ailes only in the West?

If you really pay attention around you, you will at least have an inkling that women are exceedingly complex creatures. Add Sex into it, the complexities explode to beyond an even more mind boggling level than Einstein's equations.

Poor Roger Ailes didn't stand a chance at all. But only in the West!

As a simpleton, I do not profess to be able to understand these complexities. But, I can talk about them to no end as I am always fascinated about women and collected a treasure trove of materials and insights on them. I am opening an elementary starter on this subject in this post.

Scandal after scandals on Sex break out in the West and the East appears squeaky clean with hardly a whimper on Sex Affairs. Are Eastern Corporate Leaders and Politicians Saints or Eunuchs or What?

Nay! is the short answer. I can vouch for salacious capers that make Roger Ailes look like a devout Sunday School kid.

Western Culture is not aligned and structured to cater to the true nature of men and women. One of the main causes as I have raised in my posts is the overhang of Victorian Prudish Attitudes. Remnants of debilitating hypocrisies distort the real and equitable balances in gender relationships and characteristics. 

Eastern Culture may not be the perfect fit in this regard but is more attuned to gender realities and an eruption of a "Roger Ailes" ignominy would be most unlikely. More in future posts and my book.

As a man and a Chinese, I sympathise with Roger Ailes for his Special Stature in the Media and his Talents being wasted away in a Travesty of Gender Realities Misconception.

So Sorry, Roger.

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Rupert Murdoch/ Empress Dowager

Father and two sons gasping and writhing about in desperation to stir their witches brew, like depleted old women in the deep frigid winter of their Menopause.

For added effects, the venomous brew was farmed out to a Sex Scandal Savvy Law Firm for further tuning before Pharisaical Judgments are planned on Roger Ailes to nudge a parting.

Don't you Murdochs have Innards of Men?

You can't even stand by your own Champion who is a man's Man in his hour of need?

Nothing personal, Gretchen, but you are now insignificant and inconsequential from the journalistic performance point of view and was dropped for this reason. You know it and you also know as a woman, in the US, you have one more last card to play and you played it. That's all.

There is nothing to investigate or pretend to be awful about. Everyone in the working world rolls with the rough and tumble of the Corporate Grind and Meanness. It's the Way of the World and the whole World knows it. Only that sometimes in America, it feels it is entitled to something else extra and that intrigues and humors the rest of the World.

The fact that the pathetic witches with their own brittle family history of battles over women could be aroused to this extent is really the attraction of this saga. Could the extraordinary witchcraft upon Roger Ailes be the precautionary buffer to throw off the Scents of Wendi Deng - The Empress Dowager in the making. Her collections so far are more than impressive with Vladimir Putin and Tony Blair in the Fox Trotting, shall we say. And some toy boys thrown into the mix.

So, parker up Rupert, spare Roger and take on Vladimir and Tony !

Needed to sound-off like Judge Jeanine Pirro here to Lecture on the ill treatment of Roger Ailes.

Sunday, 17 July 2016

Obama Fires

Obama is one Colossal Tragic Failed Experiment in American Exceptionalism. Single-handedly, he lit a Litany of Raging Fires in the Middle-East, across Europe and now inside America. And yet he speaks with a misplaced Swagger of Doing a Great Job.

Obama has no vision and no abstract thinking abilities. He appeared impressive as he is like the Japanese and Korean Auto Makers. They could have never come up with a Concept of a Car. However, once a Car was invented and moving on the road, they can see it and dissect it. Then, their Robotic Discipline enabled them to apply their intense Technology to improvise it to the point of perfection that as if a Car was their Idea in the first place.

Till this day, they cannot even design a winning shape for their cars. Honda waits for BMW; Toyota for Mercedes; and Hyundai for Jaguar to unveil their latest models before these shameless Copycats copy with a touch of innovations here and there and roll out their so called own "Winners".

In Obama's instance, he cobbled together intense Language to sound knowledgeable about World Affairs. Soon, as Disaster after Disasters unfolded, his rhetorics began to ring hollow. Just Robotic Record Playing with no basis in Reality.

