Sunday, 30 October 2016

Mike Pence is a Nice Guy

The most entertaining feature on the GOP Presidential Ticket after the Number 1 is, funnily enough, the Number 2, Mike Pence. In different ways, of course!

From the compilation of Mike Pence descriptions since being the VP Pick, his face could finally settle down to be that on the Oscars Statuette with a pressed ironclad hairstyle of the conniving Albino in James Bond movies.

From this Countenance Foundation of Mike, we begin to see the Hallmark Wince whenever a reporter or news anchor posed a question to him about an atrocious or obnoxious Trump statement or deed.

It is a remarkable wince. The lips secretively widen to one side and a slow warm smile breaks out. A kinda Mona Lisa thing. At times when the subject matter is really heavy, the smile is skipped but the overarching wince is still present.

On those spitfire occasions, however, when a ludicrously out-of-this-planet claim or antic of Trump's is referred to him, he simply chuckles uncontrollably in front of whirring cameras. He then composes himself without the wince and dutifully proceed with the conjured GOP required answers.

The top ecstatic spitfire moment came when Trump claimed that some time in the near future, 92% of Blacks will vote for him. Pence broke down irretrievably at this outlandish Trump delusion. Pence is only human, nothing wrong with his loyalty.  

So nice is Pence that he is also so outrightly straightforward.

When James Comey threw the Anthony Weiner bombs out to undermine Hillary, Mike Pence rushed to demand full details on the table. No Republican had since followed Pence in his call. Hmmmm...

Were there no wink, wink, nod, nod to Pence or does he need to be told of a Rudy Giuliani plot stirring the pot with just enough insinuations and innuendos to get the job done?

Mike Pence, you are really an incredibly Nice Fellow. Can I be your friend?

Trevor Noah vs Bill O'Reilly

If Donald Trump becomes President, we can catch a glimpse of the gathering Dark Storm Clouds of War, when China or any other Asian country is provoked, from a proxy East vs West jousting as demonstrated in the Fox News vs Comedy Central shows on the 3rd and 7th October 2016 respectively. An unwitting "October Surprise" that went largely unnoticed.

Watters' World has a pattern of buffoonery where Jesse Watters clowns around with the subjects in the proclaimed area of Watters' World in each show. You kinda get the fun picture from them when you are a regular follower of these episodes.

But, if a Chinese watched the "Chinatown" episode aired on the 3rd October in isolation as the only episode he had seen, he could take offense at the mindless parody of stereotyped Chinese derived from long ago shows of David Carradine, Bruce Lee and Charlie Chan. Bill O'Reilly probably has the added perspectives of "Flower Drum Songs" from the Nancy Kwan era.

Asians are generally more fragile than Westerners and readily perceive slights even in an atmosphere of clowning around. So, the AAJA with its thin skinned outlook reacted angrily at the "Chinatown" episode and demanded an apology for Asians from Fox News.

Meanwhile, a counterattack was launched against the "Chinatown" episode under the auspices of Trevor Noah's The Daily Show aired on the 7th October. Ronny Chieng, the Attack Warrior for this purpose, went nuclear at Jesse and Bill. Both of them were excoriated for not being able to distinguish between Chinese, Japanese and Korean. I feel we Asians should take some blame here for being so inscrutable and taciturn.

Ronny's tirade continued with caustic remarks like, year of the "go f**k yourself" to counter Jesse's attempts at Chinese Annual Animal Astrology probes. Ronny also heatedly raised whether it was hard to fit Bill's scrotum into Jesse's mouth. WOW! Poor Bill would experience a cocktail of pains and pleasures as Jesse chokes and suffocates. That's being generous and complimentary to Bill.

In the year of Trump's erotica bragging on a Bus Ride, no description of genitalia manipulations can be too graphic to express.

Trump exhibits a pattern of thrashing and stomping on Americans from all walks of life - women, minorities, handicapped, veterans, Gold Star Families, etc. This pattern just like Jesse's pattern of mucking around may astound many other cultures not accustomed to them and they may pick up one or two instances in isolation and out of context. 

