When I am 76 or older and get slapped with a Sexual Harassment Suit, I shall be most flattered. It inflates my ego and validates my functionalities in the Public Eye.
Throughout my blog, the Anointing of the Heavens is quintessential for any Earth Shattering Phenomenon has been proven. I have finally been so anointed in this heavy-duty calling to reveal Fox Appetizers.
Viola (pro:walla)! Just as I had promised in my 1st July 2016 post to talk about Fox Appetizers as a component of the Fox Menu, Praise Heavens for the Gretchen/Roger Ailes Saga to drop onto my lap.
Given the enormity of Fox Appetizers in these new developments now, I can only do justice to this subject by first writing an appetizer on The Appetizer itself. Here goes.
Well, if you look anything like Golda Meir don't bother to seek any spot on Fox where you have to appear in front of the cameras. She was Henry Kissinger's excuse for smooching around with gorgeous and glamorous women in NY and Wash D.C.
Henry opportunistically rationalised: when you spent hours upon hours behind closed doors and huddled together face-to-face with Golda in Tel Aviv, you need to refresh yourself and restore your faith in the Beauty of Women when you are back in NY or Wash D.C.
No man can dispute this, though many might not have seen eye to eye with Henry's Foreign Policies as probably the case with Trump.
Then, you have Professor Henry Higgins of "My Fair Lady". His views and treatment of ladies could be how Fox views and treats women.
Eliza had to repeat torturously "In Hertford, Hereford and Hampshire hurricanes hardly ever happen.." When she failed to pronounce the "H" in her words, the flame in the training gadget did not whoosh. She was dead tired by the time she managed to make the flame whoosh.
For the overall improvement of diction and pronunciation, Prof Henry stuffed marbles into Eliza's mouth to the brim and made her read complex sentences. Finally, she came out with the perfect,"The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain...."
Certain Fox Gals appear to have undergone similarly taxing drills, though not necessarily for perfect diction but seemingly for the perfect mouthful look. I can't say more for risk of sounding crass but please check out for yourselves. Just also advertising Fox for a change.
Do digest these man/woman WASPs basics before delving into my future posts on this subject to consider whether Gretchen Carlson or Roger Ailes deserves your sympathies.
Do also think of adopting the name "Henry" to give you an edge over handling women.
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