Sunday, 30 October 2016

Trevor Noah vs Bill O'Reilly

If Donald Trump becomes President, we can catch a glimpse of the gathering Dark Storm Clouds of War, when China or any other Asian country is provoked, from a proxy East vs West jousting as demonstrated in the Fox News vs Comedy Central shows on the 3rd and 7th October 2016 respectively. An unwitting "October Surprise" that went largely unnoticed.

Watters' World has a pattern of buffoonery where Jesse Watters clowns around with the subjects in the proclaimed area of Watters' World in each show. You kinda get the fun picture from them when you are a regular follower of these episodes.

But, if a Chinese watched the "Chinatown" episode aired on the 3rd October in isolation as the only episode he had seen, he could take offense at the mindless parody of stereotyped Chinese derived from long ago shows of David Carradine, Bruce Lee and Charlie Chan. Bill O'Reilly probably has the added perspectives of "Flower Drum Songs" from the Nancy Kwan era.

Asians are generally more fragile than Westerners and readily perceive slights even in an atmosphere of clowning around. So, the AAJA with its thin skinned outlook reacted angrily at the "Chinatown" episode and demanded an apology for Asians from Fox News.

Meanwhile, a counterattack was launched against the "Chinatown" episode under the auspices of Trevor Noah's The Daily Show aired on the 7th October. Ronny Chieng, the Attack Warrior for this purpose, went nuclear at Jesse and Bill. Both of them were excoriated for not being able to distinguish between Chinese, Japanese and Korean. I feel we Asians should take some blame here for being so inscrutable and taciturn.

Ronny's tirade continued with caustic remarks like, year of the "go f**k yourself" to counter Jesse's attempts at Chinese Annual Animal Astrology probes. Ronny also heatedly raised whether it was hard to fit Bill's scrotum into Jesse's mouth. WOW! Poor Bill would experience a cocktail of pains and pleasures as Jesse chokes and suffocates. That's being generous and complimentary to Bill.

In the year of Trump's erotica bragging on a Bus Ride, no description of genitalia manipulations can be too graphic to express.

Trump exhibits a pattern of thrashing and stomping on Americans from all walks of life - women, minorities, handicapped, veterans, Gold Star Families, etc. This pattern just like Jesse's pattern of mucking around may astound many other cultures not accustomed to them and they may pick up one or two instances in isolation and out of context. 

In and of themselves these vile habits of Trump compounded by the fact that he has no discipline to adapt his tactics and demeanor in varying situations like from campaigning in the primaries to campaigning in the elections, and this inability to adapt would be even more pronounced if he were to be elevated to the Office of President, pose grave dangers of unwarranted provocations by Trump sparking off WW 3.

Donald Trump's inherent nihilism to the sensitivities and fragility of Asian Leaders makes WW 3 a Sobering Reality we all must prepare for in case of a Trump Presidency !!!

A saving grace in this Presidency could be O'Reilly who can act as Trump's Special Adviser on Chinese Affairs. He has already borne the brunt of a vitriolic "BURN".from an outraged Chinese and can guide Trump to navigate around it.

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