In and of themselves these vile habits of Trump compounded by the fact that he has no discipline to adapt his tactics and demeanor in varying situations like from campaigning in the primaries to campaigning in the elections, and this inability to adapt would be even more pronounced if he were to be elevated to the Office of President, pose grave dangers of unwarranted provocations by Trump sparking off WW 3.

Donald Trump's inherent nihilism to the sensitivities and fragility of Asian Leaders makes WW 3 a Sobering Reality we all must prepare for in case of a Trump Presidency !!!

A saving grace in this Presidency could be O'Reilly who can act as Trump's Special Adviser on Chinese Affairs. He has already borne the brunt of a vitriolic "BURN".from an outraged Chinese and can guide Trump to navigate around it.

Friday, 28 October 2016

Trump Gullibles

"Deplorables" is a harsh word and tend to suggest that the negatives influenced upon such people referred to were actually innately cultivated. "Gullibles" is a totally fitting description under the circumstances of this election as a major candidate, Donald Trump, is an accomplished Con Artiste.

Most Americans are nice and gracious people and Trump has disingenuously and charmingly misled and taken advantage of them.

Trump sells himself as a successful businessman who will bring his business acumen into government. What a load of Codswallop!  \

A genuine businessman like Warren Buffett creates and adds value to his business enterprises and passes the benefits and rewards to his stakeholders. In the process, he contributes to society at large and pays taxes to government.

As can be seen from the track record of Trump's businesses, he sucks out all the value for himself and leave his stakeholders and contractors in financial ruins. Only his personal companies benefited and prospered.

Also, Warren's business philosophies are diametrically opposite to those of Trump's which are politically expedient to con workers whose jobs are already redundant under the economic conditions of the US.

Trump's claims to be smart are in reality his self-love over the love of his country. He rapaciously takes advantage of the Letter of the Law over the Spirit of the Law.

When laws are enacted, very often, the true intentions of the legislators and efficacious rationales of the particular laws are hindered by the limitations of the meanings in the words. A responsible and civic conscious Corporate Citizen will always comply with the Spirit of the Law over the Letter of the Law for this reason.

Trump, instead, had crookedly gamed the Bankruptcy Laws and Tax Laws in this manner and calls himself as well as having learned lawyers like Rudy Giuliani and Chris Christie to call him a "genius".

In the 2005 lewd tapes exposure, Trump was caught with his pants down and he was forced to apologize. If he did not, his campaign would have ended there and then.  He and his surrogates made it such a magnanimous deal when it did not even come across as sincere.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg intelligently and adroitly from her years of brilliant legal experience appraised Trump to be unfit for President and burst out the truths at him. Because of her position she apologized and did so in absolute sincerity and never broached the subject again. She did not have to apologize as in Trump's situation, but she chose to. Yet, Trump had to make hay on this matter by bringing it up at the Final Presidential Debate, more than 3 months after the incident.

Trump wants others to forgive and forget his scandalous intransigence but he is not prepared to forgive and forget others' minor transgressions.

Just 3 among many of Trump's "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" Pantomimes emphasized here to remind Americans to Vote Wisely.

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Bill O'Reilly, Be Honest!

If you are not carrying the "Fox" Brand, Bill, you'll be voting for Hillary. Maybe, secretly, you will in the privacy of the polling booth.

Your Show is not Number One for 16 years without your smarts, wisdom and flair for astute analysis of worldly affairs. Whatever you may openly say, you know deep inside you, Trump will wrecked the country if elected President. You are too decent a fellow behind that cantankerous facade to allow that to happen.

I chose to address you, Bill, as you are the Doyen of Fox News and your temperament is reflective of the majority of the Fox Reporting Crew. Everyone is aware you all have to earn your salaries and bonuses dancing to your boss's tune - sing praises of Trump and slam Hillary irregardless of the circumstances. But, come election day, I am certain about 90% of you would have voted for Hillary.

I will ease your conscience for voting for Hillary by pointing out you are doing what Trump really wants deep inside him. He wants to bask in the perverted ecstasy of losing the election.