In an elementary Physics Experiment in school, we learnt of iron filings sprinkled on paper can be manipulated to form patterns as the magnets positioned below the paper are moved and their strengths changed to exert differing forces and fields.

Obama does not understand that Leadership is about managing the forces and fields of the magnets used as example in this illustration. Instead, he foolishly dives into the iron filings and stupidly tries to disrupt the patterns that are rock solidly held in the predetermined pattern formations by the prevailing forces and fields that he had cluelessly acted on and made worse, in the process.

After the debacles in the Middle-East and Europe, Obama is now wrecking the Law and Order Institutions and Structures in America. He has caused the High Office of the AG to be embroiled in disgraceful subterfuge. Without understanding his impact on the forces and fields, he has encouraged massacres and decent police officers protecting societies to be slaughtered mercilessly.

Until this Clueless Pretender leaves the White House, the World and America will be engulfed in more and stronger Fires.

Fox News Appetizers

Nature is callous and cruel. A mother tigress denies its blind cub suckling access so it dies quickly.

Man cultivates Religion to temper this harshness. Sanctimoniously, some religions have adherents who get carried away. Vain Glory and Holier-than-Thou rivalries are their predominant motivations. 

The height of such motivations was experienced during the Victorian Prudish Era in England.

As the Brits gradually unshackled themselves of this prudishness, interesting varieties of hypocrisy were displayed.

Nudes (women, of course) coming back to fashion on the London Stage had to be perfectly still as required by law. A woman could be completely naked on stage but could not move an iota of any of her body parts.

A perverted genius got around this and placed the Nudes on moving platforms. The law was intact but the erotic imaginations of the men in the audience were raised by quite a few notches. The pervert, obviously, became filthy rich.

Deprivations of this sort escalated the raunchiness of men. The rich cloistered themselves in Posh London Private Clubs where anything goes. Others had to escape to the far corners of the Empire's outbacks where their salacious appetites were more naturally and readily accommodated, producing their future offsprings to return to haunt London and New York.

One such progeny is Rupert Murdoch who happened to be Roger Ailes Boss. Rupert came back to debauch London first. As he gobbled up the British print media, he instructed Sir Albert Lamb, one of his better known editors, " put lots of tits in it", referring to the notorious Sun Newspaper.

So, you can see where the appetizing bits of Fox News sprang from.

Just as that genius in London moved the platforms on stage, Fox moves the cameras in the studios to expose the leggy Fox Gals. Look out for "Outnumbered" for an eyeful and, of course, the single anchors. But, avoid the stumpy ones as can be concluded from the top half if you have a good sense of proportions. Anyway, be assured, Fox is savvy to never show them.

As a proud Chinese, I am always duty bound to sneak a peek to check if the Fox Gals were wearing Jimmy Choo's.

Have a lighthearted Sunday before the onslaught of the Conventions and Elections. And thank you, most gracious Fox Girls !

Friday, 15 July 2016

Woes to Trump

In Business the prize is Money. In Politics the prize is Power.

In one stroke of Trump's VP Pick, he has flung all his Powers out through the window. Biggest mistake of his life.

Bush 41 had been tainted with lingering and languishing issues in the Reagan Administration that may put him in an impeachable position as President. But, with Dan Quayle as VP who dared to risk impeaching Bush 41 ?

Bush 43 had Cheney. Secured as Hell. Only a madman would knockout Bush 43 for Dick.

Mr Trump, you picked the perfect guy to replace you at the first opportunity to impeach you as President. Strategically and tactically, Pence is a suicidal VP Pick for you. Pence is too perfect and can substitute you in a minute.

You have the Power from the people in your own standing unlike Kennedy who really needed Johnson on the ticket to win. You don't need a compromise or consensus running mate. The advising politicians tricked you and had ensnared you in their Plotting.

Notice your GOP comrades who had spewed deadly venom against you are gleefully rallying behind Mike Pence, not praising the Trump/Pence ticket.

Pence has shown himself to be a spineless person in the Cruz endorsement. He is a Ted Cruz and Mitt Romney all rolled into one. This type of treacherous characters have no qualms in selling you out in a jiffy. He is also aligned to the Koch Brothers who have no love lost for you.

