Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Donald Trump the Enfant Terrible

The greatest nation on the planet is about to possibly choose an Enfant Terrible as its leader.

The rest of the world is holding its breath in bafflement of how an immensely talented nation is made up of so huge a population of Little Red Riding Hoods. Just as this lassie couldn't see the Wolf disguised as her sweet doting Grandma, they seemed incapable of discerning the Wolf in a self-serving Fraudster who cunningly holds himself out to be their Savior.

If this Incorrigible Narcissistic Con Artiste is elected, America will slip into 4 Annus Horribilis. In a year of graphic obscene language being slung around recklessly throughout the country, I want to assure Americans that "Annus" is decent Latin for "year" and not what you may be thinking after a deluge of Trump language.

Queen Elizabeth II of England was so irascibly in abhorrence of her two daughters-in-law's lascivious activities flaunted in public in 1992 that she had termed that year as her Annus Horribilis. Her horrible year. Latin was used as an emphatic expression of her extreme feelings of displeasure at members of her family, as is the case now for the feelings of the majority of people in the world regarding the sad state of America.

Her first daughter-in-law shared her adulterous escapades openly with the World Media. Her second daughter-in-law was exposed with her toes licked and sucked by a man not her husband on a holiday tryst. Both were still married to their respective Royal Princes when the events occurred.

Donald Trump is an amalgam of the crass male version of these two High Society Ladies plus one maniacal Adolf Hitler. An explosively apocalyptic melange!

Take a very serious moment to contemplate the horrendous damage and destruction wrought upon this planet in 4 Supremus Annus Horribilis of a Trump Presidency.

The World's Fate is sealed in the American Ballot Box. That's why we are voicing out and not just about being busybodies.

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