For a man so narcissistic and egoistic isn't it ironic that in the Lewd Tapes of 2005, Trump did not boast of his conquests of women but, instead, bragged about a forceful predatory attempt upon a woman and failed? He was so graphic in detailing his failure that we know he is a cheapskate in his amorous execution. He used furniture as an enticement where jewelry would have had a better chance to seal the deal - diamonds are a girl's best friend as they say.

He appeared to be relishing on some kind of masochist fetishism to have allowed the woman to escape his entrapping efforts and pandering to the envious chuckles of Billy Bush as if both of them sensed the higher thrills of the failure than if it had succeeded. Perhaps if it had succeeded Trump would not even talk about it. It is psychotic and enigmatic at some level and segment in Trump's debauched brain to stabilize the Yin and Yang equilibrium, I suppose.

By the same token of this type of feelings, Trump has the innate desire to lose the election as he truly knows he is unfit to be the President and better plans suited to his temperament await him after the loss.

Meanwhile, Bill, you should be vigilant to a more virulent strand of lewdness.

When you and Jesse Watters hit on a raw nerve in Chinatown, NY, an angry Chinese American demanded that you deposit your Family Jewels on the facial opening of Watters leading to his digestive tracts. WOW!!!

As a Chinese living 10,000 miles from NY in a developing country, I am heartened that after the election, I can gainfully return to the topic of East/West discourse to clear up the harshness that can erupt in cultural misunderstandings as in the case of the "scrotum in your mouth" outburst mentioned. I didn't realize Comedy Central is so much at odds with Fox News.

FYI, the angry Chinese American was born in the same country, not China, as I was born in. He was educated in a city that the owner of Fox News hailed from. I had worked in this city and the one Fox News owner was headquartered in before being required by US Media and Broadcasting laws to move to NY. I sense a Mystical Destiny here that I will soon be enmeshed symbiotically with NY and Fox News. Maybe on Trump TV, who knows?  Watch This Space!

Monday, 17 October 2016

Hillary Clinton Skips Final Debate?

There are more than enough solid grounds for Hillary to skip the Final Debate. Top of the list would be Trump's Monstrous Bullying Mannerisms and Belligerent Behaviors.

The 2nd Debate was scandalously littered with ample demonstrations of Trump's utter lack of decorum and civility. He spoke in extremely rude language and gestured crassly by pointing his finger at Hillary addressing her brusquely as "you" as if to denigrate her to the level of an unworthy debate opponent. He also made disgusting threats at her. He blatantly lied at every turn in the debate.

Trump turned the whole debate into shambles, defiling the prestige and purpose of such a debate. So, why hold another one? It will only serve as the stage for Trump to ramp up his Monstrosity and Belligerence. Creating opportunities for more intense displays of his rudeness and aggression as he is now in a darkened mood of desperation and clutching straws as his polling numbers recede.

Trump has gone bonkers fuming madly at the whole world against him. His pent up anger is fueling enormous venom and invective against Hillary waiting to burst out vehemently at her in the next debate, he hopes.

These highly mercurial circumstances should be substantive grounds for excusing Hillary from anymore debates.

The noxious concoction of hatred and rage bloating up inside Trump will torment him many more folds than past baitings had done. He can't wait to unload them on Hillary at the coming debate. When Hillary cancels on him, he will go mental and berserk in miffed frustration as all that he had depravedly plotted inside of him could not be unleashed.

He will implode like a Suicide Bomber he has destined himself to be, but in harmless isolation without this Final Debate as the avenue. The shattered pieces will be so far flung that they can't even be retrieved by election day.

Call off the debate, Hillary. Use this Surprise End Game Strategy!

Saturday, 15 October 2016

Donald Trump, A Racehorse Stud???

What on Earth does Donald Trump think he is? A Racehorse? He wants his rival presidential candidate together with him to undergo an indecorous dope test before the 3rd Debate. Don't fall for it, Hillary.

Because there is no end to his childish clamoring. If you acquiesce, next, he will be demanding a Sperm Count and Analysis to validate qualifying pedigree before the election as if you are Studs. You will be at the losing end to start with, hindered by your gender. 

You are vying for the Oval Office not the Stud Farm Championships which he already has a head start over you from his erotica bravado bragging. So, ignore him and sail comfortably to election day. Maybe, even call off the 3rd Debate as it serves you no purpose.

