I judge the Fox News Anchors, Hosts and Contributors to be sophisticated gentries of remarkably stratospheric intelligence, hoovering possibly close to the third quadrant and beyond.
Especially that O'Reilly gentleman whose gentleness can be testy when interviewees or his 3 stooges (Miller, Krauthammer, Goldberg) don't agree with him. Then, in a morphing process similar to the Incredible Hulk's, he puffs up angrily and turns into a Bullying Baboon. Birds of a feather? He is a good buddy of Trump's.
His Talking Points, however, can be clever with witty logic except when it comes to Trump and Clinton. They are skewed to favor Trump and put Clinton in bad light. Though, lately, the unfairness gap is tightening as his astute instincts are informing him Clinton is going to win. See, he is reilly smart.
The naturally induced supporters of Trump tend to be innate louts and those with half-baked cerebral.
Professionals of equal intelligence to these Fox gentries outside of Fox News are vehemently for Clinton.
So, The Big Needling Puzzle is how come such a large group of smarty pants in Fox News are blatantly and aggressively rooting for a Trump victory? Top of the bill is Hannity who is mindlessly ingrained to Trump.
So much so that when Trump was under duress, like after the bad showing in the final presidential debate, he pined for Hannity and kept dragging Hannity in to vouch for his lies as truths. This incident irked Megyn Kelly so deeply as to spout riled up comments that started a cat fight between her and Hannity.
These bizarre circumstances are planting a sneaky suspicion in me. I sense there could be a huge secret bonus slush fund to be distributed, if Trump won, to these media mercenaries who had sold out their intellect and integrity.
Chris Wallace probably had to recuse his entitlement to this fund to preserve his sterling reputation of having moderated very professionally the final debate.
Megyn Kelly who has been acting weird lately on her shows may not be around for long and her new tell all book on Roger Ailes' sexual harassments, certainly had disqualified her from this fund.
What a Crying Shame!
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