America is far too generous to Ted. With his sleaze baggage he could still climb to the height of a Senator. Anywhere else in the World he would have been held in contempt as an Ugly Low Life (ULL). The Weight of Decency of any Society would have crushed Ted to this ULL level.
Heidi deserves sympathies but I lay the full blame on his father, Rafael. Anyone with pastoral grounding and responsibilities who had brought up such an ULL has a lot to account for.
Ted is allowed to wantonly feel entitled to anything on Earth and in Heaven, and possibly in Hell too. He seems to think he is entitled to set the bar on dirty tricks. When he pitted his bag of dirty tricks against Trump and got bombed back with dirt rocks, he complained like a cry baby.
Rafael's failures and dissonance in family order cascaded way down to his grandchildren's generation. In a rally in South Bend, Indiana, when Ted tried to reach his daughter Caroline to display affections, she ran away and he was chasing her to retrieve his embarrassment.
Children at Caroline's age are very sensitive to hypocrisies and insincerities. So, that validates what sort of person Ted really is.
The Chinese has a powerful Proverb that says: When you want to know the Character of a Man, look at his Family.
Look at Donald's remarkable family and contrast it to Ted's.
Ted's speech at the RNC caused the entire Media Players to recoil in horror at the anticipated fallouts and damage to the GOP.
I saw it differently. Paradoxically, it brought out the Strength, Substance and Beauty of the RNC to have the ability to accommodate the pernicious antics of this ULL in such a Dignified and Magnanimous manner. This boosted the outcome and standing of the RNC to Blast Off Trump on the Highway to Victory.
Ted stress-tested obnoxiously the GOP under Trump and it came out with the Flying Colors that could not yet have Bloomed had it not been for Ted at the RNC!
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