Trump initially came across to me as a constructive Disruptor Extraordinaire. Excellent and successful examples had sprouted up in Asia and did a world of good. Understandably, he needs to be authoritative to the point of dictatorial. I laid bare the winning path of Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore and warned of the egregious path of Hitler. But, his racist and sexist rantings to stoke his support base showed him to be slipping down the path of Hitler.

Sadly, along the way, Trump had tainted many who believed in him and supported him.

Rudy Giuliani, the hero after 9/11, has his image ruined in his evil pursuits to back Trump. His elongated face in mock anger at Hillary looks like the universal emoji in yellow and blue hues used in smartphones to depict, ironically, terror and horror. God has His Ways to warn the rest of us when someone is evil inside. So, Rudy, you are exposed!

Ben Carson has subjugated the Word of God to the racy rants of Trump. Clearly shown from his fumbling and grumbling in defense of Trump on Morning Joe. Ben, do look up at the sky now and again to see what the Wrath of God has in store for you.

Then, there are Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity.......the list goes on and on.

Chinese Geomancy Readings still favor Trump, but, God is with Hillary. Trump's wickedness will be re-balanced by the looming thunderstorms of Black Karma unleashing against him. He will implode on a scale beyond his selfish emotions to handle and will crumble into an ash heap.

My Blog Posts morphed from admiration and enthusiasm to disgust and disappointment as Trump's capers unfolded and the surrounding events taking place. These posts recorded my feelings as and when they arose at those moments.

We all need to look at and into America to see the Future of the World, especially this election cycle.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Melania Trump: Spare a Thought for Her Feelings

In the Pandemonium that exploded after Trump's fallout from the sordid hot mic sex tape released, no one even bothered to spare a thought for the poor wife of Donald, Melania Trump.

Angry high society women and top brass Republicans had ferocious cat fights on every major TV station on Trump's conduct. News of defections were blasted continuously.

The entire nation was embroiled in speculation of the plans and moves of the Rescue Team huddled together in Trump Tower to plot damage control for the 2nd Debate, one day away.

But, this pitiful woman who should be consoled and offered sympathies for the shameless exploits of her wanton husband was totally ignored. It was as if she did not exist at all in the news cycles!

Melania is the real victim in the eye of this storm. She just married Donald on 22nd January 2005. A few months later her salacious husband was attempting vigorously as claimed in his bragging to mount (take her like a bitch was Trump's actual words) another woman who was also then just married in 2005. What an eventful year 2005! And to add insult to injury, this woman is 4 years older than Melania!

How hurt and inadequate Melania must have felt as her ravishing beauty and supermodel endowments did not seem capable of dissipating Donald's colossal appetites so soon in the marriage at that time.

Meanwhile, only 3 weeks earlier a "real" American woman roasted her husband, whom she suspected of infidelity in the course of his work, with the most bestial "hell hath no fury like a woman spurned" form of torture. She deprived him access not only to herself but to all of their 6 children as well, in her divorce filings.

Melania must learn from the tenacity of this woman in this ex-Brangelina couple and really flare-up at Donald.

But, I think Sweet and Smart Melania came from a better and more advanced culture of Slovenia and took her Secret Revenge subtly and effectively.

On Debate Night, she put on her classy $1,100 Gucci Pussy-Bow pink shirt and stuck it into the faces of all present (including Bill Clinton's) as she sauntered teasingly around the Debate Floor in the after Debate mingling.

What a self satisfying Revenge!

BRAVO and MANIFICA Melania!!!

Monday, 10 October 2016

2nd Presidential Debate Upshot

Louis CK beautifully explained why sadness is better than smartphones to Conan. In jest or in actuality (can't really read CK's mind), Louis CK made the case that when sadness is triggered and looms around you, just let it be. Don't resort to your smartphone for momentary distractions to try to cancel out the sadness.

Instead, endure and languish in the moments of the sadness. Allow them to overwhelm you if need be. Because when happiness eventually sets in and meet the sadness with full force, the ensuing ecstasy is unbelievable in releasing the pent up prolonged emotions of the sadness.

