Louis CK beautifully explained why sadness is better than smartphones to Conan. In jest or in actuality (can't really read CK's mind), Louis CK made the case that when sadness is triggered and looms around you, just let it be. Don't resort to your smartphone for momentary distractions to try to cancel out the sadness.
Instead, endure and languish in the moments of the sadness. Allow them to overwhelm you if need be. Because when happiness eventually sets in and meet the sadness with full force, the ensuing ecstasy is unbelievable in releasing the pent up prolonged emotions of the sadness.
I have paraphrased Louis as I don't have his wit or brilliant use of succinct rhetoric.
The elections have been building into one depressing and tension-filled high noon crescendo. Terrible sadness taken as a whole. Nasty tax revelations. Sordid hot mic sex tape exposure with threats of counter-exposure replays of Bill's sex romps. Wikileaks. GOP traitorous desertions of Trump accompanied by moralistic rebukes. Trump surrogates retaliated with twisted heightened invective to besmirch attackers into similar vein of a smeared Trump. Billionaires, red-necks, ex-Generals, moronic alternate media, hanger-ons for crumbs (Rudy, Newt, Chris, etc) and the likes all piled in.
All in all, a horrid disgust of the human form ravaging at each other on full display. More than enough to turn-off anyone wanting to watch the 2nd Debate. Who wants to look at an elevated blood drenched floor of two hate-filled maniacal gladiators hacking into each other.
On Debate Night the promised horror show came to pass. Then, a town hall participant posed to the hotly sparring candidates, "Can you name one thing positive that you respect in one another?"
The entire tensions in the hall evaporated into a burst of wild cheering. Two beautiful compliments were paid to each other.
Isn't it the same beautiful moment that Louis CK had described of the ecstasy, but in this case when gracious pleasantries came out to meet the whole night of ghastly Ugliness? But, this golden moment can't be savored for long as Reality will soon set in again.....
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