Your many fundamentally controversial Plans set you up as an easy target for these Crafty Devils to impeach you once elected. There will be no shortage of numbers in both Houses and on both sides of the aisle as the political class considers you dangerous.

This will be The Fix of the Millennium vaporizing Clinton's email fix to oblivion. 

You need to watch your back strenuously and constantly.

My blog has proven myself to be right on all the important occasions. I was dead right on Brexit when the whole world thought otherwise. I am impressed by your children aiding you in your campaign and I did try to warn each one of them about the Pence pick.

Good Luck, Sir.

Thursday, 14 July 2016

Mike Pence: Dangerous VP Pick

Trump's biggest mistake in life is his Pence VP pick!

All the Hoo-Ha and Hullabaloo about Trump's striking instincts evaporated with this choice of Pence.

Pence in a spineless way endorsed Cruz, the diabolical arch nemesis of Trump. In Universal Political Loyalty stakes, this is a Taboo No-No. The spinelessness in this paradoxical twist does not abate the intensity, but, in a perverse way accentuate the heinousness of the endorsement. A very dangerous tell-tale sign!

Look into Pence's eyes and see the astonishingly evil resemblance to Cruz's. A Chinese Face-Reading Feng Shui exercise can easily reveal that.

MY SAD FORECAST: At some point from now to during Trump's Presidency, Pence would stab Trump so badly in the back that it makes Brutus seemed to have only sensuously tickled Julius Caesar in the back. Remember Lyndon Baines Johnson, anyone?


Sunday, 10 July 2016

Fox Appetizers - Gretchen vs Roger Ailes

When I am 76 or older and get slapped with a Sexual Harassment Suit, I shall be most flattered. It inflates my ego and validates my functionalities in the Public Eye.

Throughout my blog, the Anointing of the Heavens is quintessential for any Earth Shattering Phenomenon has been proven. I have finally been so anointed in this heavy-duty calling to reveal Fox Appetizers.

Viola (pro:walla)! Just as I had promised in my 1st July 2016 post to talk about Fox Appetizers as a component of the Fox Menu, Praise Heavens for the Gretchen/Roger Ailes Saga to drop onto my lap.

Given the enormity of Fox Appetizers in these new developments now, I can only do justice to this subject by first writing an appetizer on The Appetizer itself. Here goes.

Well, if you look anything like Golda Meir don't bother to seek any spot on Fox where you have to appear in front of the cameras. She was Henry Kissinger's excuse for smooching around with gorgeous and glamorous women in NY and Wash D.C.

Henry opportunistically rationalised: when you spent hours upon hours behind closed doors and huddled together face-to-face with Golda in Tel Aviv, you need to refresh yourself and restore your faith in the Beauty of Women when you are back in NY or Wash D.C.

No man can dispute this, though many might not have seen eye to eye with Henry's Foreign Policies as probably the case with Trump.

Then, you have Professor Henry Higgins of "My Fair Lady". His views and treatment of ladies could be how Fox views and treats women.

Eliza had to repeat torturously "In Hertford, Hereford and Hampshire hurricanes hardly ever happen.." When she failed to pronounce the "H" in her words, the flame in the training gadget did not whoosh. She was dead tired by the time she managed to make the flame whoosh.

For the overall improvement of diction and pronunciation, Prof Henry stuffed marbles into Eliza's mouth to the brim and made her read complex sentences. Finally, she came out with the perfect,"The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain...."

Certain Fox Gals appear to have undergone similarly taxing drills, though not necessarily for perfect diction but seemingly for the perfect mouthful look. I can't say more for risk of sounding crass but please check out for yourselves. Just also advertising Fox for a change.

Do digest these man/woman WASPs basics before delving into my future posts on this subject to consider whether Gretchen Carlson or Roger Ailes deserves your sympathies.

Do also think of adopting the name "Henry" to give you an edge over handling women.

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Come On, FBI Comey, Big Intent

Hillary's and your intent. In American movies, the Hero is always Courageous and Honest.

The Act by you on Saturday was one Big Let Down.