I have paraphrased Louis as I don't have his wit or brilliant use of succinct rhetoric.

The elections have been building into one depressing and tension-filled high noon crescendo. Terrible sadness taken as a whole. Nasty tax revelations. Sordid hot mic sex tape exposure with threats of counter-exposure replays of Bill's sex romps. Wikileaks. GOP traitorous desertions of Trump accompanied by moralistic rebukes. Trump surrogates retaliated with twisted heightened invective to besmirch attackers into similar vein of a smeared Trump. Billionaires, red-necks, ex-Generals, moronic alternate media, hanger-ons for crumbs (Rudy, Newt, Chris, etc) and the likes all piled in.

All in all, a horrid disgust of the human form ravaging at each other on full display. More than enough to turn-off anyone wanting to watch the 2nd Debate. Who wants to look at an elevated blood drenched floor of two hate-filled maniacal gladiators hacking into each other.

On Debate Night the promised horror show came to pass. Then, a town hall participant posed to the hotly sparring candidates, "Can you name one thing positive that you respect in one another?"

The entire tensions in the hall evaporated into a burst of wild cheering. Two beautiful compliments were paid to each other.

Isn't it the same beautiful moment that Louis CK had described of the ecstasy, but in this case when gracious pleasantries came out to meet the whole night of ghastly Ugliness? But, this golden moment can't be savored for long as Reality will soon set in again.....

Friday, 7 October 2016

Masterful Hillary Clinton

First, she warned him he is not fit to be President as he could be easily baited.

Then, she baited him with the Khan Family sacrifice at the DNC and he swallowed hook, line and sinker.

Again, she set a trap for him at the First Presidential Debate exposing the story of Alicia Machado. Not only did he fall in like a ton of rocks into the trap but dug deeper and deeper on his own volition.

Just now, she cast her overhead end game finisher net on him in the form of a hot mic tape and it must have hurt him badly. He apologized for the first time. Can he wriggle out or be snuffed and squeezed out of the Race even before election day?

This is how Great America already is. It can cunningly winnow its own chaff. Something Trump only just found out. That's why he is always bemoaning "make America great again" without realizing how far behind the curve he is.

Imagine, a President Trump being winnowed by the Russians, Chinese, Iranians or North Koreans. America would be in Deep S**t. 

Well Done, Hillary, the real stuff Great Presidents are made of!

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Trump Taxes (Part 2)

Donald Trump is the Ultimate Gamer. Where others in America see Turmoil and Pain, Trump sees opportunities to pounce on wherever he can, to benefit himself.

When the Ultimate Gamer meets the Ultimate Cash Machines (Casinos), Fraud Fests fester uncontrolled under wraps!

Casino business is the easiest to milk. It's all about being abundantly sloshed in cash with hardly any documentary accountability trail available. Say if you lost $1,000 to a Casino, there is no invoice or receipt issued for your money departed. Inventory is cash. No receivables are on record as all dues are cash. Work-in-progress or whatever processes in placed are in the form of cash movements. The manner of record keeping is fluid and optional at the owner's whims and fancies, and can be latterly manipulatively altered after the events.

After reading the reports on Trump's 3 failed Casinos, I am persuaded that the Casinos were screwed in and out and all around.

Trump's track record even in politics now showed every time he is caught committing a wrongful deed, he spins it into something palatable and legitimate or at least he thinks so.

In one instance when casino chips siphoning was caught, Trump's dad was purported to have had given a loan of $3.5 million to that Casino of Donald's by way of purchasing Casino chips. It was more likely that the Casino chips were passed on to his dad as a conduit for siphoning cash and when caught declared as a repayment of loan. You be the judge....

Casinos are full of such avenues for cash siphoning and diverting abuses. Very accommodating to an owner with multiple types of businesses like Trump and his diversified group of companies and businesses.

The tax returns of 1995 suggested that Trump had raised capital pivoting on the Casinos' sterling reputation then and used the proceeds to fund his real-estate ventures. Then he had the audacity to claim the diverted funds as tax losses. A double windfall for himself, one at the expense of his stakeholders and the other the IRS.

