Donald John Trump is a 21st Century John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
JFK in his youthful idealism planned to take on the Unions, Mobs and Big Government, and inevitably met with tragic consequences.
Trump has declared war on the Media, a potent segment of his own GOP party, Wall Street, the Defense Industrial Complexes and many other Corporate Lobbyists, etc. Though his antagonists are of the milder species, Big Money is still the common denominator. He must therefore maneuver adroitly to avoid perhaps the fate of JFK.
At the campaign stage, he faced tremendous odds and uphill battles with attacks and nasty curved balls thrown at him by prominent GOP Top Brass, the Media, Women's Groups, A-List Entertainers, Billionaires and even the First Couple from the WH.
I can only see his election win under these incredibly extenuating circumstances as a Mandate from Heaven.
Many readers think my beliefs in the Ancient Chinese Philosophies and Traditions as being loony especially when I apply them to present World Situations. But, they have been really helpful and reliable in explaining Trump's trajectory to the WH.
My predictions 9 months ago based on such Ancient Chinese Feng Shui Models as elucidated in "Emperor Trump" and "Monkey US President" had proven to be prescient about Trump's Affairs and Events leading to the November 8 result upset.
Emperors in China knew that when they were anointed with the Mandate from Heaven, they must discharge their duties and responsibilities with Honor and Justice. Those that failed to do so saw their venerable Dynasties which had been painstakingly established by their ancestors vanquished in less than a generation.under them.
Donald Trump, intriguingly imbibed with Chinese Traits, is savvy enough to conduct his Presidency faithfully in this regard to fulfill his desire for a Trump Dynasty to blossom drawing from the talents of his promising Children.
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