Petraeus' intent was Money from a book. Hillary's was Money from a lucrative foundation. Had there been no foundation conducted in the way it was, there would not have been private servers.

As a clever wordsmith, you had to struggle clumsily to argue for "no intent" and left the PC in a Huff. Words would have flowed naturally and easily had you followed your training and experience, being faithful to the evidence and the law. You would have then comfortably fielded questions in the PC after your statement in a Sterling manner. 

What a waste of your Talent and Honor!

Anymore said would drown the poignant point made here. Your remaining credibility depends on how long you will be clinging on to this Prestigious and Noble position. 

It's being tainted by you by the seconds!

Sunday, 3 July 2016

The Church

It's Sunday and I have finally arrived at an ecclesiastic message that is quite the soothing flavor for the range stretching from atheists to ardent worshippers.

I undertook an uncharted pilgrimage to the nooks of societies where the debauched human conditions can be found to offer a stab at reconciling WASP's to Chinese culture as my stated mission in this blog. A taste of my arduous journey can be gleaned from the posts here.  

As it turned out, these two cultures are irreconcilable but can symbiotically pivot on each other and the best epiphanies are in the Church. The Chinese in Church is exceedingly telling of the WASP/Chinese paradoxes in World Views. A common platform in the religion could perhaps spill out the Apostolic Consequences.

It can, but, there must be a prerequisite of a potent catalyst, Donald Trump.

Saul, a Roman Jew, used to travel around the Mediterranean Basin to kidnap Christians and sell them to the Gladiatorial Outfits in Rome for their Bloodthirsty Sports Entertainment.

Suddenly, he was struck down and converted to Christianity. He became the Apostle Paul and preached widely which eventually cost him his life. In his Christian life he wrote a series of foundational Christian books that were included as part of the Bible.

Biblical History is full of parallels unfolding into the future. Trump certainly has the anointing of a Chosen One for a Phenomenal World Shattering Event.

Trump currently harbors hostile aversions to Chinese Practices.

Once he becomes President, he will be "Struck Down" by new insights of the Chinese. He will unlock a new Dimension of Chinese Awareness that will boost the Chinese Race to a never before Reality. 

Just as what Saul did for the Christians !!!

Friday, 1 July 2016

Fox News

A few posts ago I asked Fox to tell its obnoxious team of mad, ugly, monsters (MUMs) to keep mum. It was likened to telling a Michelin Star Restaurant not to serve its coveted Main Course Dinner.

I needed to take on Fox in this way to hone my experience in writing my forthcoming book, "The Art of the Audacious Chinese". I harbor hopes my book will levitate to about the same respectable level below the Bible as "The Art of the Deal" by a soon to be very powerful Dude.

Fox's Agenda can be broken down similar to a Restaurant Menu i.e.: Appetizers; Main Course; Desserts, which translates into: Fox Women; Assault Weapons; News.

We can ignore the News section as that is what a News Organization is supposed to do. So, I shall skip that part and straightaway introduce here what I will be possibly gossiping on the Appetizers and Main Course portions in future posts.

Fox knows how to pivot the very palatable and optical Appetizers, Fox Gals, with finesse and delight.

As for the Main Course, the Assault Weapons, my rough first draft excessively labeled them as a M - 1 Abrams tank, a B - 52 bomber and a deadly biological agent.
Nahhh.....they are more insulting than frightening.

Thus, I soberly reduced them to 2 steam-rollers and a hyena bitch.

One steam-roller rolls over barren plains (usually no guest at all) and rants like an overly noisy Carly Fiorina. Produces irritating blusters of a constantly nagging hag !

The other steam-roller rolls over every guest who don't agree with him in full. Even a small deviation is mowed flat. He then makes a clownish spectacle of himself by knocking around his 3 stooges. Two with names that are derivatives of verbs like hammering and milling. The third is named after a glittering piece of precious metal,

And the third weapon, the pandering hyena bitch (a man) ignobly baits and incites invectives from his guests that inflict vicious reputational injuries on targeted opponents.

I am still researching into this highly profitable segment of Fox and trying to gauge whether there is public interest to know more....