Trump appeared to be so buoyant by his successes in scamming and milking his Casinos that he naturally transferred the tactics to Trump University, Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka and Trump what-have-you to scrimp pathetic benefits for himself.

Should a Special Prosecutor be appointed to investigate all of Trump's business dealings? Rudy Giuliani who brags about his many prosecutions prowess and since he will not be having a Cabinet post any time soon may want to take on this job.

Fox News Watters' Chinatown

It is precisely this kind of outbursts of offensive feelings that warm my heart knowing that this Blog serves a useful purpose in bridging East/West cultural understandings or misunderstandings in this case.

An America that mocks the highest, most powerful and richest in the land can be accused of being racists by just teasing some Chinatown passer-bys on light-hearted buffoonery election topics is enormously surprising to me.

That's why I have labeled Donald Trump a Chinaman in my Blog as one of his main characteristics is being thin-skinned.

Looks like Chinese Americans are still thin-skinned and not yet assimilated into their Fun Loving and Jokes Intoxicating host country. I am Chinese, too, and I find the clip rather amusing. It seems to me to be a mere feather tap on the face compared to the savagery of the mockery on the Late Night Shows aimed at the Presidential and VP candidates .

The normally browbeating cantankerous Bill O'Reilly can even manage to flash a facet of his rare Irish charm and called it "gentle fun".

Come on, Chinese Americans ,don't be a whiny Donald Trump. Be thick-skinned for a change and laugh it off when Bill is so nice.

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Trump Taxes

There is something far more sinister than meets the eye in the leaked tax losses of $916 million in Trump's 1995 tax returns.

The important question here is not about the tax code or system but, fundamentally, how the Casino Business could crank up such a huge loss. To the majority, if not all other Casinos around the world I am aware of, the Casinos are "Ultimate Cash Machines".

Casino Owners like Sheldon Adelson, Kirk Kerkorian, Steve Wynn, Stanley Ho, The Packer Family of Australia, etc are worth many tens of $ billions. Many rising $ multi-billionaires in Asia made their initial fortunes from Casino Operations.

For Trump to have lost so much money in his Casino Business, someone must have been helping themselves to the overwhelming mountains of cash ever bubbling over in this business. Controls are tough as transaction relationship trails and audit trails are absent or blurry in this business. It is all about cash and can't be counter-verified by connected variables such as cost of sales, inventory, receivables, payables as present in traditional businesses.

Unscrupulous person(s) could easily siphon cash away or convert them into assets to be diverted elsewhere. Very convenient for an owner with multiple types of businesses. Cash and assets get stashed elsewhere and an equal value of tax losses get booked into the Casino Business accounts that qualify as a deduction. A neat double benefit generated out of thin air. Hi Presto!

Is this the "Genius" Rudy Giuliani and Chris Christie had referred to???

This scenario is very probable as Trump refuses to release his tax returns and complains that the IRS audits him every year, indicating high suspicions of fraudulent practices.

Monday, 3 October 2016

Nigel Farage "Blows Up" Trump

Nigel has been credited with the glory of the man behind the Brexit Victory in Great Britain. Donald Trump has invited him to the 2nd Presidential Debate this Sunday, 9th October 2016.

I have spoken admiringly of Nigel's debating brilliance in my other Blog "Zeiimind".

Nigel uses impeccable facts, stringed together with beautiful language and delivered with wit and laser sharpness.

Trump uses shallow phrases, mostly self-praising mantras, a ton of lies and mean-spirited name callings.

Nigel leaves the targets of his diatribes smiling approvingly at the awesomeness of what he had just delivered. Tony Blair, Gordon Brown former Prime Ministers of Great Britain and no "push over" debaters themselves were among such targets who reacted in pleasant surrender to Nigel's masterful excoriating.

In stark contrast, Trump leaves a trail of destruction with his low-down rants provoking angry and vicious moods fueling bitter retaliations. Victims; Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Carly Florina, Marco Rubio, Rick Perry and to a lesser extent, due to their good nature, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Rand Paul, etc.

For Nigel to coach Trump in debating is like giving a very sick patient extremely rich and nutritious foods. The Richness and High Nutrients will simply kill the patient.

Let's watch out for this "Blow Up" this Sunday.