Sunday, 20 November 2016

Trump Won with Buddha's Mind

Albert Einstein had the mind of Buddha. Take away the time buffer of 2,600 years and the infecting respective contemporary accouterments, one can say Buddha's and Einstein's minds are on an equal plane, perhaps separated by some degree of meditation intensity.

Einstein had the shoulders of Giants of Science before him to stand upon to conduct his experiments and to mull on his thoughts.

Buddha used his time-independent and raw mind power to interpret his experiences as augmented through reference to Indian Scriptures of his time. It was the power made possible by the extreme conditions of his life - once upon a time basked in princely avarice and latterly in abject poverty after abandoning the comforts of Palace life as motivated by his spiritual calling.

In an arduous life journey of seeking the "Truth", Buddha concluded that reality is virtual. Repeated reincarnation is necessary until our perceived realities are refined to coincide with the Universal Truth. Then only we reach Nirvana and break out of the cycle of reincarnation.

This conclusion of life's experiences being a virtual reality was also reached through the pursuits of Quantum Theory by Einstein, Bohr, Planck and the rest of the gang of 1923. Our consciousness and observations affect matter. It is a case of mind over matter. Therefore, reality is personal to each individual depending on the person's experience and mind intensity.

Those with powerfully developed reality sets along the lines of the principles of Buddha like Trump can overcome those with scattered and lower senses of reality. Trump used this gift aggressively while Buddha was gentle and compassionate.

Ancient seeking produced a Sage, modern seeking produces skill sets.

Trump's achievements in seeking wealth and fame created the powerful virtual realities in his outlook that enabled him in the GOP primaries to vanquish the other 16 contenders with obviously less sophisticated realities.

In Trump's heightened state of mind, he is able to embed his past into his future and vice versa, through his unique dual-directional time entanglements (a Buddha like quality) in his sea of superior realities. Realities enriched from constant new experiences as he pushes himself into the next or different thing. In this way he exudes fast changing adaptive and empathetic states. His past indiscretions could not hurt him.

This Maverick Manifestation attracts enhancing talents and resources at the material points of inflection in Trump's striving. This is evident in the latecomers who bolstered his campaign.

Hillary Clinton's life experiences though impressive did not entail the dexterous mind calisthenics that Trump's has undergone. In her staidly proficient habits she became moored and mill stoned in the past, missing out on opportunities and breakthroughs that flirted her paths.

The 2016 presidential election was A Battle of Minds. Obviously, Trump's Buddha Mind prevailed.

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